Schooling is mass abuse against children. It needs to be abolished. 200 years from now...

Schooling is mass abuse against children. It needs to be abolished. 200 years from now, people will be appalled by the mass cruelty against children.

>Children are forced to stay in a prison like environment the entire day
>Forced to obey teachers, learn how to conform to arbitrary rules and suck up to their teachers for good grades
>Teachers yell at you, threaten you with detention and give you bad grades to make you feel like shit if you don't behave like a good bootlicking sheep-person
>Forced to study subjects in which they are not interested and with 99% likelihood won't have any application outside of school
>To add insult to injury, they're saddled with homework and have no leisure time when they get home

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ddint your father send you to bed like 20mins ago?

Public schools are basically daycare centers for older children and teenagers.

I'd lick her boots and let her add insults to my injuries.

That's on the parents nigger. We clearly live on a tax farm prison planet perpetuated by the literal retard normie masses. Either take power, educate normies, or kill normiez. Sieg heil retard nigger

School prepares you for real life. You thought 8 hours at school was bad where you got to hang out with your friends and play games and shit, try spending 8 hours doing work that makes you want to blow your brain out.

But who would babysit the demonic normie hellspawns while their parents work?

If school wasn't as bad as work, absenteeism wouldn't be such a problem and high school dropout rates wouldn't be so high. Despite the stigma against dropping out of high school, plenty of high school aged kids school school to enter to labor force to work minimum wage jobs over school.

based and redpilled

Freedom is gay, deal with it

>School prepares you for real life
>Work is nothing like school, it's so much worse.

They'd be roaming around making other peoples lives miserable otherwise, better it be a teacher than me.

go on....
be specific please.
Is it the textbooks, the whims of the teachers? picking favorites? the exhaustion of ones youth upon 'busy work' ?
the FAR LEFT points of views of most teachers?
their low effort engagement with their jobs while at the same time being super petty matching the maturity level of their child students?
anyone else have personal stories about all this gay shit? I'm into this thread

Absolutely. They are hording all those prime young bodies behind bulletproof glass now, too.

At my school there was some shady shit that happened between a girl and guy in the locker room, the school threatened to expel the girl if she spoke up

>Children are forced to stay in a prison like environment the entire day
They are shown the powa of the state and how it is more important than their parents at a very early age....the parents of course get the same lesson as they meekly drop off their children after spending all the required supplies money... and of course the rest of us pony up thousands every year in property tax or other taxes to pay for the greedy child fucking gov worker slaves to make mush out of their mostly shitty little dumb minds - and the few like myself that ace every test man ever created are stuck with the dumb shits even in accelerated classes.

>No, lets keep kids at home to be lerned by their jackass parents and never wind up socializing with kids their own age, that will work out great!

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>Schooling is mass abuse against children. It needs to be abolished.
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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and that's right where they stay, devoid of any education

I agree with you, but good luck finding a wife who will stay home to homeschool the kids, AND is qualified to do so.

Educate yourself

Yeah, god forbid we teach kids obedience and discipline. We should just let them do whatever they feel like, that will lead to them becoming respectable adults right?

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Teacher here.

I teach eight grade science. Every month I spend about $150 of my own money on food. I buy crackers, fruit snacks, small pieces of chocolate, and packs of dried fruit. Today I spent a little over $170 for my pack of food this month.

The thing about kids is they can’t learn when they’re hungry. They can’t learn if they don’t feel safe. They can’t learn if they don’t feel loved and valued. A good fraction of them come to me from broken and abusive homes. The meal they get at lunch may be the only meal they get that day because their parents wish they were dead and they know it.

And all 135 of the kids I teach every day know that if they are hungry I will have food for them. They might go the whole year and not learn a thing about the rock cycle or cladograms but there’s not one kid who can say they were not loved and valued in my classroom. That is the most important part of my job to me, and I will go hungry before I don’t have food for them.

You can sit on your throne of ignorance all day long, but there are kids out there that need to come to school. At home they would die. I will always be there for those kids.

Its unfortunate that whatever happened that made you this way happened. I hope that someday you’re able to turn your life around.

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why? She looks dumb AF. You must be one of those yellow fever losers

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Being a bootlicking government-worshiping commie sheep is not my idea of a "respectable adult".

Well you can raise your kids to be niggers if you want, they’ll be working for my kids once they reach adulthood

>Crackers and "fruit snacks" is the solution to malnutrition
Even if your story is true, $170 per month worth of snacks doesn't feed 135 children, let alone one, you fucking retard.

David Friedman unschooled his children and they wound up smarter, better read, more interesting and, most importantly, happier than 99.99% of children put in school prisons.

