You can see Nancy Pelosi' eye sockets in her skull

What in the fuck.

I thought those were her eyebrows

Attached: openskull.jpg (885x516, 60K)

She's Italian. Sunken in eyes are a common trait.

jesus tap dancing christ, is she a gou'ould or some manner of body parasite?

is she a lich?

She's about as dead looking as the Democratic s running platform.

As they get older or always? I hate that look and only ever seen it on one older dude.

this piece of shit is a zombie pushing a globalist agenda

fucking slag

How deep do they go? This is fucking gross.

Attached: openskull2.jpg (931x524, 52K)

bad shoop is bad

however, her jugs look brand new

Do you wash behind them? Like spray water behind your eyeballs?

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This is what you see in Alzheimer's patients. As the brain atrophys the eyes recede into the skull.

clearly she's a corpse being animated by some sort of foul science/witchcraft.

The Botox ain't working no more.

So who's gunna put their dick in there first?

Oh look, its a man on the Internet in a place encouraging serious discussion just criticizing a woman's appearance

She did have at least one episode where she was speaking totally incoherently and mumbling nonsense like a late stage Alzheimer’s patient

Wonder how she keeps it together. I’m guessing a steady stream of drugs, and blood from the young.

I bet she could hold cigarettes in those holes. Probably a hoot at parties.

Imagine the smell


>What in the fuck.
>I thought those were her eyebrows

Her brain has shrunk so much from age that its pulling her eyes back into her head.

Asians would kill for eyelids like that.

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This is strangely true.

>80 year olds look old

You're clearly on to something this time magapedes. I bet jews and pedophiles are behind this!

That's a first.
He looks better as a nigger.

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>think OP must have faked this
>Google images
Good god what obscene horror sits in the capital

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she's had them for a long time, they've just gradually become deeper

Attached: nancy-pelosi-announces-she-is-a-democratic-party-candidate-for-a-seat-BRXXAE.jpg (1300x1362, 326K)

The evil bitch is becoming a lich before our very eyes.

shes a textbook mental case.

One? She does it all the time.

>You can see Nancy Pelosi' eye sockets in her skull
No brain to keep the eyes pushed forward.

I never noticed this either.

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Is this deep set eyes or what?



dem milkers tho...

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>is she a lich
Yes or, more accurately, she’s a wraith. Skin is cold to the touch and if you cut her she won’t bleed. The only way to end her is to cut off her ring and throw it in a volcano.

when the leader of the house is skeletor and your president is heman.

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I’ve always found yrden and wraith oil does just fine

Fugg. I thought it was shopped so I ran it through yandex because fuck jewgle. It's not shopped. wtf disturbing


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At first this was fucking with me, because it was defying explanation, but then I put myself into the mindset of an old lady trying desperately to stay looking youthful as it becomes harder for her to do that. It could be that she's really self-conscious about the wrinkles so she uses eye shadow make up to try and cover it up.

what she has is not common at all, somethings up with her health.

this is fucking horrific

She's fucking old dude

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She has blood on her tooth, what do you think it's from? Maybe a "pizza eating" incident?

i think alzheimers is strongly associated with if not in part caused by a loss of connective tissue

and these tissues are at least part of what hold your eyes in place

her eyes havent just receeded into her skull, theyve dropped downward allowing that huge gap to open up

this is associated with the "canthal tilt' some aestheticsfags post about sometimes, which can be improved simply by eating and living healthier, getting lots of rest

Would we be able to get signatures to have her tested?

Bullshit, that's just terribile genetics.
Either that or she's auditioning to be the next cryptkeeper.

I met her in SF a couple times--about 18 years ago

She looked skeletoresque even then and here eyes had those ridges back a long long time, even when she was young. She was never very attractive--angular features, rather masculine--but went for the "Joan Baez" look in the '80s. Power-lusting women never developed their own personalities, they absorbed the ones of media-successful females.

Her official House photo iirc makes her look like she's going for the 1970s Mary Tyler Moore look, right down to the forced "Oldsmobile grill smile."

But that it has gotten this bad as in yr photo is appalling. The mascara on the lower lids and the smeared lipstick--ugh.

I always despised women who, in their 70s and 80s still have their 20s and 30s selves as their image of who they are. If she just let herself look like an old lady, it wouldn't be so weird. That mascara to make her look starry eyed--ewww. She must be coloring her hair because nobody at 80 has zero bits of grey.

But this tells us a lot about where the Dems are. Their old guard is falling apart, their new guard are a bunch of insane whining commies, they have no platform but Resisting.

Which is to say embodying the Adversary.

This! Here she is in her Joan Baez Look era, as I mentioned in reply to user above.

Get me an ice cream scoop
I have an idea...

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I wanna ejaculate on her granny nose so bad.

Bitch looks like her head fell in the cheese dip back in 1957.

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