Was this the only decent commercial of the Super Bowl this year?

Was this the only decent commercial of the Super Bowl this year?

I feel like it was so good itll be shit on in the media some time tomorrow

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kinda cringe but at least the virtues they are signalling are positive

>kias are so american
nigger please

Literally just the opposite of the Gillette ad, besides outright playing up to controversy. Another soulless mega-corporation pandering to a demographic by attaching itself to a sappy and empty feel-good image.

Compared to the leftist garbage this was very wholesome.

a sober thinking Strayan, what do you know...

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Lmao gook carts are so American

Just as gay as their cars.

yeah your absolutely "we're fucking pathetic" whining blacked georgia commercial was based dude

Fucking Korean cars. This shit would be more uplifting if these were American fucking cars. Not this gook shit.


Fun fact:

Second time West Point, GA/Lanett, AL was featured in a a national commercial.



>Implying that's not even more insidious
The commercials that attempt to manipulate or prey upon human emotions using otherwise irrelevant feel good stories and attaching them to their products is one of the most vile forms of propaganda imo.

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Asian cars are made more in America then '' Ford '' i.e Mexican made vehicles

I'm not going to buy a fucking Kia I just liked the commercial

All but TWO commercials had NIGGERS front and center. You’d think this fucking country was 60% black. So sickening. The CONSTANT nigger coddling and white guilt social justice virtue signaling is fucking nauseating.

The Hyundai commercial with Jason Bateman was actually pretty funny desu

Jesus Christ man. Do you function in life? When you wake up do you have conversations with other people?

The best commercial was the bud light game of thrones. One of the only two without niggers.

>Y2K = Yes 2 Kia
Fuck I'm old

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Best commercial was buble, by far

This sounds like some Donald Draper truth shit right here

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Like it or not, advertising has always been a part of culture and the manipulation of it. Look at how ads have been weaponized for the pushing of miscegenation. Seeing ads like this is a positive thing overall, even if they are just trying to sell cars.

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It’s a crime to pay more than a dime

The only alternatives to this image are crime/being an outlaw, or asceticism. Because you are going to work, buy stuff(which is the same as consuming stuff BTW), and like everyone, you will die.

"White people build things and are America."

Great. Even the nig had obviously high white admixture.

>person shares opinion
>omg wtf do u even talk to ppl??!!

The thing is the image in your post shows that corporations just soullessly latch onto a sentiment popular with whatever demographic they want to sell their products to, with no care about actually supporting the ideas they're attaching to their corporate brand. Does Coke currently espouses any of the virtues of Aryan superiority or nationalism? No, they only attached their image to that because it would've led to a few more sales in 1930s Germany. Does KIA really give a shit about American manufacturing or American small-town family values? Of course not, and I guarantee they're doing shit all to help bring back those manufacturing jobs that small-town whites in the States used to have decades ago. Let's just film this half-assed ad with a kid wearing a cowboy hat talking about some sappy bullshit because our focus groups showed that this'll appeal to the average demographic watching the Superbowl.

The hilarious thing is that the idea of this ad having a "positive" affect on culture is baseless. This ad will barely be a blip on the radar. No articles will be written about this, it won't make articles, twitter will barely react to it. Ads these days only have an affect on culture if they're controversial and spark outrage. This ad, outside of being sappy bullshit, is a pretty milquetoast, average boring ad. It might net a few more sales for KIA vehicles, but that's about it. It's a shit ad even if you agree with it's sappy, bullshit sentiment.

>You will forget about us. But you will remember us by this shitty generic midrange kia that I tightened a single bolt on

So inspiring.

Think BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, BASF, or IGFarben gave a shit?
No company or political leaders actually give a shit. Giving a shit is for lesser people.

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