>respectable adult

Neither is being an ancap who thinks business and commerce can thrive in an unregulated stateless vacuum.

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The only qualification for being a 2nd grade teacher is being smarter than a 2nd grade student.

Now defend the pay and pensions they get. You're probably a teacher anyway stfu

Be honest though.
Are you dating a nigger?

God you sound like a fucking fruit cake.

I would nuke all of Europe just for the opportunity to suck the ever loving fuck outta those Asian toes.

Peanut butter crackers and trail mix snack packs fill them up, and have protein. Fruit snacks make them happy. Apple chips have a mild amount of vitamins. Options are limited without a refrigerator and I do a pretty good job with what I’ve got. The counselor and nurse have refrigerators, so they can give them fruits and carrots for breakfast. I give them protein and snacks throughout the day.

It’s not always malnutrition, sometimes they just need an adult to give them a fruit snack to show that someone cares about them. It’s not like I’m feeding 135 students a day. A have about a half dozen that are genuinely hungry every day and I split them with the counselor. There’s 20-30 more that come from families with inconsistent income and they get 3-4 a month. I’ve got about a dozen that I know are treated like shit by their parents and they get the chocolate on random days just to get a smile out of them. Then sometimes a kid just forgets breakfast and they can have some crackers.

School isn’t a prison. Teachers aren’t prison guards. School is a place that tries to prepare you for life while helping you grow as a person. I do everything in my power to help them grow. The kids like coming to class because they like learning. They like being valued. They like having friends. Kids don’t hate school.

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School is literally just a Jewish-funded, communist homosexual propaganda prison.

nobody cares about your grooming techniques sick fuck

The whole concept of schooling is never going to go away, and I would argue is necessary.
Problem is that the entire industry is dominated by women, and hence is Marxist (due to natural female instincts).
The teacher doesn't really have power anymore. Students can walk all over them and they know it, in fact it is encouraged - to teach them how to be
>stronk and independent.

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>He hasn't taken the footpill

Open a shelter if you want, but stop pretending that you are teaching them anything but how to take handouts.

Someone must have a test tomorrow hehehe. Gnite junior

No so. Indoctrination facilities, brainlet.

You do realize its our fault for enabling this behavior right?

>The thing about kids is they can’t learn when they’re hungry. They can’t learn if they don’t feel safe.
This teacher is WRONG
If not, we're glad all the starving kids have no idea they are starving.
Thanks NEA, you've completely fucking blown it.

They can indoctrinate your kids at home idiot. Public schools are there to hold minors while both parents slave away at work.

Holy shit, you're delusional. This self-rationalization is how you cope with the fact that you're being cruel to children. If kid enjoyed school, you wouldn't have a million kids dropping out of high school every year.
>Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone.

Who the fuck do you think you're fooling?

Goddamn, those are some nice feet! HNGHH

Its outdated, made for a different world. Google contains most information humans have accumulated, and its free more or less.

People need to go back to having stable relationships and multiple kids, then they can have a stay at home mom and the older siblings raise the younger ones.

Any social abilities can be developed through extracurricular clubs/sports teams. And it would be cheaper than paying into the tax system for schools.

Homeschooling is the answer, unless you want to let some commie indoctrinate your kid.

>Implying one can't be both homeschooled and participate in extra curricular activities with other kids
You do realize that there are sports, classes, camps, all kinds of activities aimed at kids who are homeschooled and have parents who give enough of shit about them to pay for their kids top have those experiences and not be shoved into a prison with a bunch of low IQ nigs?

No its true, the local middle school I work at actually packs supper for the students to take home, lunch and breakfast is free.

Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

>Sieg heil retard nigger

The US spends $12300 per student. Kids would be better off if you directly give them the $12300 per year instead of paying all the useless parasites in the school system.

Oh yes, public school has clearly worked so well for the children in your pic related.

>School is literally just a Jewish-funded, communist homosexual propaganda prison.

this post best post

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>muh oppressed children
You must be 18 or older to view this site.

I saw a slim Jap girl the other day and she was virtually the embodiment of beauty and femininity. If one of these goddesses ever tries to be my gf there's no way in hell I could resist

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>Kids would be better off if you directly give them the $12300
Nice try middle school loser.

It’s interesting to see people so broken that this is their conclusion whenever they think about adults helping kids. Projecting much?

Get the fuck off you're high horse faggot. I cant imagine being such a piece of shit that the only way I can validate myself as a good person is by buying cheap snacks for my students and talking about in on an anonymous forum. If you know your students are going through such hell then how about making their lives easier by not shoving the material you know is bullshit down thier throats and give them legitamate advice every now and then, or actually talk to your school board to make things better.

