Do nofap for 3 days so far

>do nofap for 3 days so far
>once again disgusted by traps

Holy shit this actually works!?

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you just need a cute trap to be sweet and loving to you and make you feel like a man

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day 3 here too. feeling resolute. powerful. women appear as trash to me, its as if thotposting on Jow Forums by the porn jew is invisible. my brain will soon become galaxy sized and i will transcend all kike narratives.

Also on day 3. Sex with so is better feeling.
Sex doesn't count im assuming

fuck off faggot, you appear like a disgusting weak man playing dress up at the moment to me.

I think its good and porn is probably why men have low self worth and no confidence or drive anymore.

I’m glad you dont think I’m worth anything. This is how its supposed to be. I am worthless and thats why I like being treated that way. You’re supposed to be strong and powerful. Even if you dont like us anymore I think its a good thing.

Godspeed user

user want to do nofap february with me.

I don't think it would but I don't think its bad to do with your wife either.


seems fake

>Fakest of news
>Unless OP was literally the most disgustingly degenerate faggot on the planet to the point of a literal fraction of a fraction of a fraction of improvement was semi-noteworthy

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I've in recent months begun fapping more and more to cam trannies. I thought I was getting too degenerate so I decided I'd try to go a week without fapping, previously I've been fapping at least 2 times everyday. I'm curently just not attracted to trannies though and I see them for the sick little faggots that they are.

>day 17 of nofap
>get turned on from almost anything
>feel horny and distracted all the time
>get angry almost every day when I used to never feel anger
Looks like I have the opposite problem, OP. Nofap has seemingly brought me nothing but irritation. Where does the supposed "boost" or "energy" come from that I was told nofap would bring? I heard it takes longer to kick in for some people, but at this point I really want to just give in and blow a load already. The only thing stopping me is that I've never made it this far in my life.

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You're supposed to focus on other stuff with the time that you're ussually fapping, not just wasting time like usual.

>Holy shit this actually works!?
Yeah it does. Have my own theories as to why.
Think the more you nut the more depraved stuff you need + your test is going down so you start thinking more boyish looking girls look good and even girly looking boys

I don't have a lot of legitimate hobbies aside from drawing. And I will admit it seems my artistic creativity has noticeably improved the past couple weeks. But I should probably be doing more. Maybe I should lift weights or do something physical.

user wake up early tomorow morning and go for a run and then have a big breakfast. I'm sure you'll start feeling results if you have an actually productive day.

>get angry almost every day when I used to never feel anger
never feeling anger is unhealthy. if youre committed to not jerking it, pick up a gril

weight lifting can be good but for mood and general health cardio is king

Lifting weights helps with mood as well. Also raises more testosterone. Running is good too though.
user you don't have to plan to do this everyday, but for just tomorrow try your hardest to be as productive as possible. You wake early, run or jog a few miles, eat a big breakfast & have a coffee, then segment off a few hours for your artistic pursuits, then either go out or make yourself a nice lunch, then relax for a bit go out walking or read a book or listen to a podcast or listen to music something of that nature, then lift some weights, then come home have a snack and then segment off a few more hours for your artistic pursuits, then get or make yourself a nice dinner, then relax some more before going to bed.

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If all else fails, imagine Liz Warren in a buckskin thong looking at you upside down between her legs.

That'll definitely save me lol.

>he doubted the Springtime of Youth

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Is nofap good for women as well? I always thought fapping more would be beneficial to a female.

7 days in and I'm disgusted by women again

im with you bro. we are breaking the conditioning.

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Yes it does. Good luck and God bless.

Funny, I just broke a 2 week streak to traps. Fucking hell mates, I was doing so well, I hate relapsing and starting over.

its ok user. everyone falls down sometimes, you just need to get back up. The only way to be truly defeated is to accept defeat into your heart.

whut about dis

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At least don't relapse to shit like that. At least do it to something vanilla so your standards are at least improved.

