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If the rich won't pay me $15 an hour, I say we tax them
Michael Rodriguez
Bentley Baker
Robots will destroy their jobs soon which is why you study engineering and go into mechatronics.
Ian Anderson
>don't tax the rich so they can buy more of my mommy's etsy and she can buy more tendies
thats frogfags for ya.
Caleb Butler
Caleb Davis
You think the Rich have Income? Why do the wealthy own businesses and hold stocks, bonds and annuities? After all the deductions, tax breaks and legal tax shelters like state bonds, tax all you want 70% of 0 is still 0. This is not the way to close the income inequality gap. Better off looking at how the ultra rich generate their wealth and fix the rules that allow for outsize gains at the expense of the middle class.
Eli Jenkins
Look we should gas the jews. Are you a jew? Then you should support this.
Parker Sullivan
Imagine being such a small-minded, greedy, envious little shit-stain that you'd actually support that tweet. Glad I was born redpilled.
Evan Scott
Kayden Phillips
I agree, we should tax the hell out of the folks who own those big companies (WalMart, Home Depot, Target...)
they won't respond by raising prices, automating their work force...
Remember, 30 years ago a new entry level pick-up truck was $5999
now, the entry level 2019 Ford Ranger or Toyota Tacomas start at $ 25,000
quadrupling in 30 years is NOT inflation... that is big companies just jacking up prices to pay the taxes, legal bills, carbon taxes, tariffs, regulations, harassment lawsuits....
Dylan Gutierrez
Firing you sounds cheaper.
Xavier Ross
>the muggers arent attacking you, so why should you care about cleaning up the streets?
Do libs honestly think that immoral behavior is moral if it victimizes the right people?
Colton Bennett
hey look, another republitard whiner thread
Gavin Perez
where do we draw the line, though?
>a 70% marginal tax rate only applies to income above $1 million per year
>do you make more than $1 million in a year?
>if not, you should support this tax
>an 80% marginal tax rate only applies to income above $100K per year
>do you make more than $100K in a year?
>if not, you should support this tax
okay, I'm a wagie, so I support this tax
>a 90% marginal tax rate only applies to income above $30K per year
>do you make more than $30K in a year?
>if not, you should support this tax
is this when we riot? I'm not sure of the specifics
>a 99% marginal tax rate only applies to income that is not sanctioned by the United States government.
>do you work for a company that is not owned by the US government?
>if not, you should support this tax
The goal of socialism is communism - Vladimir Lenin
Jason Fisher
>look this isn’t complicated
>anyone who is a kike should be gassed
>are you a kike?
>if not, you should support gassing kikes
He still doesn’t explain why people making over $10 mil a year should be taxed at 70%. “Because you aren’t rich” isn’t a reason.
David Carter
companies move overseas then.
Jacob Bell
Accept your progressive globalist fate idiot.
Caleb Myers
Or you could create your own job if you really are worth $15/hr. My guess is you are a no-talent waste of space and not worth $15/hr.
t. Guy who earned $15/hr self-employed at age 11
Joseph Gonzalez
Libs think there is unironically nothing wrong with aborting a baby as it's being delivered as long as it's in the womb. They can't be rationalized with.
Grayson Myers
I'm against overly taxing just for the sake of overly taxing.
Read my post closer.
Logan Price
Good luck not having someone call the feds on you for working without a permit nowadays.
Carter Ward
So what were the big taxes that caused that quadrupling to happen? Oh right: tax burden decreased. So your claim that tax-burdens increasing will cause that is false, and your correlation between tax-burden and price-gouging is spurious. Because you're a fool.
Hudson Morris
Look. This isn't complicated.
Abortion only kills fetuses still in the womb.
Are you a fetus still in the womb?
If not, you should support abortion. It literally doesn't affect you.
Aaron Jackson
Stop corporate welfare and expand protectionism, taxing just means people offshore or hide their assets.
Leo Garcia
>as long as it’s still in the womb
>implying a toe still inside the birth canal isn’t enough for these degenerates
Henry Lopez
EVERY TIME these socialist fucks say that they're only going to raise tax on the rich, and then every fucking time they raise taxes on EVERYONE.
Dominic Scott
>(((Rubin))) advocating thievery from rich people
>Most rich people nowadays are filthy kikes like (((Rubin)))
What's the endgame here? Is he a self-hating Jew? Is this a trap?
Brandon Phillips
>Look. This isn't complicated.
>The day of the rope only applies to Niggers, Jews and Fags.
>Are you a Nigger, Jew or Fag?
>If not, you should support the day of the rope.
Michael Rodriguez
>why does it matter we're stealing people's money? it's not yours is it? you should be on our side
Connor Moore
Jews are not a monolith. They are rivals and split in to various factions with large degrees of overlap and exclusion.
Benjamin Barnes
People get rich from getting a good job and earning income. That's what would be taxed. The super-rich get more super-rich through capital gains, which would continue to be taxed far less.
