*CAPITALISM* - little Girl in arms will inherit $200 Million +

her dad throws a ball down a field, has net worth of $200 Million

her mom walks around a stage modeling swimsuits, has net worth of $400 Million

Her parents have a total net worth of $600 Million - never built anything and never created anyting, not only does that 5-year-old girl never have to work a day in her life, that little girl's grandchildren who won't probably be born until about Year 2075 will never have to work a day in their life either, that little girl's grandchildren will be born around Year 2075 and live until around the year 2160... 140 years from now those kids won't have to work (and they're still 5 decades away from being born)...

pol, you still support Capitalism ??

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poor fags just spend it and noting. Hopefully that kid will do great things.

>you have more stuff than me so give your stuff

You mad beta cuck virgin faggot boi?

Fuck yeah! If that girl had been born a Commie should would be dead from starvation.

Muh meritocracy, amirite, capitalist bootlickers

Does that mean you should take their money? Communists are all jealous little bitching girls

>That little girl has a vagina and he daughter will have one and her daughters daugther will aswell so i should get a little of that doing nothing but force rape by stateauthority

Her future was secured like her parents wanted.

Its Brady and his wife's right to leave their wealth to their descendants if they want to. Inheritance has nothing to do with those who receive it, everything to to with whoever passed it on.

Yes, discord tranny. Now hurry up and kill yourself.

I highly doubt the system as we know it will be a thing before she turns 21... let’s say that’s 16 years?

Sounds pretty good to me. Even better if those people can help out their extended families/community.

This is why we have children and look after them. The whole point of it all is securing a future so they'll be best equipped to survive and reproduce and these parents did that and then some.

Just because you are a genetic dead end and your ancestors were scum doesnt give you the right to anyones wealth, communist faggot.

you faggots get mad at the stupidest things

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why aren't you throwing a ball around or modeling clothes for millions of shekels then?

real question is more, why do useless people like these can accumulate riches.
panem et circenses

Kyle, what are you doing up this late? don't you have a full day of spouting cooked polls on how everyone wants free healthcare on tomorrows podcast?

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I don't support capitalism because the wrong types of people make tons of money, while the average worker who has a good head on his shoulders has to go in debt by 300-500K to buy a house and maybe 100K to get a good degree.

This little girl inheriting her parents wealth is an example of Capitalism gone right, but there are way more examples of it going wrong. That's why we need National Socialism. So she can keep her wealth and others will have the opportunity to transfer large amounts of wealth to their children.

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Brady works 7 days a week 18 hour days during the season. OP is lazy /pol poster

>Super Bowl has the largest viewers of anything in the world
>this guy has won six

If its so easy why havent you done it and made millions? Liberals are retarded when it comes to economics. Probably why theyre all so poor.

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I'm not sure why I should be mad honestly. He plays a brutal fucking sport for the richest nation in the world. I don't know if he deserves that much money, but it isn't simple and it took hard work to get there. You're obsessed with money and what someone else has, get over it. I'm perfectly fine at my level right now.

Ok op. I agreee with you to some extent. I believe they were exploited like the labor class. Do you still believe in labor profit theory? Maybe Brady deserves even more money for all the fans and viewership he generated:

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How is Gisele worth 400 billion?

why do you commie shills have the IQ of toasters?

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She's pretty and I like her smile.

Yes bootlicker, laugh it off, how does it feel to support a system that fucks you up the ass?

reminder OP

you and your tranny friends don't pass

everyone knows there's something wrong with you as soon as you walk in the room

your voice, your height, your shoulders

it all gives you away instantly

kill yourselves

>implying communist heroes, cultural icons and propaganda head pieces wouldn’t be given special positions within the politburo
National socialism is the only answer. Kys red faggot

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Generational wealth is why blacks cant get ahead

So if we work hard enough and achieve in life we can not only provide for our family currently but for generations to come? And...this is seen as a negative to you?

Leftism is literally a mental disorder

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What's the point of having a society if nothing in said society has any value? If everything is thrown away at the end of a lifetime then why is it worth building anything?

>seething commie niggers

Hard work is overrated. I say this waking up 5 am most days a week.

If we eventually make it to an automated society that can generate wealth without labor, only then we'd be actually free. Not happening during my lifetime, sure.

The difference between the right and left...

The right wants to see uplifting progression. The left wants to see failure and fallenes.

id cum in that bitch, so tight n yung

No dude, that's not okay. You see we have to strip away every hopeful possibility in our limited lives. No kids, no legacy, nothing. We have to be miserable and suffering.

Bread and circuses. It's been the same for 2000 years

Only in conjunction with nationalism

>how does it feel to support a system that fucks you up the ass?
Implying if you were in charge you wouldn't be forcing me to take dick up the ass.

why are you blaming capitalism? you'll note all this is happening on earth, obviously, planets are to blame. we should abolish planets.

>hurr im a jealous faggot
>i actually have to work for my money instead of being born into it

System doesn't fuck me up the ass. I live the way I want. Why are you so butthurt? Because you don't have enough money for baubles? Because you have to work? If you weren't working you'd be out committing crimes or destroying yourself. A job keeps you occupied so you don't meet your doom too fast.

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Capitalism is crap but communism is worse.
National Socialism is the answer.

But if i would reject capitalism, i would have to rethink my whole life choices. That is too uncomfortable for me.
I'll just say the wealthy are wealthy because they are more intelligent and capable than me.

don't underestimate the power of your fellow retard americans. i'm sure some really bad scams or investments will completely destroy them. you're never too big or too famous to fucking fail.. or get shot.. and robbed.. or kids go missing.

