I’ve created polls like this a few months ago and around a year ago and the results change slightly each time. IIRC...

I’ve created polls like this a few months ago and around a year ago and the results change slightly each time. IIRC, last time Christians had ~57% of the vote after about 1000 votes but that was before I added the “other” option.

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why you putting idiot atheists and agnostics in the same category?

Immortalist should be on here too. Kill your father and eat his body.

Secularism is secularism

>Christan and not Catholic

Into the trash

Agnostics believe god may exist but cannot prove it where as atheist believe without proof he doesn’t exist the two shouldn’t be one category

Because he is a retard

For the love of God add Casual Hitlerianism to the poll. I believe that Hitler was a prophet sent by God to teach us how to save ourselves from the growing menace against whites.

Best answer. I agree with nearly everything except the actual Jesus part. I wish it was a little less cucked.
Gay larpers
Retards, there is no way you can know god doesn't exist
Most high IQ people accept this desu. Humans understanding god is like penguins trying to understand calculus
Just put Jews

Agnostic and Atheist should be different categories. Atheists are retarded by default

Paganism could be good for Europe We still celebrate a lot of pagan holidays like Easter and Christmas

Aussie Agnostics

Ok goblin

If we're going to LARP we should just go with a European version of Shinto when the diversity fad ends

Because it’s still a lack of religoin. Last time I just used the word secular and it was met with complaint because of how the question was worded.

why is everyone telling me that atheist and agnostic should be separate categories an Aussie?

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Im a Serb, not a true blood Aussie and not even agnostic. But agnostic beliefs make sense, atheistic one are moronic and arrogant. Not to mention that the vast majority of atheists rely on science as if it was a religion and follow it blindly.

It’s not a lack of religion though that is an atheist
Agnostic believe you should live your life as a Christian but it doesn’t matter if god has heaven waiting or not
Catholics argue without evidence he exists
Atheists argue without evidence he doesn’t exist
Agnostic forget the question and raise their children as if god does exist

>informative bantmasters

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His face is like a leather cushion made in the 80s

The US and Israel should be switched, other than that it's a decent graph


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Agnostic with heavy Christian value mindset

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I do not agree with our countries placement on this chart.

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Other could be Hindu, there are a fuckton of poo-in-loos on this board.

“What does Christianity mean today? National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place. We lack traditions and ritual. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans. My Party is my church, and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel.” - Joeseph Geobbles.

>Banter a British cultural tradition
>America puts UK in Butthurt section....
>Put himself in #1....
>At least you inherited the anglo ego! haha

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Lmao what happened to all the pagans?

Found the results from June of last year, don’t know if they were final

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they're just loudest idiots in the room

And this here is from March

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someone post more polls to participate in

mean for

Here you go; strawpoll.me/17363704

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I hope pic related wins.

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>Says the guy who was sleeping with different Women every night.

>agnostic beliefs make sense
only if your understanding of the universe is that creation didn't require a prime mover
and if your understanding of human psychology assumes a group of antisemitic Christian yids would be willing to martyr themselves at the hands of the Romans for things they didn't actually see first hand

The sheer fact that early Christianity grew at all is evidence enough for me, a formerly militant atheist, to believe there just might be something to it. I'm convinced the only thing that holds people back from accepting religion is their own ego. Once you get knocked down a few pegs it tends to change how you view the world. There's a reason so many people in prison convert to Christianity, and it's not just because it'll get them out on parole.

>American education


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I worship the spirit of the higher being that guides us in every action, the culture-organism of the West. Just as the culture manifests physically in art, architecture, technology and so on so too it manifest itself spiritually in the form of a great soul. All Europeans are connected to this soul some however only latently. It should be our mission to build and maintain our connection to this spirit and to guide the courses of our lifes according to its desired ends. Hail the world-soul of our High-Culture!

Put that on the list next time.

Nothing belief is egotistical and part of narcissistic behavior

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>lumping me with athiests

why do ppl keep putting agnostics in the same group as atheists?
>they are not the same

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>heavy Christian value mindset

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Yeah atheism is a religion while agnostic is not