Camden Rivera
James Bennett
and a fetus should not be aborted
embryo or fertilized egg I'm on the fence about
but a fetus should most definitely be categorized as a human bean
Jaxon Price
>So what were the big taxes that caused that quadrupling to happen?
the amount of codes in the Federal Tax code and Regulations have tripled since 1975
Compliance: cost of lawyers and accountants
Robert Perry
Why would I want to give MORE money to the government that just wastes it on stupid shit?
William Miller
The bullshit of all of this is that I won't see a fucking penny of that 70%. All of that money will go to social services that I will never use in my life. As a tradesman who makes 20/hr ultimately I will be the one who gets ass raped by this kind of shit because the upper class is going to fund that tax by lowering wages and increasing the price of goods and services.
The rich stays rich, the poor get gibs, and the middle gets fucking rekt. Fuck AOC.
Matthew King
All Jews work together whether they are Capitalist or Communist
Socialism is just the first step towards Communism so Rubin is a Communist side of the Kosher sandwich
Michael Flores
Good point. As long as the baby is inside the mother, you could reach in 1 inch into the vagina and slit the babies throat and they'd see no quarrels with that.
Cooper Hernandez
Learn to Code, Faggot.
Adrian Gutierrez
They’re unironically right. You are literally a bootlicking cuck for going to bat for rich fags who spit on you everyday.
Oh no would someone please think of the oppressed billionaires??!
Wyatt Cooper
>If not, you should support this tax
This reasoning seems a little suspect. The poor could easily turn this logic around on the middle class, and NEETS/bums on the poor; "if it advantages you specifically and hurts someone that isn't you/your people, you should support it" is psychopathic reasoning when you spell it out.
You'd need to provide some reason why it's okay for the middle class/working class to plunder the wealthy that doesn't also make it okay for the poor to plunder the middle class or for, realistically, anyone to plunder anyone else they can.
Carson Taylor
>Do libs honestly think that immoral behavior is moral if it victimizes the right people?
Samuel Morales
>doesn't have a vagina
>therefore cannot have a say in killing babies in a womb because I will never have a womb
>doesn't have 10 million
>therefore should support taking millionaires money because I might never have 10 million
William Hall
> it's very easy
> a spy camera in every house, every corner, to catch criminal
> are you a criminal? no
> then you should support it
liberal logic is something of wonder
Lincoln Watson
then they will pay you even less than the shit your making now.
Blake King
There are plenty of good reasons though. Idk about 10000000. But maybe 90% over a 5000000 or something. The rich wont get taxed 90%, when rates were 90% rich still had plenty of ways to bring it down to 12-18% for what the government actually got. Right now its even worse, they really need to raise rates like crazy specifically because these people arent even paying the rates it seems like they would. Whats your bracket? You actually pay that much? No. You have kids or work expenses or whatever whatever deduction deduction deduction etc its significantly better for the rich. They dont dont pay near what bracket is
Kayden Gonzalez
these poorfags can't even fathom savings, wealth, investment
they'll never understand any of this
they only understand the immediate gib check, immediate spend
Connor Garcia
Yeah and the original income tax only applied to income over 1million. Look where that got us.
Fucking idiot
Josiah Jackson
But why does the government need all that money?
David Miller
The reason you shouldn’t agree is because if the rich are taxed this heavy they will leave and you will be out of a job bitch
Nathaniel Powell
>then they will pay you even less than the shit your making now.
literally Stockholm syndrome
Dominic Wilson
A lot of the faggots on pol would let things go back to robber barons, monopolies and company towns. Where if you asked for more pay from the big corporations they would just hire private soldiers to kill your family.
Lucas Carter
Owen Moore
And buy Chainlink
Adam Lewis
Jow Forums rails at the Jews and then supports them at every turn.
Dylan Russell
Small minded faggot.
You are the kind of cuck who would have supported the first income tax.
"But it was only on the rich! It will never be applied to anyone else!... Right?"
Go bathe in petrol and smoke a cigarette.
Christopher Parker
Funny is this won't affect people that already have the money which hurts small and upcoming businesses.
Nolan Edwards
Thus is the way of the boomer.
Brayden Price
We need an end to all welfare and the evolutionary jump that will follow.
Parker White
They lie all day
They ONLY want to tax whites and middle incomes, theyve do e this many tines already
I dont want the government to have more money no matter what
Carson Thompson
>Look this isn't complicated
>A nazi regime would only gas Jews
>Are you a Jew?
>If not, you should support the National Socialists
I honestly don't understand what his logic is
James Taylor
>supporting theft just because you're not the one getting robbed
Yeah, fuck that.
Sebastian Hughes
Lesbian polar bear cuckoldry rates won't be studies without those gibs
Nolan Morris
John Allen
Imagine thinking dollars had substantive value
Jordan Walker
It's a tax on whites to fund more black spawn
Liam Perry
Amazing how triggered polsters are at the idea of taxing the (((1%)))
Ryder Wright
>wasting money at an ever increasing pace
why should the government get more money?
Hudson Clark
Dumb shit. The rich already have been paying for your poor ass.
