I just don't get it

Knowing what we know now, how can it be that any white American or European could unironicly think the Nazis were the bad guys?

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What do you think you know exactly?

It was British Vs Germans for them like it was in the previous war.

Because the Nazis killed and displaced millions in a genocidal war of conquest.

Redditor fucking leave or I will make you

>muh Indiana jones

My comment was intended for and OP doesn't know much it seems

Hitler was right Mein Kampf is a wholesome path free of jewish trickery and minority albatrosism

Spot on

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Damn you really are a little r/politics faggot

but you're wrong!

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So tyranny is good? Being nothing more than a serf to your rulers is good?

Yeah instead we get to be slaves to the raving hordes of kikes, niggers, and commies. Much better

>War of comquest
>Asked for peace with England twice

Reatards we was declared on Germany because Hitler made the reichmark a currency controlled by Germany’s government not controlled by international bankers in the federal reserve

No, Britain and France declared war on Germany in response to Germany invading Poland.

Nice meme stupid kike

if you know anything
you can't.

Stop calling them nazi's. They were Germany

I was at the Bloomsburg county fair, and a WWll veteran was at a stand. He told me the same line, "If it weren't for us, you'd be speakin' German now" . I wish I had that response. I wish I had that damn response.

They were our people, and last hope of survival against the hatred of the Jew and shitskin

Hitler and the US would not have gone to war either.
At least not as part of WWII.
Not that Germany wouldnt have lost anyway.
But even assuming the Reich did envelope the US. I doubt the German language would have been compulsory. Maybe for those that wished for higher positions in the Reich...I wonder how that timeline is doing?
When do you think Uncle Addy would have died?
If only they had worked on the bomb...

How can any White American or Euro think that the Germans are not a race created by Jews with the sole purpose of creating crisis that only benefit Jews.

Yeah...that really helped Poland...a year too late and they get their asses handed to them.
No, it was just to destroy the Reich, Poland was the excuse.

The allies killed far more civilians than the Germans did...far...far more.

how were they the good guys in any conceivable way?

That only makes them the same as the Americans or the British, hypocrite.

no thats not true at all.
its not even close. The amount of Soviet and Chinese killed by the Germans and Japanese is about 10 times more than losses sustained by the axis

As did the British, the question is who you're sacrificing and why

Nazis were both perpetrators and victims. They unintentionally fought a war with the commies for us and kept western Europe commie free at the cost of a terrible war resulting in millions of dead Germans. They're bad because we fought a war with them and then afterwards apparently there was some kind of genocide uncovered that nobody on this board can seem to pull together exactly what happened. The books I read in high school said it was really bad though, I can't imagine that public education would propagate unconfirmed information.

So do you deny that Germany invaded Poland?
If they wanted to destroy Germany, they had plenty of excuses prior to the invasion of Poland. The remilitarization of the Rhineland, the annexation of Austria, the Sudetenland and then all of Czechoslovakia. With all this appeasement, it doesn’t seem like the allies were exactly eager to fight Germany.

They murdered their own citizens because of German Autism.

They murdered poles, because they weren't german enough.
They murdered French because they weren't German enough.
They murdered Finns because they weren't German enough.
They murdered Norwegians because they weren't German enough.

The Americans murdered them because they were German enough.

Get fucked Whermaboo

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>Tfw you will never get to have a traditional wife and family in a healthy non degenerate society

>Tfw you will never be able to join the American SS and rise the ranks and make the Fuhrer proud

Why even live bros

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>*dabs on his ancestors graves*
>*Culturally evolved to accept all Europeans under their multicultural banner of "white"*
>"Yeah those Germans we're right about going for the Jews, than the Poles, then the French (accidentally the Netherlands and Belgium), took Denmark and Norway, and..."

Yes Germany asked Britain for peace twice and were rejected both times imagine taking every even in human history at face value

When and how did the US get jewed? When did ZOG start?

Because you got brainwashed by kikes just like us.

Why would you throw your weapon down if you still intended to fight.

Guy is an idiot

Pls explain how the Nazis would invade north America.

>war of conquest
That's an odd way of spelling 'self defense.' You may want to work on that...

Nazis were not bad guys. They fucked up Britain and my country became free. Also they used Swastika. Pretty badass.

yeah well hes just a football player so you can't expect much

Cause it's a lot more fun to shoot from MG42

The redditors itt aren't wrong, though. Why should former Soviets, Czechs, Poles, etc become literal anti-ancestral cuckolds? Just because a few burgers across the pond are larping as natsocs online, why should they want you as an ally? Why would YOU want a cuckold for an ally?

The only mind boggling phenomenon is why so many said larpers here honestly believe that the defeat of the Reich or Soviet scheming were direct causes of Islamization, feminism, demoralization, whites as minorities in their own countries, etc. As if the victorious west had no choice but to sign mass migration policies decades after the battle of Berlin. It's cute to think that these regimes struck back from beyond the grave to take everyone down with them, that Hirohito got revenge by unleashing anime, but the truth is they wouldn't be able to imagine what the Allies have done to themselves.

The Spanish, British and French displaced and killed many times more people when they conquered three quarters of the world.
(((something))) is missing from your argument.

It was there from the start, evolved with the Fed

Germany had broken every agreement they made with Britain at that point, and would go on to break their agreement with the Soviets. Only a fool would take Hitler at his word.
You know it isn’t self defense if you instigate it right?

Everyone talks about Hitler... but what about leon degrelle

Because Americans are disgusting cucks, along with most of the White race.

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>but the truth is they wouldn't be able to imagine what the Allies have done to themselves.

You have never read anything or heard anythign Hitler said, right.

Whats happening now, was literally his reason why he hated democracy, capitalism and communism.

>literally be the cause of over 50,000,000 Europeans deaths and give Jews propaganda ammo for eternity
Oh wow I have no clue why whites don’t love these guys

Because the jews uses the presses to manufacture reality in allied countries and had sank them into an economic depression as soon as the German began kicking back at the end of WW1.
Essentially it’s jewish control over finance which created a need for the paycheque of a soldier and a non stop manufacturing of reality by crying the ebil Germans in the newspapers and radios every single day. If you look at the media now the jews are still manufacturing reality through the press in the form of miscegenation, multiculturalism/internationalism, cosmopolitanism, homosexuality, transgenderism etc
Jews manufacture reality and it boils down to their control of money and usury

Most of those deaths are whites on whites, it should be resisting the nazis that is shameful

Redditor. Here on this board. A womb invasion and a genocide are the same thing. War tactics. Get with the program or get the fuck out.


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If a guy tries to save me but still hurts me because of something out of his control, does that make him a bad guy?

How does one larp as themselves?

that what everyone is doing

>They murdered Finns
Nigger what timeline are you from?

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