Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told

I'm still skeptical about this documentary, maybe someone smart could help me out a bit learning about what Hitler did and didn't do? I usually like taking explanations from both sides to get a complete consensus of what is true, so atleast try to convince me that Hitler really did nothing wrong, please.

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Other urls found in this thread:

it's worth a watch to at least see a sympathetic view of the man
gives a very good depiction of the conditions in the weimar republic that led to his taking power in the first place if nothing else

Not many people have taken the time to refute the documentary, but this is a pretty solid counterargument imo:

I think this might be the same user who has a holocaust post, being by far the longest imgur post I've ever seen. Definitely goodest goy

yeah, its garbage full of lies and half truths
unfortunately Jow Forums is full of naive easily impressionable retards who fall pray to stormfag propaganda

Even if Karl Liebknecht is not a jew, the majority of the top leaders of the Spartacus uprising were indeed Jewish communists.

That Imgurian has a lot of good stuff.

I am not even a stormfag and find this to be ridiculous.

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Yeah, I agree that Wikipedia should never be cited formally but as I said not many people have taken time to debunk it. I recognize at least 80% of the facts in that blog as true from my High-School and College history courses but I do realize that this stuff shouldn't be taken as true by default.

If you really care to learn about the claims stated in this movie, then do research independently and read WW2 books yourself. I don't expect many people to be willing to do that and it takes a shit-load of time, however.

I have not seen the movie. I am a history enthusiast but obsessing over Hitler is not my thing, especially with all the contradicting information floating around.

I'm pretty neutral but this write up is terrible, the dude literally asks why the dude has no academic qualifications and then follows up with meme arguments instead of providing actual criticism.

>meme arguments
I wouldn't say so. He is definitely acknowledging 6 claims made during the documentary and refuting them with reasoning, which I did watch about 3 years ago when I was a deeply entrenched stormfag. I'll concede his sources are trash, but here, I'll add some credibility to his/her argument by summarizing the most compelling counterargument imo and giving a better source to support it.

>CLAIM 5: "Hitler was compassionate toward Jews by letting them emigrate to Palestine."

>Haa'vara Agreement allowed about 60,000 Jews to flee to Palestine. This was proposed by Jewish groups, not the Nazi government.

>"The Zionists sought to attract immigrants to Palestine...and the Germans sought to get rid of their Jews, increase their exports and a propaganda victory by dividing the Jews regarding the boycott. The Haavara continued to function until World War II, in spite of vigorous attempts by the Nazi Party to stop or curtail its activities. The total transfer amounted to LP 8,100,000 (Palestine Pounds; then $40,419,000) including LP 2,600,000 (then $13,774,000) provided by the German Reichsbank in coordination with Haavara. The Haavara transfer was a major factor in making possible the immigration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in the years 1933–1939"

Secondary Source (Written by jews so it's probably not a source to Jow Forums):

Primary Source:
"The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact between Nazi Germany and Jewish Palestine"(2001)

How is that a counterargument?
It's just 2 different ways of saying the same thing

Source content =
These are equivalent to citing stormfront or dailystormer except on the other side.

He has a few good points but they're overshadowed by memes
>how there is no real evidence for the holocaust and how allied bombing raids killed a gazillion innocent German civilians

I didn't even get that far I stopped at this point:

"If we define "colonialism" as a foreign power (in terms of language, customs, culture) ruling over another"

That's not colonialism, literally every empire in history would then be defined as a colonial empire. He forgot the part about economic exploitation, the Austrians did a hell of a lot more for their minorities than the Brits did for India or the French for Vietnam for example.

Hitler wasn't compassionate for signing a negligible agreement allowing only 60,000 jews to immigrate to Palestine, especially considering that the Nazi Govt. tried to curtail the Haa'vara agreement persistently. It's obvious that at best the Nazi's wanted the jews out of Germany, but there was no compassion in it.

Who gives a fuck about having compassion for literal parasites? Why do people care?
Im sick of neo-nazis trying to turn Hitler into the image of Jesus, he was a strong and vicious man and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The natural order is vicious, it is reality.

What's the concensus? Was he a Zionist Jesuit shill or not?? Why ? Proofs??

I see your point but I don't really know why that would matter. Compassion is such a loaded kike term these days.
There is no talks of compassion this or that when a non white power engages in world politics.

