How are you going to vote in the upcoming EU elections in 2019?

How are you going to vote in the upcoming EU elections in 2019?

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Other urls found in this thread:


buh destul esti o attention whore

Please refrain from posting him for a little while.

jesus fuck just buy a ticket to brazil and go fuck him already

Attached: 1540636088470.webm (480x480, 1.49M)

HE* is the guy he's posting

lmao the nail holding that's a based doggo

I want you to show me an official paper that you have legal authority over me.

Based and Brazilpilled.

Attached: download.jpg (840x560, 51K)

It is over.

Merely a request, friend.


you're losing your mind. Take a fucking break from the internet. The attention went to your head. stiu ca ei boring in Romania dar fa si tu ceva ca hobby

Stop posting this disgusting faggot. I sage your threads as to not promote this cancer. I hope you get aids and die from homosex OP for you are gay nigger

I didn't buy a pass with my credit card here hence I didn't sign a contract to abide by any of the vague rules this site has. A click and pixels on the screen doesn't mean shit in my jurisdiction.
Site uses Euro based Cloudflare. De jure EU jurisdiction for me.
Site uses Euro based Google for captcha. De jure EU jurisdiction for me.
The site has vague rules on privacy. Brakes EU law.
The site hosts hatespeech by EU law definition.
My countries Constitutional Court recently suspended all jurisdiction of foreign agencies including FBI because we are redoing the Penal Code and countries including other EU members started to blackmail.
The mods here are all sorts of lay people all over the world passing judgement on me based on no whatsoever authority. Fuck knows if they are on medication too.
Any false debasing unproovable claim against me is both harassment and a felony here.
Our court system does not recognise a simple IP as proof, doesn't recognise digital signatures, doesn't recognise posts as valid in court because it is too easy to forge them all.
Have lawyers in family, law enforcement too.
Gay marriage is now a right here.
Anything else?

Ia uită la noul Jow Forums
Avem outlay brand new ai de plm.
Merge numai cu pass și account. Asta va fi pe la vară.

You're extremely autistic

300 time more AIDS per person in the USA than in Eastern Europe that's EU member.
Impossible, even with gay sex.

Attached: file1001064.jpg (700x452, 84K)

Are you okay?

The word is pigheaded.
>The way you do one thing is the way you do everything.
You Americans always shit on me for being a shitskin, when I tell I am technically local Hungarian with dual citizenship for long then I am a Jewish shill.
You go eat da poo poo as well.

daily reminder that OP is not Romanian. he is a filthy BOZGOR KIKE.

Attached: 1549176613450.png (1520x4030, 370K)

Why does that concern you if I am from the third world?

I'd dump so much cum into this twink. He'd a walking sperm bank.

Based. Fuck Romanians

Hungarian > Romanian gypsy fuckers

we dont want you to suffer just because your romanian user
you deserve actual happyness, not this weird trap obsession.

>upcoming EU elections
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

Attached: led_in_by_jews.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

I know where this is going, it ends with a blue tarp pinned to the ceiling doesn't it?

The moment I started posting him I said
>I was Hungarian
>I am suicidal despite having had gf's
>I am aggressive irl
>I have law enforcement in family
>and a literal homo too.

Attached: 1537460402728.webm (480x480, 2.37M)

HOLY SHIT! OP admitted being a BOZGOR KIKE in right the very same second when i posted the infograph exposing him as one!

this is getting too strange to handle.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-04-07-24-28-1.png (535x606, 116K)

Wait what? He's a dude, I'm a fag.

Attached: 1547253874394-0.jpg (1080x1350, 100K)

regardless this obsession is unhealthy for you. you should meet guys irl.

just go have sex with men, its quite easy, if you can't find any traps in hungary than take a train to vienna and literally ask any austrian man to put on a skirt and bend over

Absolutely haram

Never stop posting

oops, sorry I meant to say bosnia not hungary

What are you going to do when you will have to pay for Jow Forums in order to post?
With your credit card?

Budapest has 18 gay bars right now. Thank you for your concern.

I will.

post dick and anus with timestamp

Good luck user. Things will get better if you put your mind to it.

Because you typed out a response like you think I'm a glownigger coming to get you over nothing.And I don't think you're less of a person for being hungarian or romanian, what the fuck.

Look for me on UwU

it begins

yes it begins. he will destroy all of Jow Forums with his degeneracy.

My mother died of cancer. She swallowed all of people's shit.
Learning from her mistakes I quit smoking and lost weight. Then I respond with maximal pressure to the smallest jab without being paranoid or explosive. I don't swallow shit.
I am 100% willing to steamroll anyone into the ground. I talk this way to beggars, my neighbours, literal cops, my former employers, my current employees too. Sometimes even worse. You ain't special. You aren't family or my lover.
Your site is a public waste dump, I am here to dump. You go eat it up.
Not taking orders from people who by median have 11k usd by the age of 75. Especially not from the other side of the planet.
You can scroll too, the rest of the threads belong to others.

Old /b/ used to be worse. Too young indeed.

nice info, you should tell more people about your family and how you ended up here, maybe people will understand you and like you more.

you should post only /b/ or Jow Forums from now on, that is a more better place than Jow Forums.

What are you looking for specifically now?

nothing. i was curious about how is your life and how did you end up here. i just want to know you better so we can try to be friends from now. i know i was angry because of you posting traps, but i just want to know why do you still do, ad how did your life ended up in the way you keep posting them. no worries, we all have problems, but i feel like i need to help you.

Friends you say? You want to help me?
It took me almost 8 years of waiting to get a 2 years suspended prison sentence for my former employer; he was forcing me into something bad, then I refused, then he fired me, tried to blame me, then he didn't pay the last 2 months' of salary he owed me.
Walk away!

Ayy who’s this saucy señorita?

Someone dumped all his Instagram after he made it private. He's Brazilian.

dude, do you really think i want to doxx you like that crazy guy Nihil wanted? get real. and i only posted his infograph about you simply because he begs for other people to save his crap, i did it out of pity for him, even though he is sometimes some autistic asshole.

look, all i want is a proper talk with you and yet you think i want to hurt you. don't be upset, nobody wants to attack you, but some angry assholes do, but i am not one of them.

This site will be pass only for posting later this year.
You will only be able to buy a pass with a verified email (needs phone nr) and regular bank account (needs id card) in shitholes such as Romania because of bicoin scams.
A bank account is a legal unfalsifiable fingerprint.
I only need one of you to start with, then his email, phone records, discord convos will all be used to scan up the rest of the fuckers. If you won't get a sentence for harassment then you will for neonazi propaganda, even if there's 200 of you.
This site is a stupid joke, yet you are trying to make it in a minefield and you have met your match.
Like I said, walk away! All of you!

>pic related

Attached: ancilla.jpg (800x1105, 109K) Forums/comments/a5bqyo/proof_that_43_of_r4chan_users_are_gay/

It doesn't matter EU cucks have surrendered to the ruling elites

Attached: H2A_Cinematic_GoldenArbiter2.jpg (1920x1080, 355K)

so are you still going to post if it becomes true? i won't give any money to Heebro if so.

well, it shows that its all compromised now.

that's a good doggo

Us ruling Elites finna boutta dab on these wh*teoid fags

Attached: elite dabbin.png (1280x1380, 1.48M)