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KEK glorious

Salt thread??

kill yourselves for watching sportsball

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I just like how angry you fags get when the Pats win.

>Jeremy Wein
>Jeremy Whine

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They’re triggered

t. seething kike

except they scripetd it
one team wins 3 every decade

sportsball is a jew invention to bleed money off of you retards

No shit, you jsut can't handle Jow Forums laughing at crying mentally ill Jews on twitter.

>implying I give a fuck about niggerball
if you don't enjoy the lamentations of blue checkmarks on twitter I don't know what to tell you

what? that doesnt even make sense

Yeah it does. Imagine being as inbred and mentally ill as an ashkenazi jew. No wonder you hate the world. You hate yourself.

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They are mad because they wanted a team that would refuse Trumps invitation to win.

>anthony LaGoy

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>one team wins 3 every decade
This. They did it with the Steelers when they were deindustrializing Pittsburgh in the 70s

I honestly can't tell if this is real or a troll anymore.

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This is great. All it takes is one of these commie lunatics to Franz Ferdinad some poor bastard and then antifa will be hung from trees

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Lol this is why I just "logged on" to 4chanpol lmfafaoirllolmao


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Kek. You Israelis must hate your lives to be on Jow Forums shilling all day every day. Don't worry you'll be killed by muslims soon while Jow Forums posts frog memes and laughs at idiots like you dying on livestream.

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Because making America great again goes against their religion of communism.

Not just gaudy rings.

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I honestly can't belive Israelis like you are so degenerate and devoid of humanity you think these shitty memes are good. Think about how fucking retarded you people are for once in your lives. Israelis are chosen by God for only 1 thing. To die to the muslims.

Kraft is a pro tranny pro homo mega Zionist Jew closely affiliated with Soros, Bronfman and whole host of Israeli meddlers...seriously, Edelman is a jew faggot, and the team is mostly black...are ya'll all fucking retarded?



>Spanish for “The Goy”

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Brady is also a crypto jew btw a total piece of non human trash


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ynetnews.com/articles/1,7340,L-3227037,00.html Brady visists the land of pedophilia fag parties and ethnic cleansing

A literal kike won Super Bowl MVP for Pats.


browns 3 champs in the 50s
packers 1 champ and first two superb owls in the 60s
steelers 70s
49ers 80s
cowboys 90s
pats 00s
pats 2010s
remember how we've been under the patriot act that whole time too?
they love destroying shit and laughing all the way to the bank while doing so

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Hanged. They will be HANGED from trees.

They aren't tapestries.

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Isn't calling someone orange racist? Clearly that's judging someone based on their skin color.

I thought Democrats were pro satan

they all are

>I thought Democrats were pro satan
Well it's obviously projection since Trump is a warrior of God.


>Kraft is a tiny hatted foreskin stealing demon


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Tom Brady is a false flag. He gave a shout out to Gillette Stadium tonight. Bellicheck's granddaughter wore a white pussy hat. The maga hat was placed there to keep white males viewing NFL.


You don't get it. The niggers and that Jew faggot wouldn't be getting any rings, or anywhere for that matter, without White Men (Brady, Belichick, etc.). The non-White Pats players know this and they accept it, just like the other non-Whites who figured it out a long time ago.
To you niggers, kikes, and other non-white shitskins everywhere: Only the White Man can lead humanity to the stars, and conquer it for the glory of the human race. The Jews don't matter. The niggers don't matter. All manner of Chinks don't matter. Only Whites matter.

Excellent. Love when beta faggots let the hate eat at them.

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lol wow

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Anyone who says "sportsball" needs to be dragged into the street and beaten unconscious. That term is the epitome of basedboy leftist holier-than-thou smugness

Do you think Israelis deserve to die, yes or no?

>Brady married his half billionaire wife in a devout Catholic ceremony with her, has 3 children, is permanently insulated from divorce rape, is the best American sportsman in history

he truly is blessed by God

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How the fuck are they always this goddamn mad?
This is beyond mad.
This is beyond assmad.
This is beyond platinum mad.
This is mad that alters the physics of what it means to be assmad.
Studying this kind of assmad is a soft science all the fuck over again despite having every level of mad mapped.
Professional Asspain Science is being forced to recalculate the coefficient for the Absolute Butthurt Horizon because of these creatures.
They'd enter a wormhole and pop out in Negro Dimension Prime, where Cam Newton ushered in 5+ super bowl rings and everyone there would still be fucking mad.

What the fuck is wrong with them?

Watch it with the focus on enjoying seeing niggers get brain damaged, and a white man dominating a niggers game and always playing the chaddest position

>u watch the game??? yesterday??? black man SO POWERFUL

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fuckin brilliant

What's interesting about this is that New Englander's love the Patriots, yet are so cucked that they would be confused about whether to be ashamed of their white privilege after reading these comments. I wonder what Elizabeth Warren has to say since she (((represents))) Massachusetts.

>fuckin brilliant
Imagine being such worthless people that when shills make shitty forced memes they need other shills to pretend like they're "fuckin brilliant" even though they aren't creative or funny at all. This is why kikes need to spam bullshit memes all over Jow Forums because they aren't good at all.

What does Harry Potter have to do with this?
Why do I feel like a 97 year, what is #Sorry Potter

>receive all the gibs
>*smacks lip* yo fugg amurica, naamean?

>i'm a faggot

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Daniel Radcliffe was chimping out in an interview for Brady having a MAGA hat in his locker.

if you people payed attention to detail kikes scripted that game. how many times did the play clock reset anons? give me a fuckin break

dont give them the satisfaction theyre asking for then you fucking idiot

You people are so gullible. Insufferably gullible. The NFL knew they lost their base and planted that stupid maga hat to add controversy and intrigue into the NFL to keep stupid white people watching. He publicly thanked Gillette in his acceptance speech.

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>You people are so gullible. Insufferably gullible. The NFL knew they lost their base and planted that stupid maga hat to add controversy and intrigue into the NFL to keep stupid white people watching. He publicly thanked Gillette in his acceptance speech.
do you think anyone here watches the NFL? Mining salt on twitter and exploiting these situations is only for entertainment. Fuck all sports.

antifa needs a cheerleading team with sexy girls

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Love all this salt.

It turns the normies.

Obama wouldn't have let this happen smdh

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Sportsball is actually an english invention designed to teach young gentlemen the rugged masculine values needed to thrive in the Empire.

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they look great, but smell terrible

>Come on Tom. Just pass the ball.

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Friendly reminder these cunts spend every waking moment hooked up to the shitlib outrage machine. EVERY SECOND they are getting this filth fed directly to them from their (((smartphone))).

Just imagine living your life in a perpetual rage stewed by an endless flood of Orange Man Bad NPC comments. I know I would go nuts.

Someone’s getting bleached

u mad black boi?

whats trump serving the patriots?

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white faggot should be able to get better than that