Whether hitler was a good guy, or a bad guy, it doesn't stop the fact that today we need to remove the mud people from our lands. So, there's that.

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Compassion is a neutral trait to begin with, it is not inherently good or bad.
Having compassion can result in allowing refugees into a country which leads to suffering of other people. Can that be considered inherently good?

if you're curious about ww2 from a non (((source))) then i suggest David Irving

Well, at least you can be honest about what's guiding your views. Honestly, I hate neo-nazis who try to paint Hitler as Jesus as well, but only because I see they are dishonest and truly don't see Jews as human at all.
I can see why you would refuse to have compassion for refugees as they could cause damage to society. Jews during the Holocaust, however, were innocent and benefitted society imo. Therefore, they deserved compassion.

Yeah. I mean, the memes certainly don't help, and neither does the character assassination near the beginning. I do think that lefties sometimes shoot themselves in the foot engaging with white nationalists because they resort to irrational ad-hominems which undermine their points.

This is fundamentally true. Regardless if Hitler was good or bad or if the Holocaust happened or not, it's irrelevant. Jews will bludgeon you over the head with "evil Nazi evil Hitler, evil white people" muh Holocaust rhetoric to stop white people from engaging in racial politics, and you have to curtail this jewish frame. Forget their moral framing so your can actually engage in real politics

I have always had an interest in history and always thought that Hitler wasn’t as bad as were taught but definitely not “good”. Then I saw the movie and it fucked up my whole perception. It’s not going to make you obsessed and think he’s a God or anything but you will be sympathetic as hell towards Germany in anything you see referencing WWII.

based source

People should look up what books the Nazis actually burned lmao.
People should learn more about Weimar and what pushed Nazis to rise up more than they need Holocaust "education".

it was war. there weren't good or bad guys. you see we could actually live in peace and prosperity if it wasn't for parasites biting at the heels of society.

>Innocent and benefited society

Yeah totes makes sense how one dude was like “hey you want to get rid of these Jews?” And then literally the entire nation was like “omg yes, finally!”

No one??

Jesus at least use the sources wikipedia does, that's just lazy

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Makes sense how a group that was not only scapegoated in Germany but every other nation since the Roman Empire would be murdered once again. The Romans started the trend, and everyone followed and blamed the Jews for everything. Meanwhile, if you look at the science coming out of Germany it was almost entirely discovered by Jews.

It's complete horseshit and badly made trash. Shitty scroll text, no real narration, same shitty music for 5+ hours, YouTube should pull it for mass plagarism of actual docudrama namely Hitler rise of evil.

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>try to convince me that Hitler really did nothing wrong, please.
>really did nothing wrong
The odds of any political leader not doing anything wrong are nil. Sorry.
In the other hand, the odds of the winners of the war feeding you an honest, 100% true narrative are also nil.
Just love God with all your heart, mind, and soul and (try your damnedest to) love your neighbor as yourself.

I started out trying to contribute to this thread rationally with historical facts, but now it's divulged into meme arguments like typically happens on Jow Forums. Honestly, I'm white straight and male and I was a literal neo-nazi stormfag 2 years ago. The only reason why I tried to defend the Holocaust and question historical revisionism ITT is because I'm so disillusioned now with who I used to be. I am not a stereotypical leftist who is pro-immigration and completely anti-racist. I'm just honestly fucking disgusted with the ideology which permeates this site.

I don't have some kind of fetish for Jews and I don't feel guilty for being white. I feel guilty because I used to be a blubbering idiot and an asshole who went on this board like most of you and absorbed these "historical truths" blindly while dismissing the mainstream. I realize now that Jews had a fucking rough time in history and I sympathize with them more than I could ever sympathize with Nazi scum who've killed millions and invaded countries. If you hate jews, I hate you. If you take over my government and try to kill jews, I will not hesitate to kill you in the same fashion that you would exterminate them. For those who change or who have changed, I will hold no grudge against you. I will forgive easily, but you have to change.

my man

Study more then. Jews are not all the same .

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nobody wants your forgiveness you faggot

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you won't be killing anyone you larping faggot. What you will do is piss yourself and shake uncontrollably the second someone gets in your face for real. Stop trying to front, you manlet.

