How do you fix Japan?

How do you fix Japan?

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Accept more immigrants

100/100 post

Not listening to what jews say, for one.

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Same as any country. Step 1: gas the kikes.

start breeding you fucking idiots!

Nuke it again

let me translate your shit to me and my brothers
its gonna help you get a lot more money from new demographics, AND NO IMMIGRANTS

It's fine. Any demographic imbalance will sort itself out.

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You may want to consider telling people about the harmful effects of söy.

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Country needs to commit seppuku already

>Whats is fermented söy?
You pillock.

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>t. asian women reject me

sorry user. you know you've hit the bottom as a white man, when even asian girls won't date you

Pretty simple, in theory.

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Remove the welfare state and its programs

We tried to fix them twice and they didn’t get the hint.

Don't actually do this NipBro

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Ban anime. If I'm elected as the prime minister of Japan, the first thing I'll do is to ban anime. Anime is the worst thing ever happened to Japan. Because of anime, the fertility rate declined so hard. There are too many NEETs isolate themselves and avoid any social interactions. If they don't fuck their anime body pillow but go out and get to know girls in real life instead of obsessing with imaginary waifu, that will be good.

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Stop have always done well

Kill the grudge

Go back in past and shoot Commodore Perry.

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Bring back Samurai or Shizoku and actually allow them to carry a katana in public but only have it open to full blown trad japs with a set curriculum on being a man & dressing trad


Delete anime.

Have insane family allocations.

It works as long as you don't have immigration. I don't understand why they didn't try this already.

Accept beautiful and 1776 immigrants.

That's the absolute dumbest thing I've heard today.
People find outlets for their problems, those outlets rarely create the problems. If it weren't anime/manga it'd be something else, maybe videogames, maybe scifi novels, maybe building models, maybe they'd simply stare all day at the bloody roof over their heads, etc. Only a blithering idiot would think focusing on a single symptom would cure the decease. The whole hikikomori phenomenon stems from societal issues, a single medium bears very little responsibility on the matter and it's utterly misguided to think simply getting rid of it would solve the problem.

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This way you won't fix a problem with Japan fertility rate.
Actually causation of Japanese and Western fertility poblem is basically the same, gynocentrism. It's the same. Japanese men are working their asses off but they still cannot meet Japanese women exceptations, and Japanese women just prefer to focus on career than to have family with common Japanese man.

The only difference is how forever alone men are acting. In west forever alone guys just become depressed, make incel forums, and sometimes they mass murder people, commit suicide.

In Japan forever alone men just embrace and, hug pillows, play dating Sims, have virtual waifus to at least simulate something what they instinctively need but it's out of their grasp.

So at the end your "solution" all what will cause is giving Japan the new problem, called incels.

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By not changing a thing.

relax porn censorship laws

Eject foreigners.

mass geisha impregnation by white men

Just keep increasing the hate for mud people. Anything brown is disgusting and shall be banned.

Everything is going well in Japan now.
Thanks Abe!

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Their work culture is stuck in the 90s and completely fucked. Businesses are hamstrung and inefficient because procedures are dictated by old fucks who won't adapt to changing times and hold their positions for life. They still widely use fax machines for example.
The younger adults are overworked and have no time for families, or have dropped out of the system and become neets.

I'm happy that jews can't shapeshift as japanese

onions is good for you, nips have been eating loads of it for ages and they live the longest. to be fair there are a lot of beta males, but even when they were alphas in WW2 they still ate lots of onions.

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remove jewish influence.

legalize ganja

you need a influx of white men, your otakus faggots need to be replaced, japan

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>adults are overworked and have no time for families
This (at least from an outsider) sounds like the primary reason for the fertility problem.

berri naisu posto

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Take away womens voting rights, this is also the same solution for the west too.

Get penis erect
Place penis in vagina
Thrusting many times

Orgasm in vagina
Babies come out soon
Japan will be fixed this way

Shazam, I found the solution in haiku form, now get to fucking and make some damn babies already.

remove “Sea of Japan” from maps, it is called the East Sea.
Japan bribed international oceanic maritime nomenclature organization manager (I-OMNOM) to change historical maps from East Sea to “Sea of Japan” which is false name created by Japanese during colony time, all original maps used in the world referred to correct name of East Sea which was follow orig. nomenclature system of world and maritime law of Korea had ownership of East Sea due to Dokdo and thus naming right is only with Korea

more muslim, inshallah

Japanese are lost tribe of Jewish sand people, also proven check Wikipedia
cry about fake atomic bomb like fake holohoax, should call atomic boax
same as manchukuo bridge incident, Japanese always lie, disgust of pig, a fuck

By kicking out subhuman English teachers like you

>check Wikipedia

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>buttblasted Korean posting behind memeflag

>how to spot a korean 101
>tfw when even the memeflags can't save you

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Try turning it off and on again?

go look yourself if you doubt I will not spoon food

they just have an emotional problem with self esteem. They are still very imperialist

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A declining population isn't a problem as long as you aren't allowing in the replacements. It's only a problem for a certain (((group))). A declining population can improve quality of life for the average person.

