Has the term "white supremacy" lost all meaning?

Has the term "white supremacy" lost all meaning?

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I won’t be satisfied until a news anchor gets the balls and reads a ton of the worst of these on national television. I want more to see how far gone these people are.

nothing makes non white women rage like a white man with a white wife and family succeeding

Yeah they have no idea what they are talking about

I like being called a white supremacist though. It feels empowering and motivating knowing that non whites are afraid of me.

Basically every term they use lost all meaning when their meme queen listed them off like a chore back before Trump was elected

No, it's just a weaponized term to bully white people. While you're playing big-brained centrist Sargon, pointing out how they are *aktually* wrong, these nonwhites are winning and getting everything they ask for. Kill yourself OP you giant fucking faggot.


we prefer the term

light that shit up niggers

Yes, effectively. When someone winning a game of sportsball is "a win for white supremacy", the left has completely lost the plot.

yeah its like
>thanks dude. you could be proud of your heritage too you know
>eh, well i see what you're saying. thanks dude!