When did you realize that Hitler was right?

When did you realize that Hitler was right?

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when I was 12

Always knew he was right. I'm Romanian and we love Hitler, Germans, National Socialism

2011 was when I realized jews did 911. When I looked in to what else the jews did, I quickly discovered that they lied about the Holocaust. I've been fighting the jews ever since then.

about the same time i realized these (((internationalists))) want me broke, dead, my kits raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny

>I’ve been shitposting on Jow Forums ever since

I checked out Mein Kampf from the local library when I was like 12. I was told he was a bad guy but didn't know why, and was surprised that he'd written a book and that it was available at the library, so I read it. Later in school I never really got fed all the bullshit about the holohoax so I never got seriously bluepilled before I found /new/.

just now thanks OP

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10th grade. Had a based history teacher who pointed out how the jews betrayed Germany in WWI and destroyed them after the war.

Being forced to read Ann Frank and other holohoax books in English the same year convinced me he was right.

>put jews in comfy concentration camps
>go on a killing rampage of white men all over europe
He was (((ourguy)))

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I’m gonna call bullshit on that. Jews were disproportionately overrepresented in the German army during WW1, and many Jews in neutral countries supported the central powers because of how badly they were treated in Czarist Russia. If anything, Germany betrayed the Jews.

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About the time I realised that we haven’t secured the existence of our people or a future for them lil mother fuckers

"Betrayed" the jews? Why the fuck should Germans give a single shit about jews or base any of their decisions on a random ethnic minority?

So then you also agree that Germany should have paid them no mind, rather than scapegoating them for Germany’s loss in the war.

No they should have kicked the filthy Jews out like the other 200 nations before them Jews keep getting genocide because they are parasites to any nation they inhabit

it's just an (((antisemitic)))
>conspiracy trope
goy. nothing negative about jews was true or has ever been true. everything i don't like is a conspiracy theory.


it's only scapegoating if it isn't true.

Original sauce or I'll shoot


Over 10,000 Jews died fighting for Germany in WW1. They actively helped the German war effort. So how exactly were they a detriment?

After 6 million Jews were systemically murdered.

The dirty Bolshevik kikes brought civil war to germany and their country was in shambles before hitler rose. Germany was right to want them gone. Now they control our nation too you worthless fuckhead.

For realizing (too late) the ME262 was a fighter.

repeat thread

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911 + Greatest story never told


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Cite that you liar.


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for the win

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>After 6 million Jews were systemically murdered.

*386,000 Jews died in the camps. Probably about 3% of them ere actually murdered because they were assholes.

Trips of truth i see

Deep down I always knew.

he wasn't right

I think Hitler was in on the kikespiracy... it was all just a show


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>actually believing this

Stay classy Amerifags.

After I watched A Celebration of the Jewish People and I was out walking I thought about that video and literally said those words. It was quite overwhelming and strange to be quite honest with you. I had already been going on pol for sometime so the anecdotal evidence was building but that.... It was the moment it all clicked.

I wish Ryan understood the importance of nationhood and community. I hope one day he does but perhaps he is too autistic to. Logic and facts are important but there's something greater than that and that thing is what binds us together and will unite us. It is not ideas but blood that binds us and hopefully one day he'll realize that.

That fucker saved me and I wish I could save him.

What happened after ww1?
What international banking jews were punishing Germany with crippling hyperinflation?

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hitler was not right. He was just another socialist with delusions of grandeur.

Thanks to him (and Stalin, and Mussolini, and Churchill, and the Treaty of Versailles) millions and millions of Europeans died in an useless and avoidable war. That also paved the way for the end of the colonial era. And even by using your argument on jewry, one could say that they got a hundred times more powerful and influential after the war.

The Germans were the ones that funded Vladimir Lenin and sent him to Russia to undermine the war effort. Communist rebels in Germany re just the chickens coming home to roost.
Here you go.

literally everything on wikipedia is described an (((antisemitic canard)))

nice fucking try you beak-bearing nickelrubber

About 2 years ago.

There are plenty of other sources if you care to look. Also,
> beak-bearing nickelrubber

Why are stormfags so insecure that they have to make things up out of their ass?

>I became interested in this controversy in 1999 when the alleged Stourbridge speech was being discussed on an Internet newsgroup. According to some of the comments on the newsgroup, a search of the Associated Press Archives showed that no such speech had been reported. The speech had not been reported in the London Times, nor in the New York Times.

>When Shawcross died in 2003, many newspapers reported allegations of forgery. British author David Irving claims that the alleged Shawcross speech at Stourbridge was indeed a forgery. The memoirs of Sir Hartley Shawcross, published in 1995, did not mention the speech. Nor was his alleged speech at Stourbridge mentioned in his obituary, when he died at the age of 101.

src: furtherglory.wordpress.com/2013/08/26/the-famous-speech-allegedly-made-in-march-1984-by-sir-hartley-shawcross-at-stourbridge-england/

Hitler was right meme, unfortunately is just a meme.

>What international banking jews were punishing Germany with crippling
Germany brought it on itself first by paying for the war on borrowed money under the impression that they could pay it back when they win and later by thinking they could solve all their problems by just printing more money.
The Inflation crisis was started by Germany printing the reichsmark into worthlessness to pay their reparations and went full Zimbabwe after the French occupied the Ruhr and they printed even more money to pay striking workers.

gay fag

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Dresden bombing never happened (but it should have)

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Why do people care about this jew who pretty much got whites to mass kill each other?

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Keep worshiping your kike retard.

I could always smell bullshit in the usual historical narrative, but it wasn't until I read his autobiography that I understood where he was coming from. His description of WWI and the fact that what they fought for would inevitably rise again still seems relevant. But he also described building a movement as a fluid process in which you use the materials at hand, Germans in his case. To carry on the important ideas we will have to make our own changes and compromises to utilize those who can help. I don't think it is going to be based on just race this time.

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after watching the greatest story never told.
now i can go back.

Jow Forums

I was a well-meaning, basic bitch conservative before coming on here. I ascribed to the Boomercon "the Nazis were socialists" meme. I've also been enlightened on the complete Jewish control of the media and Hollywood in America.

What hurts is that I'm part-Jewish, but it's all good. I'm about truth and solutions at the end of the day. I want justice, whether or not an ethnic group I'm tangentially related to has a hand in the poison. I've seen what's happened to my country on a personal level, in my day-to-day experiences, and the larger plan, and I will fight it with blood and steel, all the strength I can muster.

>7th grade, 2000.
>Famous European Person Day.
>I was Hitler.
Happy Resurgence.

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13 for me