Why do wh*Te people make me sick to my stomach?

Why do wh*Te people make me sick to my stomach?

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Becuase you're a tranny nigger

Because you know in your gut that you'll never be as good as they are?


Show your flag kike

>Why do wh*Te people make me sick to my stomach?
B/c you're a dumbass NPC brainwashed by jews.

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.


Because jews manipulated you to.

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You want to be white.

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no one is jealous of you anymore. its 2019 not 1819. wh*Tes are a pathetic joke.

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Because you are a Jew. That feeling is not "sick" but jealousy.

Because we are not your people, and you should stay away from us. That will make you feel better.

Why do we live in your head rent free? No matter how hard you try you will never be human.

it reminds you of the father you never had

It's kind of unfortunate that one race is superior to all others, but it happens to be the case. The only way to correct this injustice is to overwhelm whites in their own land, discourage them from having children, and make them ashamed of their existence.

Because you're a half donkey half horse cheeseburger eating black ass fat nigger.

I hear swallowing a lot of semen can upset your stomach.

way to completely miss the point and blindly adhom. illustrates the fallen state of your race quite well.

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don't care. feeling is mutual with your kind

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Because superiority breeds jealousy to infeiror creatures like niggers. We need to stop telling you you’re our equal and start treating you in a slave/master role again so you learn your place and come to terms with it

Because you're a racist sack of shit and you'll soon be dealt with.

lmao why do slants always modify the fuck out of their bodies especially gooks. she looks like a more natural one besides the purple hair but it really makes u tink

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Because you are green with envy. You see a person capable of rational thought and you feel jealousy. You see someone without shitskin and you feel jealousy. You see someone who won’t drag everyone around them back to prehistoric times: jealousy.