What are some racist things you've done that will come back to haunt you later in life?

What will they dig up on you that will oust/bar you from political office, company ownership, employment, etc?

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Why do progressive white men make these posts?

contrapositive, if minorites arent treated badly, should whites want to be a minority?

We scared because coloreds don't know how to run a society

What are the benefits of becoming a minority? Should whites be enthused about it?

>are minorities treated badly in america or something?

No, whites fear becoming a minority because we have all seen how niggers act. The thought of a majority nigger nation should make anyone afraid


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Being white is enough for them to destroy you. I

Because minorities already treat whites terribly and when they become the majority that treatment will be more openly expressed, accepted, and exercised.
Meanwhile whites are only guilty of stupidity in accepting blame for crimes they themselves didn't commit or benefit from directly or indirectly.

>thought of a majority nigger nation should make anyone afraid
to be fair, it will more likely be a majority spic nation first. Nigs are killing themselves off via abortion rather rapidly.
Spics are being imported by the literal millions due to effectively open border.

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This. Try and find blacks advocating for white people in Africa.

That I took my kkk robe and hood to the dry cleaners and complained when they didn’t make it white enough if you know how much dry cleaning costs you’d be pissed too

Whites will never become a minority. While shitskins sit on their ass collecting welfare and complaining that they aren't getting enough gibs, whites are genuinely angry. They're buying weapons. They're buying ammunition. They're planning for a war. They want a revolution. Niggers can't plan far enough ahead to have free money left for food after the 15th of the month. Do you really think they're a threat to our way of life?

The sad part is, they don't even realize that they're being further oppressed and controlled while they bask in some kind of superiority complex as they're collecting their gibs and reparations.

You'd better hope that whites don't become the minority in the US.

>see how minorities treat other races
>see how they treat each other
>see how they treat animals
>see how they treat the environment
Surely they will be different when they are the majority and not turn the USA into an Africa-tier shithole.

>Whites are gonna go from 90% of the population to about 45% in less than a century
>Nothing to see here goyim
No reason to be concerned that minorities will make this country a shithole without a fucking doubt.

When whites are the minority social services will cease to exist and chimpouts will be constant

>chimpouts will be constant
Thats the fun part, niggers beating niggers over trivial shit and then burning their own cities

we treat you badly because you abandon your children and commit most crimes. no, poverty is not an excuse because you rarely see that type of behavior in hispanic families and they barely make more money than blacks on average.


No, it's because everyone know how niggers, spics, and gooks treat anything that falls victim to their dominion. This goes for people and property alike.

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because we've seen Africa.

>The thought of a majority nigger nation
You people are retarded. America can never become majority nigger. You clearly don't understand how demographics work. I hope you kill yourself.

>all the legislation to protect and benefit "minorities" was secretly created to benefit white people
What if we can convince niggers of this?

Two words: South Africa

I am white and I am scared of this. Low IQ idiots are not going to bode well for whites, and we are already seeing the effects of those currently in the swamp. I am afraid what will happen for my kids sake.

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>America can never become majority nigger.
>You clearly don't understand how demographics work.

I would not have thought that there could possibly be as many niggers, and retarded non-white orcs roaming the Earth as we have now. The productive capacity of American farmlands, and food processing is truly amazing, when paired with (((NGO))) charities and (((foreign aid))) from the (((US State Dept))) and (((NATO))).

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>What are some racist things you've done that will come back to haunt you later in life?
I had white children. Im fucked

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It's being a minority in your own country that's the problem. Niggers aren't minorities in Africa.

Nothing unless they dig up all my Jow Forums posts and don't realise they are all jokes

I feel bad for yall. Everything you guys do is being looked at under a microscope. You cant even smirk in public anymore. Meanwhile I can say whatever I want, do whatever I want. Even wear my MAGA hat and solely because I'm black I get away with it

nigger population is declining with the whites, spics and Asians are growing

Really? I suppose South Americans believed that as well, as most African countries with white populace (South Africa had white majority less than 100 years ago)

I never had a racist thought in my life

>gas the jews
>it was just a joke, hardy har har

>are minorities treated badly or something?
no, but whites are.

the only acceptable answer.

i wish i never met a nigger like this user

If whites were smart like jews being a minority wouldn't matter at all

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because persecuted minorities become monsters when they get into power, just look at israel and palestine

The problem is the rules keep changing. You’ll notice how on slow news days the Internet will blow up with, “[insert old movie] is racist/sexist/rape culture/homophobic.”

Maybe you played football in high school, and you cross-dressed as a cheerleader for a “powder puff” event. That picture likely wound up in your yearbook. So now you’re 20-30 years older now, it’s 2019, and you want to run for political office. Some turd will find that yearbook and smear you as transphobic, anti-lgbt, blah blah. It’s a very dirty game and it just isn’t fair.

based nips

Gas the jews
Hang the niggers
Enslave women
Nuke the chinks
Eradicate the sand niggers

Thats because jews live in the safe western controlled white nations. El USA gobermento wont give a shit about jews when theyre being throwing off the commie choppers.

You wish


the government would, the people wouldnt

Same site that broke black face ... .......
This is huge!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

That has nothing to do with why we’re scared. No white person gives a fuck if shitskins are mean to them, we just like living in the first world. Even white leftists do, which is why they all threatened to move to Canada... # of leftists who threatened to move to Mexico: 0. And it can’t be because of the people there because according to the left they’re even more “American” than we are.

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i wish i was a nigger so i could pozz up your soft perky ass white boi

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i'm openly racially bigoted so i have nothing to fear. as far as your pic related goes what we're scared of is our great nation turning into a shithole like every other nation that is filled with majority shitskins