I haven’t fapped since January the 15th and only has a nocturnal emission a week ago. Had to change my underwear. Other than that I feel great energy, mood is great and I don’t care that much about porn or jerking off. The Jew truly controls you with porn.

I was honestly only turned on up until I saw the dick. Then my dick turned off. Its like how I used to be before all the online porn corrupted me, this is amazing.

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you’re probably exclusivley heterosexual. not all guys are like that though, I kinda think the majority are bisexual. some will always like boys or trans girls.

>shits on the Devil right in front of his fucking face
Based as fuck. Happy for you, man.

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Yes, a way to do this is start fapping to clothed cuties and make yourself do this, normal healthy girls no whores, whales, or fat tits or asses. Then when you relapse make sure to favor this. This is the only acceptable vanilla. But you should eventually rely on your mind alone and then no fap.

Thx user, this has been a blessed sunday. Wish you all the best.

I haven't fapped as much lately so I'm getting there, but I also took the 2D pill again after many years and now whenever I see real life traps it's like my mind is automatically showing me the man they once were, and I can't really fuck with it anymore. It's like how I was when I first started seeing real life traps. I think because of 3rd wave radical feminism a lot of us got so disgusted with what women were and are doing that we tricked our mind and our dick with fapping to traps over time.

Thx user, trying to get those spiritual and physical gains.

I don't plan to relapse to anything. Some user posted tranny porn and I stupidly thought I could go watch some just out of boredom and not jerk off. Dumb idea.

An important part of no fap is conditioning yourself away from your degenerate fetishes and conditioning yourself to loving healthy sex with a woman.

>is only now disgusted by traps

user, I got bad news for you

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You have to keep fighting, it's a slow weening off for most people but you have to keep fighting your mind and learn its tricks like

>I stupidly thought I could go watch some just out of boredom and not jerk off. Dumb idea.

You must learn the only way is to not look at it and stick to that. When you are bored and considering browsing porn or whatnot do something else like read.

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I used to not get turned by them at all. Then after I began fapping to anime doujins I found futa and my standards degenerated over the course of a few years into 3d trannies.

were those cigarette holders the vape pens of the 19th century?

>5 day no fap
>still a dysphoric bisexual
Should i just end it all?

If u fags are on a day to day regime?
NEVER get married

>women appear as trash to me
I thought no fap was supposed to increase your libido?

>tfw when I thought I was trans until I joined a trans discord and got so disgusted by that I hate them with a burning passion now.
Fuck the LGBT community


Just jerk off. No fap is just bro science. Not masturbating and not watching porn are two different things. Use your imagination instead.

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dont. things will get better. dont try and force yourself to live in suffering, make yourself into the person you want to be, whoever that is.

you are a lucky one ... iam still hooked up with interracial porn and i dont know how to stop

trap are lest discusting that ir

haha - you fapped to traps youre a faggot
faggot whose id is fAP

what the fuck happened to you that made you attracted to penises?

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no fap works

it purifies your mind, your conscious

Good. you should be happy to be normal. transition is when you have no other option.

I'm 26 and fap an average of twice a day since I was 15.

i think some people are just born like this.

Fapping does in fact drain your energy and also I will point out a very important part of no fap is learning to control yourself and your mind. That is one of the most important things you can learn from this entire process that and perseverance.It is something all people with addictions learn from fighting and destroying the addiction learn.

>strawman of drag queens
masterb8 but you should still kys

this is me after not jerking off for more than a few days

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>I thought no fap was supposed to increase your libido?

merely shifts the focus, he now lusts for wisdom and power in order to create a better world

>make yourself into the person you want to be
I really wish it was that easy

Still sounds like bro science to me. Maybe it's because I've never been one to jerk off several times a day. Maybe every other day at most. Perhaps people who do it several times a day will see improvement.

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>but you should still kys
thus says the faggot that jacks off to dudes

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It isn't easy, conditioning yourself away from your current self conditioning is incredibly long and hard. There will be moments you want to quite but you have to continue marching on.

