Jow Forums eternally BTFO

pol: 0
niggers: 100 gorillion.

Attached: 1548307579328.png (1166x1312, 1.25M)

Good shit, maybe they can stay there now.

Good, now niggers like you can go back.

probably white south africans

+50% gain of $12 USD is $6 USD, bringing them up to $18 USD purchasing power

Fuck wypipo

Shit, they're being eradicated.

thanks almost wholly to foreign investment and the global trade/security order maintained by the US

It's growing thanks to China. lol

What is 0 multiplied by 50?

low hanging fruit

So the Chicoms are treating them better than the Europeans? I mean, you're probably right, it probably is the Chicoms, but it's hard to believe.

you know it is bullshit when it is all percents. I made $1 last year; this year I made $2 - that is 100% growth suck it poor fag.

Attached: black_sheep_book.png (1200x629, 1.13M)

China is going to treat Africa so poorly they will beg for the whites back

>the Chicoms are treating them better than the Europeans?
Numbers going up by a miniscule amount doesn't mean actual "africans" are getting any of it. The chinese do not have the same vulnerabilities of empathy that is bringing the whites down.
I can't wait for the african version of tiananmen square.

50% of fucking nothing is still nothing are growth of 5% is still just nothing

This, Chinese are truly soulless and will make anything whites have done look like a fucking joke

Because of China.

Chinese money= Chinese slaves

Is the picture in that tweet actually from somewhere in Africa?

>purchasing power rose by more than 50%
>ten cents plus 50% is fifteen cents
>Europe and America send more free money and food to Africa than the entire continent generates

Ooooh, wow. Now tell me how Zimbabwe has more billionaires than the rest of the world combined, I'd love to know how they pulled that off.

Attached: 1386240861912.png (598x776, 525K)

when euros were colonizing Africa I bet the GDP was going up too

>Thanks to the free market

Wow, it's almost like capitalism works.

Great. Glad to see the don't have to leave now.

Thanks. Sincerely.

based and crackerpilled

jews:6 million