Liberal Tears

Search "tom brady racist" on twitter


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Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: pats win again.jpg (585x668, 138K)

>make the super bowl about race
>get BTFO
why do they do this?

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Well it happened to Jow Forums last year

how did he do it?

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its all they have in life misery

Black history month happens during the shortest month off the year for a reason:

1 day each for every black father in America.

What did the ball thrower guy do to be called racist?

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but the Patriots won last year too under the same "racist team" pretenses. "Trump's team"

Blew out Talcum X so badly he deleted his tweets last year

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>Team has multiple black players on it
>Supporting them is racist because one guy out 50 wore a maga hat
Leftists are actually retarded.

I share a planet with these people kill me

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Bro these are so retarded it depressed me

Ooooo dis nigga salty af

why are random roasties verified?

>the work
These people are lunatics. They need to be put down.

>6 rings
>6 more years

Attached: ohp1ymwuxge21[1].jpg (390x260, 8K)

>men kissing

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was just thinking this
who would pretend to be this nobody?

>all them digimon

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6 years
6 pallets of burgers
6 rings
60 foot high wall
6 scoops

dilly dilly

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>have to suffer endless SJW/nigger loving commercials that don't even sell a product
>'white supremacist' team wins again

worth watching that shit show just for that.

I wish I could have a guy like Tom. Fuck my life.

All that word even means anymore, is that the "racist" (WHITE) person doesn't reflexively bend the knee to every black person they see.

supports Donald 'Literally Hitler' Trump

fuck after reading these, it's almost like niggers will quit watching football

They lost last year. They won the year before that. Lol.

Came to post this
>every single year, they celebrate before the contest is over
>it’s Election Day all over again

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I’m starting to think black people don’t know what racist means!!!!

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Rolling for brady to put a maga hat on


>take a knee, niggers

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Boy are they mad. Just imagine how mad they’ll be when they realize they spent all their EBT & SNAP benefits on their superbowl parties and will starve when nothing arrives later this month.

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They literally don't. To them it's a magic word that lets them get their way and they don't realize they are running out of mana.

Oh wait...

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Brady needs to wear the maga hat for all press conferences.

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>Kaepernick supported BLM
>BLM was primarily about stopping police brutality
So Tom Brady is pro-police brutality? I'm not understanding the point she's trying to make.

>the feetsball team I don't like winning is RAYCISS
These people deserve actual truck dragging, tree lynching racism to remind them what it actually looks like.

It’s about time for the Trump curse to smite whiny traitor Donnie Wahlberg.



all these nog, roastie and hebrew tears sustain me

>they are still unironically using "Drumpf"

Attached: drumpf.png (582x635, 80K)

I'm fully convinced that twitter is a parody site



>I'm fully convinced that twitter is a parody site
hundreds of millions have been censored since 2016 and now it's mostly a social engineering botnet. I mean it was a social engineering botnet before but now there's almost no actual organic coversation

listen sweatiest, bom drady supports bonald dlompf. So he is racist, and so is everyone on the Patriots and anyone who likes them. It's really that simple. And that's a good thing.


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>nazi patriots
>orange satan

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>huge sacrifice for equity

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>I am currently matching patterns outside my base programming
>Please validate my opinion
The NPC shit on twitter was absolute gold & proof its only purpose is a mass media psyop circlejerk.

Why does everything have to be political now? Politics has consumed every form of entertainment and people are forcing a political message/meaning into absolutely everything.

You Republifags are the only ones watching Nigball. Look at the South. This generation doesn't care for your Nigball anymore.

When did Donnie get to be such a cuck? Oh wait...

>Why does everything have to be political now? Politics has consumed every form of entertainment and people are forcing a political message/meaning into absolutely everything.
Because Jews are losing and they need to make everything D&C race baiting propaganda. They can't handle reality without D&C race baiting because then we'd all see that zionist jews are the problem.

Yes, none of these faggots watched it, they're just bitching about shit with zero knowledge, as usual.

i don't know if you've noticed sWheaties, but the orange president is actually Hitler?

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I just wanted to play video games and watch sportsball...

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Elizabeth said
>you can have any of these pre approved political beliefs and not be evil.

You have to constantly remind everyone why that other side is bad & everything is their fault.
Otherwise they might stop seething long enough to focus on (((You))) & solve the actual fucking problem.

Aren't there black players on the Patriots too, or do they not count for some reason

Fun fact: Those types of women want white dick the most.

>Pats come out to rock like good boys and get a huge pop
>Rams come out to nignog babble and get booed out the arena

Based and redpilled.

These people need to be culled.

Brady keeps them in a tight leash. That's what makes them work so well.

The Left probably sees them as Uncle Toms since they play for the Pats.

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Everything is about race to the race baiters. They have absolutely nothing else in their lives.

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>Merchant rock

God damn, either that is one obscure ass merchant or my brain is entirely ruined.
Likely the latter.

Post #2 is challenging her programming, uh oh.

Isn't that even more racist than whatever they're complaining about

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For y'all

#AnimeRight #PatsWin

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I know you're shitposting, but these people aren't Someone long ago coined a term for this ridiculous logic

I don't even like sportsball. But, they've made everything unenjoyable.

Yeah, I guess you have to constantly confirm the boogeyman is real, because if he's not your resistance kind of falls apart. But, it's gotten to the point the msm doesn't even have to push the division and fan the flames, it's taken legs all on its own.

Any black that doesn't act like an abominable nigger is considered a traitor or de-facto white.
I overheard a number of blacks calling Obama an Uncle Tom because he "spoke good".

I picked it randomly but it now we know what beach is behind all these tweets.

It's almost as if this was engineered to make people support the Patriots and buy their merchandise.

>it's gotten to the point the msm doesn't even have to push the division and fan the flames
Yes and no; look at Kavanaugh.
I have lefty friends IRL, not a single fucking one of them watched the actual hearings all of them got their talking points from lefty media & bought it 100% & parroted those talking points constantly.

Or the Rams. Depends on which political feetsball team you vote for.

Yep, they did this to themselves

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So now Reddit is going to buy a bunch of patriots jerseys and record staged videos of patriots fans getting harassed by SJWs for their Facebook pages and YouTube channels.

>orange satan
these people really have lost it LMAO

Laughs in irrelevant channel

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>"white people can't compete against blacks"
>lose their shit over the best (white) QB winning another superbowl


Blame the left. All the right is is reactionary. You don't have rightists saying "Hey lets insert our agenda in X" You have rightests saying "Leftists inserted their agenda in X and I'm pissed".

Listen to the salt from this Kaepernick nigger bitch:

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>telling people how you should feel about football and who the GOAT is
>a woman


>I'm moving to Canada

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