
White Power

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Dems are so pissed off on tw*tter it's hilarious reading all the salt


The SJW's are going to be so salty.

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It's a white world now liberals get used to it

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instead of the super bowl winner hat, if he put on a MAGA hat, it would be the greatest troll move in history.

A Jew is gonna get MVP though


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Fuck niggers

Fuck spics

Fuck kikes

And FUCK jannies

Anti-white commies BTFO

He’s honorary according to Nuremberg



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I’ve never watched the super bowl, bored by tv sports, but I’m still glad the patriots won just for the irrational salt.

White guys dominated the fuck out of niggers today. No wonder leftists hate the patriots and Brady.

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Race war is over, whites win again.

Hope LA burns to the ground tonight (:

The Nuremberg laws are retarded, one drop rule or nothing.

He tested positive for roids.

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what a fucking snoozefest.


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>LA caring about football over fucking each other up the ass.

everyone is mad
this is awesome

all the MSM ads about how we need them lol

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Bledsoe's old number :'(

Sad nigger

White supremacisy confirmed



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>.t every player in the league

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Damn I love it. God bless this timeline

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It's blatant

post it

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Just. Keeps. Winning.
>thanks for the update OP.


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niggers have to be sent back to Africa

Black people BTFO



Niggers BTFO

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G-d's work

Fucking owned.

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>being a nigger

so tasty

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Hahaha wow

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Try to get rid of the term mischling

I'd be more shocked if a player didn't test positive

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Can someone catch me up on what went down? I don't know a damn thing about football

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The good guys won.

It keeps the noggins knockin

Post more salt. It empowers me.

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This made me lol also


Patriots won again. A lot of faggot lefties think they are racists bc Brady, Belichick, and the owner Kraft support Trump. They also have the most white skill players in the league.

holy shit. the word racist has no meaning anymore.

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Trump supporter's team won the championship. Left is mad and calling him a racist for no reason.

So New Orleans in the Super Bowl wouldn't have mattered?


thats good

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Hear hear ole chap! Well done! Bravo!

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>owner Kraft

>The Krafts were an observant Orthodox Jewish family.



I'm a patriot fan now..just because.

which timeline is this?
Kraft is Jewish but is called racist and pol loves him

Patriots are the team for people who want to root for champions.


Literal intellect of a 5-year old

the take a W when you didnt even know there was one .. low effort but well deserved

Rent free

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And Jews

Who cares. The white team won the super bowl and leftists are crying. That's all that matters right now.

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Why are all those nogs calling Brady racist? What did he do exactly?

Guy at MAGA Patriots party: "Somewhere out there is some weird bitch named bisexual squirrel moon emoji crying her team lost LOL"


Or live in New England, or are white.

She’s right here’s a pic of some of them heading home from their Super Bowl party

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There's nothing to burn but an already destroyed city.

Right. Saltmines as always.

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>we been new
Based autocorrect trying to translate BIX NOOD tribe-speak into English.

Still had a fun night watching with my mixed race family. White supremacy is slowly being brought closer to its knees everyday. Fuck whites

Hes white and he's better than them and they're just salty niggers. Their loser opinions are irrelevant. The white man won today. WHITE POWER

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Had a MAGA hat in his locker one time during election season. Mostly it's jealousy. He's won 6 SBs knocked up Giselle and Bridget Moynahan.

Nothing pisses them off more than a successful white.

that injured Jow Forumsack pushed through his injury and that catch potentially won them the game or else they'd be tied. typical selfless sacrifice from the glorious Jow Forumse, for the greater of the whole...

the SJW fears the stronk Jow ForumsACK!!!

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>bisexual squirrel



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The Patriots are American heroes. Tom Brady is basically Captain America.

That ad was hilarious
I hope shooting journalists becomes a national pastime by 2020

Saved. God bless you user

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>be white and not hate trump

oh wow cool
look at me go

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White people may be great at sports but yall will never get back control of your countries. Wite people will go extinct lmaooo

he can't keep getting away with it
>tfw remembering being a little boy and tom brady taking a huge dump on the superbowl
>all the media kikes were like
>omfg who is this guy