Why does every girl post slutty pictures online?

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((( the jews ))) push the Kardatrashians on all the young girls, made them into role models

Because you look at them.

Kek. Everyone in the JIDF warehouse you're in will be killed by muslims this year.

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Almost all women are whores.

Women measure their life worth in gallons of cum spilt over them, this increases their high score

They need attention to feel validated. It's like a mental ilness with women

cancel your fucking cable you idiots.
prevent your young children from seeing that shit.
It works. I've got 2 small daughters that have never seen the degeneracy of TeeVee and they find if fucking disgusting when their (((friends))) talk about that shit at school.

T. Jew

Because porn screwed up everyone's brains and ruined our culture

Natural Selection. Sure, hypergamy is natural but Chad is also more likely to fuck the fertile whore looking ones more than the ones that don't look like a fertile whore

>sending your daughters to (((school)))
>not homeschooling
You WANT transexual mulatto grand children, don't you?

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When I have kids, I plan on not subjecting them to talmudvision.

What advice would you give to keep children entertained?

good one man

Why do women do anything?

Attention and validation

>Why does every girl...
No, they don't.

double thread
is double jew

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dirt. kids love dirt and sticks.

Because it's in their nature to advertise their one asset (body) to potential mates, as well as validation and attention. They'd do this regardless of culture thanks to the current technology, despite what idiots like want to believe.

Cause they're sluts, why do you ask so many dumb questions faggot?

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They've been taught their whole lives by the Jew media that that is their only value.

This, how many douchebag men pose shirtless in front of a mirror showing off their abs? Same thing.

gib milkies commie mommie

The females only real desire in life is to be seen as desirable. To that end, they'll stop at nothing if it gets them there. But they won't put much effort into it if it's not automatically granted. So the girls who know they're hot end up posting way more pics of themselves knowing all the attention it gets.

female children should be kept busy with housework until married, and then kept busy with housework and sex


>that hair

think of all the little creatures that live in those individual clusters

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My gf is foreign.. she has never posted pictures like that. To be fair.. shes not a sexy looking girl.

I guess shes smart enough to know that.

how many of these threads are you gonna post in a row nigger? spamming faggot

Children... Sex.. err

can such powers be learnt?

Same reason adam ripped off all his clothes for the emperors entertainment show. To show bastards who is man made in ladies image and who is woman made in Gods image. Mother nature and father time at work/play in the garden while pimps in the crib reimagining nursery rhymes

No they must be taught. Which is why you cant learn what no one teaches upon unless being a participant in the child consuming pageantry that these pop stars put on.


Im trying to figure out if all girls are attention whores, or if it just happens that all attention whores are on instagram.

now im horny for some of candice's asshole

I was about the gif you Mormon retard.

I'd like to think every non-thot avoids Instagram, but every girl I know has social media.

It’s what the culture says you must have to fit in and women are lead by the culture. The real jewish subversion of culture that really brought us this whore-thot- attention seeking on steroids was Facebook and social media. Every chick now believed 100% if she didn’t by the kike media she was against her own culture. Control the culture, control the women, control the culture, control the wombs. I’ve personally noticed and unbelievable amount of nigger to white race mixing since wakanda. The white man gave up his culture to the jew and the first thing the jew did is make sure no white man would be paraded as a cultural icon

cool story bro

Because women will do many things when no one cares about modesty. When the dark ages are brought on again by the fall of humanity at the hands of degeneracy, let it be known that the horrors you see and feel could have been prevented if we had set some boundaries for ourselves.

based , good times
i wish we kept doing that although people haven't been watching tv for decades now

gets them attention from horny men

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"Why do sluts post slutty pictures?"

>jew nose
>yucky dreadlocks
Other than that she's okay except for the whole communism thing