Trump cancels Syria pull out, “We have to protect Israel”

ITT post amerimutt tears

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>We have to protect Israel

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here we go ago again the leftist ZOGite liar in chief who conned most of America into massively voting for him but has DONE NOTHING continues the failed jewish policies, of terrorism, aggression, and genocide in the world for the kikes

Oh this must be one of those “convince the incel losers” of something breads....
yeah no.

they send your white kids to die for jews but the cocksucker wouldn't ever send his own kids

the worthless piece of shit can't even build you a wall

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>“We have to protect Israel”


>“We have to protect Israel”
Seriously? Shouldn't America work for it's own interest and those of it's citizens? It's like the whole nation is brainwashed.


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s h i t

I think you're over exaggerating. Some men will be left but most are leaving.

Therefore it's better than it was. Russia is still there. Are you saying that they're dying for Israel?

but why?


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1 term president.

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Quoting king kike himself
>“We’re going to be there and we’re going to be staying. We have to protect Israel,”

>“Look, we’re protecting the world,”

>“Iran is a real problem.”

>However Trump's invoking Iranian influence as a rationale for staying further contradicts his prior December statement that the defeat of ISIS was "the only reason" he was in Syria in the first place.

You got played by the kikes who play inter dimensional chess

T. Brainlet who can't read an article

MARGARET BRENNAN: When are they coming home?

>PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: They're starting to, as we gain the remainder, the final remainder of the caliphate of the area, they'll be going to our base in Iraq, and ultimately some will be coming home. But we're going to be there and we're going to be staying--

MARGARET BRENNAN: So that's a matter of months?

>PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We have to protect Israel. We have to protect other things that we have. But we're- yeah, they'll be coming back in a matter of time. Look, we're protecting the world. We're spending more money than anybody's ever spent in history, by a lot. We spent, over the last five years, close to 50 billion dollars a year in

There will be troops staying in the base in Iraq, not Syria, and I'm the same interview he says they will also not be staying there's indefinitely

Fake news by a kike shill, typical (((zerohedge)))

Except they aren't staying in Syria at all you lousy stupid kike

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If this is legit then I am done with him. No one wonder why mostly women and minorities are signing up for service, they're the only ones dumb enough to lose life and limb over oil, drugs, and political wars for kikes. Love our military and will always support them but I also am sick of them going over there to get chopped up while we sit at home and pay taxes out the ass for it all. Can anything good ever fucking happen, I mean just one time? Fuck is this shit old. You're supposed to be different Trump.

Kek this delusional post is sweet
>the last line of defense against Iranian expansion in Syria, and therefore must stay indefinitely.

Yup, indefinitely

Ironically, the Iraqis are trying to file a law to throw us out of Iraq since Trump was a fucking idiot to visit only US troops and not Iraq in general

>reading comprehension
pick one

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Oh no, more dead sand niggers.

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>Trump has just 1 year before his term is up
>Trump's slow drift and change in tune on the subject of a promised "rapid" exit comes after Israeli officials led by Prime Minister Netanyahu alongside neocon allies in Washington argued that some 200 US troops in Syria's southeast desert along the Iraqi border and its 55-kilometer “deconfliction zone” at al-Tanf are the last line of defense against Iranian expansion in Syria, and therefore must stay indefinitely.

The only thing not staying indefinitely is Trump, that much is certain. It’s either another year or another 5 years of Trump. And Israel wants protection. Israel always wins. :^)

Your nativity is cute

Kek, America never leaves of its own free will

he already cucked on the wall so he's not going to get re-elected anyways
the only thing he can do now is leverage his power in hopes the Zionist wing leaves his family alone


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>staying in the base in Iraq, not Syria,

>Trump has just 1 year before his term is up
>what is a calendar?

Once again, that line is not actually talking about leaving troops in Syria you fucking retard

They've been saying for a month that some contingency forces are going to be left in our larger bases in the middle East, most likely the Iraq one referenced.

Sorry to ruin your thread but you are a fucking retard

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Israel is our ally
What's the problem?

You realize the line right before that is talking about moving the troops to Iraq, right? And that's where they are STAYING while some come home?

When's the last time your ally ever helped you in a war, goy?

So no withdrawal from Syria then?

Did you sign any alliance with Israel? How can you be allies without signing an alliance? Will Israel come and die for you without an alliance agreement?

cmon Trump

don't you have a dog to blow or something?

You for real bro?
If so, you should probably kill your self.

They're staying. Neocons win again

In Canada the dogs blow Canadians, comeon newfag, lurk more before posting


What a pathetic jew trump is

>200 troops can’t do shit against Syria, Russia or Iran
>essentially Israel wanted a goy meat shield
>Israel got a goy meat shield
Based and red pilled
Best ally!