Who cares? One quick look at the West makes it obvious that we would all be better off if he'd won. Anyone who denies this is still sucking the bluebill hard
If you're not a troll, then what a faggot you are. The rope will be waiting for you as well

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You can hate Jews for being the scum they're without being a Nazi.
In the grand scheme of things, would it really matter if we made them extinct? People would all forget in a hundred year time-span of the 7 billion years that the earth has existed.
Keeping Jews alive would cause more chaos in the long run.
You are now complacent in their threat to destroy the world as the atheist Jews try to exploit people and resources for wealth and the religious zionists try to destroy the world through making prophecies fulfill.
You deserve a rope

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I know, I was more referring to my mercy, but I realize that most of you are going to be stubborn and fight for the "white race" even if you die for it.

Also you love to "spit historic facts" while having sink holes in your logic.
Last time I checked Romans didn't have a sphere of influence over the entire world. Even uncontacted tribes wouldn't put up with Jews.
Anti semitism has no sphere of influence in China and yet China still sees Jews as a threat.
Small communities in Brazil have also recently been kicking out Jews even though a lot of them don't have internet. So who's fault is it?

>most of you are going to be stubborn and fight for the "white race" even if you die for it
>not willing to die for something you believe in

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pretend you're a have this guy on one side and kikes on the other..which narrative is more likely

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You know what. You're right. Fuck it, I do have something to die for. I'll die for Jews. You're fucking selfish if you think that whites shouldn't even stop breeding for Jews after millions of Jews have been slaughtered over and over again. At least if I die fighting to stop you from killing all the Jews like you want to fucking do, I'll be dying for something righteous and redeeming myself for what a shitty person I used to be. I don't fucking care what Jow Forums thinks of me, I'll proudly die for the kikes.

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Go away, LARPer. No one redpilled enough to have seen the light on the Jews before is ever going to say something as bluepilled as "I'll die for Jews." Go be retarded somewhere else. This was supposed to be a somewhat serious thread

checked and true

This. It's a refreshing view that isn't filled with kike propaganda meant to instigate white guilt and repress whites acting in their own interests.

The real redpill is not giving a shit whether Hitler was right or wrong, although I personally think he was awesome, aside from some serious tactical blunders and excessive expansionism. We can act together as whites RIGHT NOW, without guilt, and take care of the cancer that's holding us back.

We aren't a movement in 1930's Germany, we are a movement here and now, and no amount of calling us a "nazi" will save them from us.

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>I'll proudly die for the kikes
lmfao have fun retard

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Don't forget that the British limited jewish immigration to Palestine.

It doesn't fucking matter. The Holocaust is the most well-documented historical event and there are countless ways to prove that it objectively happened. 6 million people died. There were gassings and all other methods of execution. Shit like is cherrypicking jews who weren't actually survivors. Nothing justifies killing 6 million people. NOTHING! NEVER! You've decided to dehumanize jews so you don't have to face the ethics of killing them. Jews are humans. They just happen to be the most hated group of humans on the planet. That is fucking stupid and what it comes down to is that you are selfish monsters who want someone to blame your fucking problems on. That's all that is at the core of Nazi scum. If you accept your hatred unconditionally, nobody can help you and you have to be stopped, restrained, or killed before you can cause any more harm to the world.

>implying the kikes didn't do anything to deserve it
There is a long, well-documented history of kikes betraying goyim in their own nations, after they had been kind enough to let them live there and not just slaughter them outright for their conspiratorial ways.

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>jews are humans
I hope this is bait

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Yup, pathetic LARPer confirmed. Do you hold so little faith in your convictions that you have to pretend to have been a Stromfag to declare them? Or are you just a regular coward? Either way, fuck off back to /leftypol/ where you belong. No one here gives a shit about
>muh six gorillion
after what they've done to the West.

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Hmmm... I wonder if it had a 100 million dollar budget, a couple of Affirmative Action bigger starring roles, nudity/blatant penis shots, a couple hundred critics giving it a thumbs up, and had made millions of collectibles to be sold on Amazon, movie billboards, and a couple Superniggerbowl commercials... if that would have any affect on you "believing" the story premise. Nah... that couldn't possibly have anything to do with it. Faggot.

Fun fact there is no way to debunk it. Because everything that's said by Hitler is already a cited source. It came from his mouth there for it is confirmed and not made up in some translation on a paper. Worth a serious watch.

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This tells all. It was written by an American historian who witnessed everything. That documentary is straight bullshit fake news propaganda. I think a Black Israelite documentary probably has more truth in it.

