Well, Jow Forums?

Well, Jow Forums?

Attached: DhIlzogU0JAJl9z.jpg (624x629, 81K)

they were born to a legal citizen and a naturalized legal citizen, so after OP and his crew.

fucking hate myself for taking bait; but,
they're legal and white. that easy

Attached: OPisaFaggot.jpg (735x545, 89K)

Democrats are really this retarded.

Attached: NLDugGD.jpg (645x729, 34K)

5 out of 5 are the children of an American citizen? Are you being retarded on purpose?

Why should they leave?

Birthright citizenship, with a citizen father.
In other words, OP is a faggot.

They don't have to. They're Dreamers.
