>be over 18 male >be product of the finest public education system in the world and know that the founding fathers paid for the 2A with their blood, sweat, and tears >STILL refuse to pony up the one weeks income to fulfill your civic duty and arm yourself
>>new zealand flag >>talking about penis size T asian cuck
Gabriel Gomez
I know it's not yours, but I'll never understand why this person chopped up a $150 thordsen stock to turn it into a grip and then bolt on a $100 ace stock. Literally no benefits over the original thordsen stock other than using a rifle length buffer.
>get mad at Jow Forums users for not forming up money to buy expensive firearms and ammo >daddy bought you the cali complaint meme gun As a proud gun owner you are a disgrace to the second amendment for owning any sort of California complaint firearm, especially in the flamin’ fag red color. Do yourself a favor, get your own house, not daddies condo and preferably out of California, buy a real gun not in fag colors, and then post this on Jow Forums
It’s good to have a gun but don’t be a sperg about it
Ayden Campbell
This belongs in >>>k
Aaron Jackson
Thats a lower receiver vice block. Dont talk shit about things you don't know about
Kevin Diaz
No one needs to post their setup to know you’re a fag
Ryan Williams
y u do dis to me
Kayden Flores
Its an 870 wingmaster. Pre freedom group remington, back when they were okay and not complete shit. I love my cz. Hands down the best pistol i own. How do you like yours?
David Morris
>faux suppressor >cuckstock >$100 optic
If someone tried to shoot at me with that, I'd laugh as they catch 8 rounds of .30-06 JSP.
Bentley Stewart
Yeah I bet their bullets would bounce right off you.
Dylan Lopez
>STILL refuse to pony up the one weeks income to fulfill your civic duty and arm yourself >my dad bought me this gun you dumb chink OP buttfucked himself so hard he bled out
Daniel Allen
Since OP still hasn't purchased a firearm he has to delete himself >See ya later ya fuckin' loser idiot
Cooper Collins
No, they'd struggle to hit me because that sight doesn't hold a zero worth shit.
Hunter Wilson
Do us all a favor and shoot yourself with your handicap crutch of an AR