Only 50% of America doesn't pay their tax or if they do, the lower 50% pay only 3%. The other 50% are carrying america.
The tax on the rich is dream only Venezuelans thought was a good idea.
No country in history has been able to implement a 70% tax on the "rich" or anyone else and survied 15 years after that.
Fuckin idiots.
Alexander Watson
I should support my corrupt and bloated government stealing from people just because I'm not rich? I don't follow this logic lol
Levi Perry
You realize some of the tax money actually is reinvested back into the country and directly helps you? Even with all the gov bloat and bureaucratic theft BILLIONS of tax dollars are actually used to build and maintain infrastructure, pay for emergency services, schools etc etc. Do you know how much of the money billionaires make ends up reinvested back into these things? Guess.
Aaron Walker
you and I know the 70% is a shitshow, for pure electoral reasons
no one doing real money is doing it via income, as the famous quote by warren buffet (paraphrasing)
> I get taxed less than my secretary
true rich make money via equity and other investments
taking income is taxing the middle class, including upper middle class
as a true bootlicker, I understand you'd want to fuck the middle class
but, if by any chance you're just stupid, think through why the no one talks about the actual money being taxed or not
Aaron Turner
A person making over that amount does not use more federal resources than I do. Makes no sense. A successful family owned business makes over that amount and it would close their doors. The commies should go first.
Henry Rodriguez
raising taxes for the rich wont do the things you hope it would
In reality these rich people are rich for a reason: they have merit and earn their money by hard working. And some of these rich people start buisnesses that help our poor asses get richer ourselves, only if we work hard and get the pay we deserve through hard work.
Get your ass together and start working
Sebastian Garcia
Just make equity and investment income qualify as income. 99% of the wealth generated per year flows into the hands of the 1% so they should pay 99% of the taxes. The middle class shouldnt even be taxed at all if you had a functional tax system for the rich.
Jonathan Evans
There are multiple gov't mandated items that have increased prices (back up cameras, higher fuel efficiency, etc). Labor costs are much higher than they were back then as well, not necessarily the hourly wages but the cost of retirement plans. So your issue should be with leftist gov't intervention and leftist union labor and not with capitalistic corporations. But its easier to intellectually lazy and blame the most visible "bad guy" instead of doing the minimal research required to find the actual bad guys.
Ian Carter
Not buying into that meme coin user
Get digibyte while its still sub $0.01
Litecoin is also really low so start mining them or buy what you can
Grayson Campbell
>YOU won't be taxed so it's good!
typical "it's not my money" nigger mindset that leftists have.
Colton Turner
>some of the tax money actually is reinvested back into the country and directly helps you
No it isn't and no it fucking doesn't. That money is better and far more efficiently invested into this country privately. The federal government is just one gigantic money pit.
Aaron Roberts
capital gains are already taxed
and that's a delicate equilibrium: too much, and money flees your economy
you have to lower spending, on one side, and entice large companies to stop keeping trillions overseas, and bring them home
welfare will kill this country
everyone knows it, and no one will do anything, because it'll ruin your political career just mentioning it
Logan Diaz
People worth less than $15 an hour should be deported
Nicholas Lopez
amerifaags retards, have a low minimum wage ensures low dumb nigas can be employed, if the minimum wages elevates the business will not pay that much for a dumb nigaa and then they will became welfare recipients
Leo Sanchez
Do these fucking retards not realize that those evil rich people get 'paid' so much only because they benefit everyone else -more- than they receive in payment? We literally want to squeeze every fucking productive and inventive smidgen out of these statistical anomalies, so what fucking sense does it make to disincentivize their performance, even if it's just on the margin?
God damn I can't stand how fucking stupid these kids are.
Austin Myers
>entice large companies to stop keeping trillions overseas
I dont see why these companies are not penalized. There is no greater consumer market than the United States, that should be wilded like a weapon against the big companies. Worst case scenario a big company leaves and opens up the market for a dozen other companies to rise up and replace them, likely benefiting the consumer in the process.
Sebastian Foster
Why defend money for (((people))) who hate you?
Seems like a cuck move.
Parker Price
You shouldn't be advocating for an hourly rate but per annum salary as a minimum wage because they'll just cut hours to get out of paying their fair share. $40,000 usd per year indexed would be a good minimum wage.
Adam Roberts
Look. This isn't complicated
The Holocaust only applies to Jews
Are you Jewish?
If not, then you should support the Holocaust.
Dominic Edwards
I unironically agree though
Sebastian Green
>accept your fate
This fate is dead-ended and will collapse in on itself soon enough, user.
Lincoln Diaz
The 16th Amendment was originally sold on this same lie
>It will only affect the ultra rich, Goy.
Grayson Perry
lol, this is exactly what you see on this board.
Easton Scott
Zachary Gray
Thomas Cox
>owning money counts as taxable under "income tax"
yeah, lets just ban private ownership of stuff with monetary value while we're it at too like gold and silver
oh wait that's already been done by communist faggots like you.
Cooper King
taxation is theft