Why is there so many threads and posts showing intermixing between white men and black women?

Why is there so many threads and posts showing intermixing between white men and black women?

I seriously hope none of you fall for this bullshit.

Same with racemixing with asians, it's just not worth it.

Do you really want to irrevocably ruin your genetics, because le asian women are le submissive meme.

The worst part is, retards in here will unironically push for racemixing with asians.

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Holy fuck, that kid is UGLY.
Thank god I have beautiful blonde hair, blue eyed children.

>retards in here will unironically push for racemixing with asians

they are kike shills, nobody is that retarded

Because mixing with beautiful dark black women create's better offsping.

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There it is, the discord kike tranny shill.

Its hard to be happy for an ape that wont amount to anything but negroidism. This mongo wont even understand its own reflection until well over age 5

>Because mixing with beautiful dark black women create's better offsping.

Based on what evidence?

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This, just another clue that minorities are subhuman.

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Because we have a dick.

jewish op


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Do you honestly think people are falling for this?
Only women are gulllible/stupid enough to want niggers.
Your stupid images won't change the fact that nobody worth their Jow Forumssalt is going to be influenced by these pictures.
Also, how much do they pay you, or are you doing this for free?

Nice try discord trannie

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>telling people to not marry someone they love because he is from the wrong race
fuck off, everyone is free to mix with whatever the hell he want (except for kikes)
you retards hate race-mixing because the jews keep pushing it on you but it doesn't mean that race mixing-itself is bad it means that jews are the problem for using race-mixing for their agenda

it's a fake doll

this and always fucking this

>le tranny shill
No, they don't promote white male fertility.
The black woman is the most fertile.

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look at this dood

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She should be charged for bestiality. Fucking niggers are subhumans

>discord trannies wouldn’t promote racemixing
Try harder

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These pictures always make me laugh. BMWF kids ALWAYS turn out like this too. All the good looking mulattoes have white dads.


he'll pay the toll. sooner or later when we deport him to Africa

Thankfully the Alpha was able to breed her before disappearing. I'm lucky enough to send her monthly child support.

I thought that was a turd on a towel. Fuck that’s gross.

>The black woman is the most fertile.

Fertility != Successful offspring

Fucking lost it

they need to neck themselves.

Attached: tranny_decisions.png (794x496, 84K)

I agree
better to be MGTOW than mix

>Why is there so many threads and posts showing intermixing between white men and black women?
Shills are NPCs, and these tactics seem to work everywhere else they're tried. They'll tell themselves it's just to get a rise out of us, but in actuality they have no idea why they do it other than because they've always done it and most shills are mentally ill trannies on a dozen different medications.

All blacked posters come from reddit

well, that explains the niglet.

Attached: sanders-black-vote.jpg (640x417, 82K)

>calling niggers “alphas”
>LARPing as a cuck
Yep. Discord trannies are in full effect tonight.

>muh inferior genes will be lost!
>I need to breed with someone with similar inferior genes!
>To preserve them!

Think of how many beautiful women’s genes have been ruined. Think about how many single moms. Thanks Jews!

Black men get absolutely INFURIATED when white men take their women, because white guys always end up with their best and brightest, we aren't going down to the hood to pick up Shaquanda and her 5 kids. Black men, meanwhile, have to settle for the dregs of white women, we've all seen the statistics, white women into black men are fatter and dumber on average, and frankly you'd have to be kinda retarded to think being anywhere near adult black men on a regular basis was a good idea.

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Only shills do this, concern troll

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Lol this is a girl you haven't unlocked yet

Nothing wrong with loving a black woman.

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It's the free market

And what's wrong with that?! That's a healthy response. I would gladly help them beat that white traitors ass

perfectly fine for black men to love black women. Fuck the white subhumans that are race mixers.

snitch goof

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Ur mad cuz theres nigger dick in your mom and sister lol

bfwm is a redpilled pairing

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She fucked Worf and gave birth to a Klingon

Now thats an ugly ass halfbreed

Looks more like a mutt version of the traveler to me.