Translate "The Rational Male" series to Japanese.

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Why does she have the face of an 8 yo? Is this why pedo loli is a problem in Japan?

kys antisemite

Identify that households with housewife staying at home to raise kids, have more kids, but less disposable income.
Keep building better robots...

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Don't hate on neoteny mate.

Oh, you're a kike, I see.

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>much anime
The birth rate in Japan is higher than Europe when you subtract euro immigrat births.
>now violent crime
>happy citizens
What’s to fix? Their work culture is a little cancerius

>The birth rate in Japan is higher than Europe when you subtract euro immigrat births.

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none. I shit piss on the japanese, through multiple dicks, ten liquid metrics of diarreah flows from each one at the energy rate of hiroshima

u want fix japan then get small dick korean bull to inseminate tadpole in big dick japanese cuck their urethra will create le 56% mutt monstrosity to worship the true god allah

It is true, the only reason the birthdate in Europe and the us is higher is because of population replacement.
Pick related is a fucking cartoon villain head of majestic 12 who thinks replacement migration is a real solution to a non problem. Population decline is a meme

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Found the jewish instigator. Get off your proxy.

i'm obviously a troll you fucking paranoid stormfag

>u want fix japan then get small dick korean bull to inseminate tadpole
Quality larp must be an Aussie.

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>How do you fix Japan?

You can't, they're fucked

Women are gold-digging whores

Men are cucks who rather dry-hump hentai printed body pillows than hump actual Females.

And the men who are one notch above not being cucks, they rather fuck non-Jap women.

They're culture is so snobby they won't let foreigners fuck their whores either. I mean, you think organized crime likes money enough to see gaijun spend some their way.

End the state pension system.

A pair of b61 mod 12s should do the trick for again.

deport the (((koreans)))

More vibrant diversity

japan has a lot of problems in society, politics and economy. you could do a lot of things to help them, but the sad part is, they dont want help and they dont want to change

For example? The only thing that i hear in our media is kurils question.

Honestly, I think that entire culture suffers from some kind of multi-generational PTSD over Hiroshima/Nagasaki...



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they dont want to change their inefficient labour system.

they dont want to change the immigration laws. cheap workers are needed for a country like japan where all of the natives feel too good to do the shitty, bad payed jobs.

they wont do shit about their bad political party system with almost no competition.

get kids, it's scientificaly proven that it usually leads to surviving as a people

So your solution is
>Just bring the Nogs

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we tried. twice.

While i like anime, i find the overly common male female tropes to be quite disturbing.
For those not initiated The trope men feeling completely ashamed to be around women even going so far as rushing out of the room and womeb going so far as to impose physical violence on men for daring to see them in any sexual light.
You cant tell me that doesnt have any effect on young jap guys growing up.

It's "supposed" to be funny.
Blame Rumiko. Seriously.

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The yakuza from ive what ive heard and read are EXTREMELY RIGHT WING and nationalistic.

After the 10,000th anime it goes from funny to indoctrination. You wouldnt say this when you noticed almost all tv dads are useless clutzes and tv daughters goto school to study fem theory while getting banged. Maybe one or two shows but 99% nope.

Everything you faggots know about japan is wrong, once you actually travel there you realize it is Functioning great and their suburbs are like a mini heaven.
I swear 90% about what you hear about japan is wrong

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Heres the thing a dying population is easy to conquer. Especially one where women are gaining positions of influence.
People say their no jews in japan. Who needs jews when you have women

They only don’t let foreigners into the high end places, because most foreign johns are military brutes that dont understand the experience and don’t speak Japanese at all. It would be like letting a migingt worker into a 5 start restaurant and expecting them not to spoil the entir place,
Japanese have plenty of kids, there is nothing wrong with stabiliting the population

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Id be more concerned about the long running themes of homosexuality, and pedophilia, that show up in so many shows so unexpectedly, and so casually.

you don't there's nothing to fix kike

Bring back feudal Japan and re-awaken the samurai.

Why? They have 125,000,000 people.

Pedo stuff has been around for a while but yes ive noticed more homo stuff lately. You have to think...if youre a jew how would you spread your message in a closed off society like japan.
China knows the tricks which is why they
monitor ppl so much, to maintain THEIR grip on control