Hello there dear. How does it feel that India, the greatest nation in the world...

Hello there dear. How does it feel that India, the greatest nation in the world, is going to surpass all of your shitty nations, that are almost as shitty as Pakistan, economically, militarily, and scientifically within a year. It is almost 2020 and India will be a super-duper superpower that no one, especially not Pakistan, will ever be able to surpass ever again. Stay mad subhumans of Jow Forums. All of the beautiful ladies of Jow Forums please post pictures of your beautiful feet, bobs, and vagene. Bitch Lasagne.

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Pakistan number one

Hahahaha that's funny because you unibrow fucking freaks have chimp children climbing and wrecking everything because your kind has no value or manners. You eat with your hand you wipe with them, your shit children fuck things up and you let them. You're dirty, smell like shit because of your curry.

I haven't ran into a single fuck of you who is decent. All of you are smelly, rude as fuck, can't understand morals, needs to complain about everything until you get it for free.

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Get out of here you pakistani dog. I will fuck you in the ass.


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I for one welcome our new brown overlords

>His legs

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Don't Indians have leg day? You would think they would have great calves with all that squatting and shitting in the streets

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Fuck off Ahmed. Indians do not shit on streets. Only Pakistani subhumans do.

You're just jealous that Australians such as yourself can't get big like the average Indian.

every time an ancap memefleg posts, it's a sexually repressed indian man crying for attention

You are just mad that you are a 147 cm manlet and will never be as handsome and tall as an Indian man.

Every time a Euro memeflag posts, it's a sickly kike who wants to oppress the Indians like the British did to trillions of Indians in the British Raj.

Paki? Where did that come from? You're a fucking street rat.


You fuck off, you son of bastard bitch

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I traveled to China and I had balckas and Indians offer me illegal stuff all the time. But it was only the Indians who offered children. You sick pedophile fucks. All you middle east people rape children.

The USA choice you as customer service/AI and you guys were so fucking pathetically bad at your job that we resort entirely to robots now.

Did you deny the offer because you thought the kids would be unattractive? I would do the same.


Sick nig nog

Those are all Pakistanis.
HAHAHAHA. Those are all lies. Here is your average Amerifat.

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Lies from who? Your kind literally face to face offered.

You guys are freaks. Marry 14 yo and shit.

A billion people and you'll only be a superpower by 2030? The soviet union was a superpower within twenty with 160 million. You giys have had since 48. Disgusting. P.s your women are ugly. Priya Rai is the only hot Indian I know off and shes a whore.

Yeah haha. Those were the days. *wipes tear

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How does it feel knowing you’re infeiror to us and have to make up bullshit on the internet to make yourself feel better about being a shitskin from the third world

>Middle East

>Australians such as yourself
Curry yourself, Vinay

Fucking racist anglo. I will rape your ass.

you dont have toilets.

your woman are gross.

Hey pajeet, tell me some bad words i can yell at your dumb countrymen when they call and try to scam me

Call them madarchod. It means motherfucker. Polite and straight to the point.

Don't you need the prep Ahmed to fuck your wife, faggot? Kys

>greatest nation
>have, yet, to surpass another one

Yeah, very interesting

Rullllle Britannia Brittania rule the waves.

A billion people and you'll only be a superpower by 2030? The soviet union was a superpower within twenty with 160 million. You giys have had since 48. Disgusting. P.s your women are ugly. Priya Rai is the only hot Indian I know off and shes a whore.

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isnt it time for a thick foul smelling curry shit in a street near you, pajeet?

Hey thanks guy

Britannia is now a Pakistani country. Pay your TV tax Ahmed