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Hitler was the worse thing to happen to right wing politics. He got more white people killed/raped than anyone else on this planet. Fuck you retards worshipping this retarded fascist. Hitler is why we cant have nice things.

>implying hitler is the reason we are bombarded with white guilt by the education system and media
>implying hitler is the reason big finance is conspiring against whites acting in their own interests by funding the MSM, influencing policy, etc
>implying its not the fucking jews
How dense are you? Hitler is totally irrelevant and the only reason you believe otherwise is because you're either a shill or have totally bought into their propaganda. The politics of 1930's Germany is not what's holding us back, it's Jews.

no we can't have nice things because you burgers got yourselves kiked and bombed this shit out of the one race who had the balls to fix this shit

>He got more white people killed/raped than anyone else on this planet.
Also, are you retarded? This has to be bait

Journalist but yes.
Read Ian Kershaw if you want the best inside version also

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it’s the opposite of the ‘one day germans woke up and decided to decide over the world to genocide the undesirable’ narrative

as always, the truth is somewhere in the middle and it takes a lot of informations to make up ones own opinion about historical events

You know what. I really fucking wish I was lying about my past Jow Forums affiliation. I really fucking wish I was never radicalized into this goddamn group and I was just larping. No dude, being indoctrinated made me lose all my friends and it took my soul away from me. Deep down, I'm still like you. I still have racist and misogynistic thoughts because I'm so used to the thought patterns. The only difference now is that I'm in control of myself and I know the difference between right and wrong.

>The only difference now is that I'm in control of myself and I know the difference between right and wrong.
Damn, and what a coincidence that is; acting in white interests is "wrong." Funny how that works.

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Imagine literally unironicaly falling for the pol meme

>No dude, being indoctrinated made me lose all my friends and it took my soul away from me
>telling your friends you're a Stormfag
>acting like taking the redpill turns you into a sociopath
Again, fuck off back to /leftypol/. No one here's buying the act. Once the redpill is taken, you can't reject it. You can't go back to not noticing how much control 2% of the population has on everything. You can't go back to ignoring the gradual replacement of whites in their own nations. You can't un-see the vast disparity in crime rates between races, nor fall back on the same old "they're oppressed minorities!" excuses. You are putting on the charade of a character that does not exist, and never will

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Reading through OP's attached image and even disregarding things from TGSNT etc. it is all obvious misleading bullshit. There's a reason all of this stuff is hidden from us and lied about and that's because the Jews and Communists won and the truth makes them look bad and Hitler good.

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this we should stop teaching kids about how holocaust happened we should teach why it happened and also that jews deserved it

calling out the leaders of the uprising as jews is clearly a strawman argument

it is true that jews were exempt from the draft during ww1 and used their acquired positions to establish nepotism with support of other international jews against the native population during the weimar republic, though.

the most interesting part of nazi germany is the way hitler rose to power and handled the national policies since it was all ‘legal’ in accordance with the international laws and UN court

oftentimes people complain about his dictatorship as internationally cruel, but he merely used paths that were considered ‘normal’ in that time and was praised by the whole world until he invaded poland

all the propaganda that exists to this very day makes it impossible to have an easy learning experience with the subject, yet it’s the foundation of the modern world. how can we handle the future when we deny the past and direct the whole culture based on reactionary politics against propagated lies?

Also the alleged so called "holocaust" didn't happen:

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accepting ones own nature is not indoctrination, quite the contrary.
most of our refugees welcome is based on subconscious guilt for having these feeling and it is not doing any good for us

if you are losing friends over it, you clearly have some other mental problems, weak faggot

Extremely based posts

What does Hitler has anything to do with it. By that logic we should literally punch democrats in the face because Robespierre believed in democracy. We should always demonize democracy every time we speak or write about it?
Also we should stop having borders, guns and everything because some ""evil"" guy ( whatever that means in a morally relative world) believe in those. Hitler is just a shame tactic this kikes use to push their own agenda and make their own plans come about please don't stop questioning nigger

>I sure hope an underage &b reads muh cherry picked evidence and undermines his holohoax teacher and destroys Israel! Based!

>when a Canadian makes an absolutely abhorrent post

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>Stab the germans in the back during ww1
>jews are beneficial

Ok jewboy.

A load of BS

>calling out the leaders of the uprising as jews is clearly a strawman argument
Truth is no strawman, ever