Disgusting fat ape

*black hand / white hand gripping.jpg when it comes to race traitors

Gross looks like his hand vanishins in a pit of despair. So unnatural.

Attached: black women love white men.jpg (3345x2509, 709K)

Wait... could that baby be...

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It's not fine for black men to exist. We need to breed you out of existence, little sambo boy.

I cant wait till i get to see you disgruntle pimple faced pale boys in person. Youre finally gonna get laid when my massive nigger cock is sunk into your gaping ass cavity.

I started dating an asian women before being redpilled on race, so Im hardcore in love and I'm to much of a pussy to end it with her. Date white anons

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i don't think people learned from planet of the apes

Only the most high test and redpilled white men go with black women

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they will always exist because they evolved that way. If whites moved to Africa eventually through evolution they would become black too.

Condensed faggotry here.

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i think you mean the most closeted faggots since all black women look like white men niggers with tits

Exactly. Fucking poltards are like hardcore conservative christians i dont get it. Blacks are not subhuman just because a large portion are uneducated and their dna is slightly different.

What's the end game of promoting it though?
The media has seen a huge spike in portrayal of white woman/Indian male here recently which is curious.
Very rarely if at all do you see a white man/Indian women couple portrayed.
It's curious, how does media even decide that this needs to be a thing?

Race mixing is the future, especially white women and black men. Stop trying to fight it, there's nothing wrong with it.

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Jealous roastie?

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Cope harder nerd

The whole point of using proxies is to be subtle and not give the game away user.
Apply yourself.

(Most regular users of pol)

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>shift manager at KFC

this, anti-Semites and muslims are too retarded to use the false flag trick properly

White men secretly love black women too.

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Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

Sheboons are disgusting

>Race mixing is the future, especially white women and black men.
I agree

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I come to Jow Forums exclusively for black girl threads.
I don't even disagree with all of what Jow Forums says, I'm racist as fuck and you're probably right about the jews. You're just annoying faggots about it so I like it when the mean sexy black girls upset your penis. I also just really like to fap to black girls.

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Killing niggers en masse is the future.

A very inevitable future. That nobody can prevent.

>Why is there so many threads and posts showing intermixing between white men and black women?
Everybody here knows it's a Kremlin propaganda campaign to demoralize and destabilize the West. they blast this shit on social media because it triggers the white supremacists.

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Sure, but I'll never admit it. The pussy is good and the silky, honey voice is a huge turn-on. But I do not--and I cannot emphasize this enough--want to deal with even one iota of nigger-speak, no ebonics, no sub-human IQ pissing matches with her niglet friends, her nigger friends who resent a white man colonizing that pussy, nor do I want to deal with a potential lifetime of having kids constantly questioning their worth in a racist world (or worse--decades of alimony or child support because their mother reverted back to a useless chimp and came after me for child support and alimony).

So I'll keep my appreciation for black pussy a secret and wrap my dick before I go swinging in the jungle. And there's nothing you filthy kikes can do to change my mind about it.

Youre a fool its rich vs poor. Unless you are a multi millionaire youre as good as a nigger.

Mfw banging horny af small black teen qt every night all the way to her cervix

Kike detected

>Sheboons are disgusting
I agree

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> male gorilla cub
> her
the current year, lads

>Why is there so many threads and posts showing intermixing between white men and black women?
Because it's hot and sexy, obviously. It's a relatively new phenomenon and is still a bit edgy. But if you really think about it, doesn't the image of a hot white girl being plowed by a massive black cock turn you on quite a lot and make you really hard?

Attached: Hot model blacked.jpg (2896x2896, 1.02M)

White men who fetishize foreign races are just the lowest of the heirarchy. They cannot get a white woman so they've trained themselves to be able to get a hard on for inferior women.

No alpha male on Earth can get a hard on in the presence of a foreigner. Just because it looks human doesn't make it so.

Lay off the heroin and MDMA.

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Based as fuck


those figures are very under-achieving sounding. how can we improve them ?

>spice of white genes
>free KFC every night
lucky kid desu

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Come home white man

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