>be American

>be over 18 male
>be product of the finest public education system in the world and know that the founding fathers paid for the 2A with their blood, sweat, and tears
>STILL refuse to pony up the one weeks income to fulfill your civic duty and arm yourself

nogunz members of Jow Forums, I ask you again...

just what THE FUCK is your problem?

Attached: 743C779E-28B8-4FE4-B1B4-4F565795550D.jpg (799x597, 175K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>inb4 FUDD posting

yeah this is my baby. before you talk shit you better post your setup or I’ll be deleting your comments

Attached: 3CC99AAA-CBFC-40D9-89DD-B42618F54F63.jpg (799x597, 156K)

so gay about the grip in cali, right? Wouldn't it be more effective to just go .308/7.62 since your rof is going to be diminished anyways?

Attached: 1536786068857.jpg (255x197, 13K)

>I’ll be deleting your comments
You wouldn't. Also your guns are gay, your penis is small and your daddy never loved you.

my dad bought me this gun you dumb chink

Your shit blows man

Attached: Screenshot_20190107-112058_Gallery.jpg (1742x1440, 1.49M)

You're a pussy m8. Only a faggot wouldn't want to build their own firearm, your people are complete cucks.

Nigger that gun looks gay af

This better be bait. That gun look like shit

>>new zealand flag
>>talking about penis size
T asian cuck

I know it's not yours, but I'll never understand why this person chopped up a $150 thordsen stock to turn it into a grip and then bolt on a $100 ace stock. Literally no benefits over the original thordsen stock other than using a rifle length buffer.

Attached: IMG_20170804_182353.jpg (2563x4879, 3.72M)

Attached: 1549254023934.jpg (799x597, 335K)

were you trying to imitate a fortnite gun?

post yours before I delete your shit newfag

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at 11.43.36 PM.png (145x137, 41K)

>get mad at Jow Forums users for not forming up money to buy expensive firearms and ammo
>daddy bought you the cali complaint meme gun
As a proud gun owner you are a disgrace to the second amendment for owning any sort of California complaint firearm, especially in the flamin’ fag red color. Do yourself a favor, get your own house, not daddies condo and preferably out of California, buy a real gun not in fag colors, and then post this on Jow Forums

Attached: TA11E+RM07 GISELLE XPRODUCTS.jpg (3853x1251, 773K)

lol bitch you can't delete shit
and wtf is your mag 3d printed? your shit looks all retarded

That is an image for ants. Cock-loving ants.

I'll never not see the ugg boot

>be product of the finest public education system in the world
Amazing... two poltards diametrically opposed

Wtf life isn’t a call of duty game cali faggot...also bet it shoots plastic bb’s

Attached: A99C0203-BFEF-4919-A0A0-0230038BB606.jpg (1024x667, 77K)

What's the shotty? Remington?
Nice cz. Got myself a p01

shitty out of focus pic looks like cheap toy plastic
>be barely over 18 and probably an anime faggot

That looks like a customized assault dildo.
Do you fuck your own ass with it OP?

>my dad bought me this gun you dumb chink
LMAO - did daddy gibs you anime doll too ?


>Finest educational system

why are noguns faggots even on here. get out you heathens

Hit the range today, actually.

Attached: 9D1BDC54-CFBB-4FF3-8707-0B6C62114834.png (750x1334, 671K)

that shit looks like a BB gun retard.

It’s good to have a gun but don’t be a sperg about it

This belongs in >>>k

Thats a lower receiver vice block. Dont talk shit about things you don't know about

No one needs to post their setup to know you’re a fag

y u do dis to me

Its an 870 wingmaster. Pre freedom group remington, back when they were okay and not complete shit.
I love my cz. Hands down the best pistol i own. How do you like yours?

>faux suppressor
>$100 optic

If someone tried to shoot at me with that, I'd laugh as they catch 8 rounds of .30-06 JSP.

Yeah I bet their bullets would bounce right off you.

>STILL refuse to pony up the one weeks income to fulfill your civic duty and arm yourself
>my dad bought me this gun you dumb chink
OP buttfucked himself so hard he bled out

Since OP still hasn't purchased a firearm he has to delete himself
>See ya later ya fuckin' loser idiot

No, they'd struggle to hit me because that sight doesn't hold a zero worth shit.

Do us all a favor and shoot yourself with your handicap crutch of an AR

Attached: whiteman1.jpg (1928x2360, 1.27M)

looks like some niglets airshit

Attached: 1548708783709.jpg (3456x2304, 1.99M)

all that rifle is good for is to scare little jimmy when he doesnt eat his greens

Why do you have a bar of soap in the magazine well?

wtf is that abortion

Commiefornian abomination confirmed.

>threatens to delete comments
>calls others newfag

looks cool as fuck brah, is there a anme for guns with this look?

Yeah. Gay.

>be product of the finest public education system in the world
>the finest public education system

Attached: Без названия (5).jpg (259x194, 9K)

looks like we found a califag . salty nogrips

Attached: 1510689776761.gif (309x265, 3.71M)

I like the revolver


Attached: imnotgaybutadicksadick.jpg (799x597, 36K)

what app?

Post something respectable or fuck off

$100 red dots fine for .223/5.56. Its those sub $50 chinese optics I'd be worried about.

I'm against abortion, but in this case I'm going to have to make an exception.

Looks like a normal AR to me. What's the issue?

Cringe photo, kill yourself faggot.

This thread was made so you can show off your gay little gun you just got.

Because you're to young to buy your own or to poor?

A sarcasm post on Jow Forums by a yank? How will any other Yanks know? Dumb.


>finest public education system in the world

Attached: 1513987953162.jpg (493x461, 45K)

>be product of the finest public education system in the world

A literal retard and proud of it. Nice.

Attached: AFG2Ze8tE7AE6Fn.png (1500x1552, 608K)

The thing is a fucking workhorse. Pumps out bullets like a gd factory line