Going to school taught mostly by women was one of the major redpills about women you could get:

>you can be mediocre provided you are charming/flattering
>If you can complain successfully enough you can bullshit your teacher into moving your grade up on a paper
>women HATE being put through the paces so they will cave in to most criticism since they don't like being the focus of controversy/negativity.

>thinks teachers are allowed to teach whatever they want outside of the curriculum

>but there’s not one kid who can say they were not loved and valued in my classroom.
school is not about feeling loved, it's about academic learning. what the hell is wrong with you? you're just a glorified baby sitter, you're not a teacher.

>Schooling is mass abuse against children. It needs to be abolished

>200 years from now, people will be appalled by the mass cruelty against children
Hopefully but I wouldn't count on it - people wouldn't actively think on it in similar fashion to how they don't actively think about the atrocities of war. It's relegated to being talking about "in the abstract".


I dropped out during high school mainly because the teachers were bullies. They thought I 'looked like a punk' when I was just a terrified kid with social anxiety. Food wasn't so much a problem, for my entire school life I skipped breakfast and only had my first meal of the day when I got home at 4PM, but it was something I adapted to

I'd unironically agree with this post if you hadn't jewed it up so bad.
>yell at you
fuck off, fag. school is bullshit, but NOT because it hurts your goddamn feelings.

Obviously school didn't prepare you right, or your job wouldn't make you suicidal. Maybe get a job that you enjoy? It's not hard, I don't want schools gone, but I think at the age of 15/16 a student should have to take courses that are for their career ambitions so they can have a job that will make them more productive. (Not Liberal Arts, I mean classes that help with engineering, etc. ) A person who will never use accounting shouldn't have to waste their time in that class.

I have to go top sleep for work tomorrow. But I will just say, if I had the time I could shit up this thread with stories of the amount of shit that happened in my school. (Inner-city)

Its mass abuse against boys specifically. Girls do fine at school, they enjoy it. But boys are treated like they're factory products. Snip the dick in a production line and then be brainwashed for the entirety of your childhood and youth.

School prepared you for slavery, I.E. what you're doing. Its either or your own fault you work at such a job, or the system of schoolings fault.

The matter of you being forced isn't one of feelings, it's a matter of people in badges and boots physically dragging you away from your family if you don't and fail to jump through the other hoops should they feel like doing so.

actually it would be god-tier but it's full of niggers lol

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That's one angry Chinaman!

I don't know where you teach, when I was in Middle School a kid and a teacher got into a physical fight. Fuck, I argued with my 8th grade science teacher because she would sit there and suck Obama off for his policies.

Same user, I woke up at 6 everyday and didn't eat until 2:30 when I got home.

this. don't underestimate how much fake history and backwards math they can cram into kids 5 days a week.

>ancap is the same as anarchy
retard alert

American schools are fucked up

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mfw made a consistent effort not to do homework for probably ten years and largely succeeded

Academic achievement is a meme and typical schooling is absolutely abuse at every level, but go ahead and slave away with those subjects in order to become the best cog in the ZOG machine that you can fucking goy lmfao

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Stupid thread
Stupid meme flag
No need to read past OP post

> meme flag

> aussie


All those years I was full of life and love, I just realized and Im full of anger against those fucking jews and their nigger and liberal pets

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>be 8
>be forced to do hundreds of math problems such as "5+13=?"
>stop paying attention because its a fucking waste of energy, start just doing math with way bigger numbers in my head just for fun
>teacher says i should go to a doctor for being distracted
>doctor says "its adhd"
>get put on stimulants
>end up doing worse because feel like shit all the time
>doctor ups the dosage
>repeat until im having heart palpitations and paranoid delusions for years as a little kid

its no measure of good health to be well adjusted to a sick world

>school is largely a daycare for the children of subhumans and single mothers

yeah no shit nigger thats the fucking problem

>cruelty against children.

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>feeding retarded niggers and spics so they can live long enough to have more retarded niggers and spics that will also need food

>For R/hapas

clearly made by reddit

good points. It really is indoctrination into slavery

A fucking bitch like you happened. Like 40 fucking times.

There was this neighbour girl when I was young who always tried to get me to lower my pants
Then in elementary school she made kids grope her breasts and lower their pants
Some women are genetically sluts

>Some women are genetically sluts
That's not the take--home message you pastashitter

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I don't know what the take-home message of that IS
no one advocates sending 9 year olds to the police - how many people do you actually believe think otherwise

It takes 8 years to teach a slave to love the factory

someone seems underage here

This is a honeypot.