When are you going to start making white babies?
When are you going to start making white babies?
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when I can move out of S FL so I can find a white woman to marry.
>When are you going to start making white babies?
College educated whites, including women, went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.
Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.
We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, jews, radicals etc.)
Just look at the demographics vs counties won.
It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.
Time is short.
The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.
>When are you going to start making white babies?
When I know there's a country were I can secure their future.
Southwest Florida is mostly white
America, canada, wherever white majority country your in.
When I get a gf, and then marry her.
I don't need to
the white birth rate is currently up
In a couple of years. I have a house but I need to do some renovations before I have a kid. And also move out of California so they don't get tortured at school by brown demon children like I was.
As soon as I can
Don’t get cocky
no its not. ur at 1.8. fucking low as shit
I've made two. My wife would probably kill me if I knocked her up again.
sup Jow Forums
is my baby white?
I want to move to a more permanent location in northern Florida. I've been to Naples and they are very degenerate.
knock her up again
Been saving up in my HSA for the past 2 years. Wife and I are going to start trying this year.
Southwest Florida =/= South Florida
>America, canada
no future for white people
ahhh congratulations man. Love your wife for bringing you that child into your lifeb
the more kids she has to raise the less likely she'll kill you. lol win win
but there aren't any young white women there. It's mostly for retiring whites
I won’t unless I find a virgin. I refuse to feed, clothe, and provide for another’s throwaway let alone allow her to carry my seed. Midwest women are the biggest sluts on the planet so the chances of it happening are around 0.
I’ll most likely keep pumping and dumping until technology allows me to create a son on my own.
Oh I agree. SW Florida is a place of death, not a place to raise a family.
or a place to find a white wife.
Two boys right now. Girl due in a couple weeks. Love these kids. Wife is staying home and home schooling them. I'm laying the foundation for race realism and 1488. I am already starting to talk about the JQ and my wife is on board. Very grateful Anons. Still cannot wait for the DOTR cleanse
Already have three white sons user. Can’t afford more because they’re taxing me to death and handing it over to the parasites.
when my oneitis of 13 years calls me up and apologizes for what she did to me and begs me back unconditionally
but I'm not white
if she means that much to you.. make the first step if you must
never tbqh
i can't afford a house, nor is it realistic to expect a marriage to last. if i tried i would just get half of whatever i managed to somehow make taken during the inevitable divorce. the kids would be taken away and raised by the crazy mother and a series of chad boyfriends.
i dont see how anyone can make that work. but they have to otherwise i believe the government will just start growing new humans in tubes without families to counter any propaganda.
despite me thinking the family unit is being destroyed in order to replace it with absolute government control. even though i tell other people to make white babies to prevent this. im still not going to do it myself because im not a great person
You rang?
>implying those nations will remain white majority
unless immigration is almost stopped we will be replaced as a majority and then our nations will fall apart. whites are already below 60% and falling. our borth rates cant compete
I have over those 13 years. The last time I tried I told her I wasn't her friend anymore and now she won't speak to me.
How many dicks has she had?
>where did all the virgins go?
>I’ll most likely keep pumping and dumping
thanks chad
thats too young
Congratulations and I wish your families prosperity, continued blessings and strength of your marriage.
thank you both for sharing this because it's motivating for us single guys
This. Reading that guy's post made my head hurt.
I already have made 4 of them and would be glad to make more for any biofemanon who desires my seed
You should get started fast, because I've already gotten started with my brown wife
Already have.
Little one is growing right now, still have about 2 months left before I am entrusted with the responsibility of making sure my daughter doesn't end up as a dancer in a rap video, or in a rap video in general.
It's hard to say what you should do without more details which you don't need to give. I think you made a mistake in not having something more definitive by now. If you've spent that much time with her, you should have married her or ended it permanently a decade ago so you both could move on. Now you're in a very difficult position, with too much time invested but still without anything sure. I'll try to send you some positive energy. good luck man. be more sure in your choices but also make them sooner
instructions unclear, pls clarify
Congratulations, I would love to have daughters. I'll keep your family in my thoughts for a healthy pregnancy. keep your wife happy and comfortable
>implying this is an easy task
>implying jews haven't fucked us so badly that it's impossible to be financially stable prior to 35
>being 35+ and finding a fertile 20-23 year old who hasn't been corrupted by modern western society
I'm starting to think that we've more or less lost the war.
a lot :(
yes, cutie
i have to get aussie's bf's ass over as soon as possible to the US then maybe within a year or so we'll have white babies
You will see her ugly face and not want her back. She will be in her 30s by then
come to australia instead. better wages.
really i thought it was the opposite
it's just the rental property cost is fucking insane and most likely has to do with nasty chinks and poos buying up everything because of the white collar elites letting them
also gun laws suck there
When I get to eat the fetus and drink the milk, goy. Worthless eaters, you are nothing but cattle!