What type of ally bombs one of its allies ship, plot against him and carefully prepared its downfall?

we already saved them from the fucking holocaust, you imbecile.

They owe US.

That about sizes it up. But they can always pull the old false flag - Iran attacked our troops in Syria! We have to attack Iran!

>Buisness insider
Wew and I thought you were obvious before


Syrias not I'm Iraq bro, last I checked anyway
And we don't have any large military bases in Syria itself so they are not going to be starting there
Now get in the oven

So from your previous post you hate Zerohedge
>Fake news by a kike shill, typical (((zerohedge)))
and from this post you hate CNN and Business insider which are on the opposite end of the political spectrum.

So I will wait while you find a news site that refutes these reports, since it's obvious that anyone who disagrees with you is a kike.

>And we don't have any large military bases in Syria
Here's a map from 2017

Trump is a kike

Good point... there is a guaranteed false flag incoming
Perhaps a “gas attack”

>believing holohoax

fuck amerimutts

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>Global security. Org
No, the bases in Syria are tiny compared to the hub in Iraq. From a capability standpoint as well as size

Trump will save as many Jews as he can

You're acting like a pretty huge kike so...

>Trump cancels Syria pull out,
Guy could fuck up a wet dream.

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Because he’s a Jew and so is his daughter. He’s protecting his people

Trump has nearly burned up all his political currency- it's clear who owns him, now the question is whether he can be re-elected in 2020 without a fucking jew like the Shit Coffee CEO or that fuckhead Bloomberg running (((third party))) so he can stay president with less than 40% of the vote

The Demshits, on the other hand, are an absolute fucking shitshow and an ongoing dumpster fire even I can't turn away from

No chance he can be elected in 2020 he’s a controlled jew fuck him. We will find our guy

>we have to protect Israel

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Can we just end the presidency and just fuck off to our regional/state affairs? Let's be honest, it's never going to be like Maine will ever give a shit about Texas. Centralization was a mistake

>We have to protect Israel
No we don't.

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no one ever asks that question.

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It should have been obvious to you that the US would stay in Syria the moment that Lindsey Graham had that lunch with Trump and said
>“We had a great lunch. We talked about Syria. He told me some things I didn’t know that made me feel a lot better about where we’re headed in Syria”
What didn't Graham know, I wonder? That Trump was neck-deep in some kike's ass as he was tweeting about Syria?

I hope all CIA agents get exactly what they deserve

>>Ben Garrisoning Latuff

Why? His stuff is Jow Forums-tier already.

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fucking glow in the darks
Terry was right to run them over

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What a fucking shock, I remember loads of people said this would happen and just got called a shill.

So much winning?

>no actual source of trump (drumpf) saying that
that'll be a "yiked" from me

yikes x2 now

The source is in the 2nd paragraph.


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You have to remember one thing about America
Every single president whether Democrat or Republican cucks to the jew both domestic and in Israel.
Americans have to break free of the false dichotomy
Start supporting more radical pro white anti ZOG political movements

Whether knowingly or not, saying that we are there to protect israel, is the first move for us not to protect israel, ad for the truth about the jewish infuence to come out

I remember an old GET that said Trump would bring the redpill to the world. The only question left at this point is whether he's going to redpill the world as a hero or a villain, or a hero playing a villain as a court jester in order to show things to others details they otherwise would not pay any attention to.

what do people serving in the military think about this complete 180?

We wanted a complete pullout of the middle east, not kike-fueld half-measures.

Israel is our greatest ally period. Why? Because, in their hearts, they absolutely hate Jesus. You see, morality is just a human construct, and all these gay Christian things are just artificial and bullshit desu. Israel knows best and that's why we should send them a few more billion dollars, because they know better than us when it comes to morality and religion. It's simple really.

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No more dead soliders.

Those subtitles use too many cliches to be legit but that show is definitely real, redpill me on what I just saw

What are you talking about? It's from Israeli TV and it was removed from YouTube for being too honest.

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Freedom bump

This is why you ought to despise government, and not want anyone who believes they're justified in stealing your property to do this shit with it.

Whatever you say Asia

Spbp based

Imagine my utter lack of surprise

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>save Venezuela
>down with communism!
Really makes you think

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What's up Jewish women and hot tits! I'd glady surrender my goy penis to a Jewish woman.

when your best ally is the country which knowingly fired upon and killed US sailors it's time to rethink your allies

>they send your white kids to die for jews but the cocksucker wouldn't ever send his own kids
>the worthless piece of shit can't even build you a wall
Well said. Most of us are at that point too.