Let me put it this way, can you stop yourself from masturbating or playing with yourself for more than 2 weeks, including not watching porn.

its not easy, but it is possible. just giving up is a zero sum game. you wont get help from sinking.

Nigger do you just fail at reading comprehension? I don't fuck with it no more. I took the 2d pill. I'm saying kys because you're a shitty troll just trying to farm (you)s and you really don't give one shit how dishonest you have to be to get them. Thus, the master b8 pun and the kys, you slow retard.

Kill it with fire.

This is the power of nofap. Before nofap you never even considered improving your body.
Abstinence promotes mental strength user

Can and have. I did no fap myself when it first got popular and didn't notice much change. I think it's more healthy to rub one out every now and then.

Have you quit porn? Or did you ever use it? How often is every now and again? What was your frequency prior to no fap?

Just because you stop being an alcoholic for a month doesn't mean you didn't relapse and still aren't one.

>I don't fuck with it no more.
you jacked off to dudes

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I just refuse to go through with anything major and the thought of it has been bumming me out seeing as its been on my mind recently. Ive been exercising more, drinking more water and have been working on neater handwriting but that's about the extent of it

Yeah and within a week you’ll be jerking off again and even gayer than ever.

the past is in the past. to dwell on it is worthless.

Good guy user here folks. :]

Are you trying to convince me of no fap... or yourself?

When I say I think it's healthier to rub one out every now and again, I see that as once weekly. Prior would be once every three days.

I can go into porn threads and not get horny if there is a good conversation or cat fight.
If it's just porn I leave.
Maybe a few images are opened in seperate tabs for later, but usually they get closed because later never comes.

It's important to, honestly, remove yourself from negative circles as well. As in stop watching Jewish propaganda or Jap crap. Degeneracy is pushed in all of these things and honestly it really isn't good for you.

Since I don't watch the shit anymore I can spot the things it pushes now and have come to an understanding of how society is so far down the shitter and how media has helped craft that. And all these strange perceptions people have.

If you refuse to fight it, I clearly can't make you. But I used to try to condition myself to believe ridiculous horseshit. Luckily I wasn't in the social circles to take it to the next level but if I had been.....

It's hard but this is something you should consider.

user, I'm asking you questions so I have so metric to understand how you were before and after no fap. Then I was going to discuss based on that. If you don't feel comfortable giving that out here fine.

It does. Godspeed user, break away from the porn brainwashing

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what specifically has been bothering you? The dysphoria? Does it keep getting worse? It will never stop getting worse unless you deal with it, only you can chose to so somthing about it.

Q: what do you call a person with a penis that masturbates to other people with penises?

A: pic related

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Yeah i grapple with that every day. Sometimes the lie is harder to ignore than others.

are you trying to ignore a lie or part of yourself?

No, It's fine. I'm just skeptical because more often than not when discussing no fap, the 'believers' act more cult like in my opinion. I have no problem with people trying it for themselves, I did after all.

Can put a cage on your cock and give a spiteful negress the key?

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You really shouldn't open separate tabs user... Depending on the day, I honestly feel no shame in hiding certain posts because of the image and possible temptation. Though in some periods I am in the mentality to not care. The problem is controlling yourself when you do, hence why it really is better to just avoid them. If you are clicking on the thread to search the images don't basically.

I really don't want a therapist and i know that if i talk to my family about it that's almost definitely happening and i feel like it would alter all my friendships if i told any of my roommates so i feel like i have nobody to talk to.

I like anime far too much :P i stay away from the hyper sexual or degenerate animes tho

I know exactly how you feel and I know how scary that is. But you need to push through and talk to someone. Its only gonna keep building and if you keep trying to hold it in itll end up all exploding out at once.

You know you wanna watch Keijo ;)

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Did nofap for 9 days.
Have been doing that every month.
Disgusted by most everything in porn now.

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Probably would be for the best. I just wish things could be different...


>once again
You should still feel disgusted, user