I did this. Don't do this. By the time I found her again she was drunk, tattoo-riddled, and claimed we couldn't be together because she was 'an lgbt' person.
I just want to have gay sex with black men. I want to be fucked hard in the ass every day by giant black men, nothing else turns me on. The thought of cumming into a woman is just so alien to me. I won't be getting anyone pregnant.
>pig nose
>epicanthic eyefolds
>giant forehead
that's a mutt, most likely a hapa.
because im actually curious, what physically turns you off from a woman and all answers i get online are cookie cutter. i mean a pussy is literally made for penis
uhh i believe that's a white child. jfc at least actually go after slant lover retard and a hapa. a hapa looks like an asian and do not have blue eyes
>not wanting to make it even higher
When white women want them again.
Make more babies
All of Florida is garbage, ESPECIALLY North Florida.
You either get fags, insufferable boomers, Cubans or poverty stricken shitholes, take your pick.
T. person from Valdosta GA.
beanlet i want to fucking know what gay men think of women physically what turns them off from them. i never get answers from this
like i just want to fucking know what they feel like if they had to have sex with them it's fucking weird
white as snow, now teach it the right lessons...
White senpai reporting in.. Currently on our first, but planning for four.
When i move to europe to meet up with my GF there.
don't have enough funds yet so give it a few years, it is my top priority
White women want brown babies.
That and he is a adorable little babby
Make sure you raise him right mate
Already have. Not that I’m raising them, but there’s at least two I know of in Macedonia and one in Hungary. Probably more in the states.
Move to a white area and have white children, don't do it in a multicultural area.
She needs a Ted Bundy
no they don't lmao also nice video produced by some perverted kike or basedcuck
never understand the stigma of brown men thinking they're attractive to white women enough to have kids with them, there's no biological purpose of it. and on a whole white men are very much more attractive and handsome to me
brown men come from less advanced civilizations which isn't really that appealing which means you would downgrade yourself and genes, also no sane white woman fucks browns unless they're mentally unhinged, brainwashed, or white trash. you only think you this high up because jews put that in your head
It's often more about personality than physical stuff.
Gay guys get to just be around other guys with the same interests etc and don't have to put up with women's nonsense.
For those that are grossed out physically, everyone is different but the smell can be disgusting, then there is the whole menstruation thing, plus vaginas simply look gross once used a few times, like a nasty kebab. Where as a cock generally doesn't change much even when used a lot, doesn't smell as bad so easily and doesn't bleed... Unless there is something very wrong with you!
But I want to fuck to fuck an asian trap that I know from discord
Was meant for
Having kids is simultaneously the only way to save the race as a collective, but is unfortunately also the best way to total your life as an individual. Besides the economic toll that always existed, cumming in pussies will these days make you the government and a roasties collective bitch overnight
It’s like being on a sinking boat small enough that if the other three guys quickly picked up buckets and started to pour water back over the side you might stop it sinking.
But if only you only you and one other guy are doing it all that will happen is you wore yourself out for nothing.
tl;dr low birthrates are a policy issue. Nothing you do as an individual will change jack shit if there is something about the social and economic environment also making most other dudes as reluctant as you
Yes!!!! Such a cute babby! I wish it all the luck, success, and happiness in the world!
What race is the dude she’s with??
The human race user.
seconded, i live near pensacola
it fucking sucks, mestizo centrale
Is he middle eastern or Mexican?
Never. Fuck white people, hope they all go extinct. I can't wait to move to the West and impregnate negresses.
>When are you going to start making white babies?
...when somebody pays me to.
In America we don't do shit for free.
Give me white loving woman who will never cheat on me, who will never betray me, will want to have kids with me and I gonna make at least 3 white kids.
Based and Eurasian pilled
This is the saddest meme i ever saw i swear.
This seriously hit me in the feelings,i'm crying.
Not even brown women want brown babies, user. They just fuck like dumb animals every day, until they eventually shit one out on the sidewalk while they're shooting up heroine. That's the story of you were born, user! Now go back to your discord, and collect your nickel, you dumb shitskin. Your stinking up my board!
I'm sad now
Keep dreaming Ahmed. Brown babies get aborted way more than whites, even brown women don't want their own babies.
Became a father 22 jan. Heres a picture i took after a bath. Im 22, and gf is 21. Shes a beautifull and based lithuanian girl. Havent been bored or felt emptiness since he was born!
Then fucking help MAKE that a reality. But the actual reality is you dont want a helping hand in assisting in that future.
Soon hopefully.