National Socialism requires capitalism, just like communism does.
Nothing gets made/done in this world for free. Except death.

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Thats it? Isnt ronaldo and messi legit billionaires.

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It’s no use being angry at superior people, focus on yourself?

Yes i support capitalism

Hey bud. Why not complain about Michael Schumacher's wealth too? Surely he has it better with his millions than you do.

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no after the divorce

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OP :

So, if the parents were scientists and made great discoveries or marvellous inventions to accumulate filthy amounts of wealth, will it be okay for their future generations to keep that wealth?

Is it their "perceived" lack of contribution that annoys you? Or, the fact that their actions were rewarded by a "questionable, but still relatively" free market?

What do you suggest? Put a cap on how much wealth they can pass on to future generations? Isn't there an estate tax that already exists?

Pardon my lack of understanding of western tax laws. I'm originally from Kasimedu, a slum/ghetto in India.

Allah Hafiz

yes, I love Jews, even though I hate them.


Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

No it's not. How can you make a nation without capitalism? DETAILS?

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sports are a eugenics program that distributes wealth to the best physical specimens. this is especially important in an age of (relatively) easy health care and mass sedentaryism

OP keep worrying about what everyone else has. It will make you rich one day.

They are goyim who don't own nothing literal goy cattle entertainment slaves dust to dust ashes to ashes
>female inheritance

That money will be gone before she dies of old age.
They will burn through it when they retire.
They aren’t Bill Gates rich.

Absolutely. Those billionaires who give it all away to african niggers are such cucks!

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Damn I could just imagine my cock at least 5 inches deep inside that tiny little girl's tight little hole.

>Never created anything

Except 600 million dollars you blatant faggot

I've been weeping for Tom Brady, the orange madman will be feeding him fast food burgers soon at the White House, and he'll have to be polite and eat like 5 of them - it may ruin his career - bad orange man is forcing his retirement - his daughter should sue when she is of age.

yeah but it still wouldn't touch anything, it's so tiny

Her father had to become the greatest player in the sport that he plays, the greatest player out of millions of American high school males who try to become star football players, he had to play for almost 20 years at the professional level while taking hit after hit and taking care of his body to be able to leave a legacy that he could leave his children. I don't understand why you would hate on her for becoming lucky enough to be born to him.

There's very little control of what morons buy and what greedy kikes sell in a capitalistic society, which doesn't happen under national socialism.
Capitalism is about what sells and that's it.

eat my ass

I have 5 inches girth. So fantasize with that as you will.


She deserves it, go fuck yourself.

You don’t have to give it to someone directly but use it in a way that benefits your ethnic kin. As an amerimutt battered and fried in individualist propaganda, and of course not ethnically homogenous, will never understand doing something like that.

are you dumb

>which doesn't happen under national socialism.
But national socialism still requires capitalism. Someone's gotta own the means of production, the land, the tools, the cars, the drugs, the hookers, the beer, etc...

Because a lot of dumbfucks love the niggerball and watch it yelling at their TVs like retards. People get money from what the mass of retards like.

That’s small. Lol.

that's not real Capitalism.
Capitalism is the accumulation by the banks of all the capital.

Yeah but I'd guess it's big enough to penetrate a 9 year old girl without stretching her vagina so much that it causes pain.

I basically have the perfect pedo dick, with the little girls only feeling pain from the cherry pop.

Capitalism is about how the banks accumulate all the capital.
A Productive Free Market Economy is not Capitalism.

Things you don't see during a 24 Heures du Mans.

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It's ok you don't have value

>never created anyting
They created her, so it's their business how much to invest in her

>1 post by this ID

>Someone has something I don't so I want it.

You have the mind of a child. Congrats, you are clinically retarded.


You're only mad because they're white.

Commies are so fucking stupid with this "hurr athletes don't build things, why they make money" nonsense.

None of this shit happens in a vacuum, you dumb bastards. Items and services only have value in reference to what people are willing to pay for them.

Brady is the biggest football star of the decade, and he draws insane viewership and drives ridiculous sales in exchange for entertaining hundreds of millions. Why does he not deserve a cut of that?

This is why your socialist shitholes keep falling apart. Centralized production gives no thought to the demands of the public, only quotas and checking boxes. What use does an average joe have for an electron microscope when he just wants a ticket to the game with some fast food? And this is exactly what happened to the USSR, factories overflowing with shoes and yet people were starving to death in the streets.

Capitalism is the only moral economic system in existence. Fite me.

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Plus, don’t forget about that sweet inheritance tax she’s going to have to pay on that, and then her kids, and then her grandkids.

Our Jewish overlords will make sure that money is spread out evenly throughout the country and is well spent.

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>never built anything and never created anything
thats a narrow view of value. he throws a ball, true, but the company he works for gets, after a few steps, ad revenue from companies which pay to be seen between throws. his value is making people watch adverts.
if you're going to hate on capitalism, you should really think about how AD revenue/AD spend is what makes the world tick. your attention is what has value and is being exploited.

Brady and his wife are earning money for their offspring. I see no fault at that.

> 10's of millions of people love watching guy do thing and give him money for it
> this money should be mine instead
Imagine thinking this.

Obviously you've never been to patriot place, that teams presence created tons of jobs in a once vacant lot.

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>never built anything and never created anyting
they built a successful brand that has lasted over 18 years. do you know how many jobs have been created thanks to Tom's success on the field? how many people have been employed in various positions by the Patriots organization?

of course I support capitalism. this is a stupid question. do you know how many jobs Michael Jordan has created thanks to his successful brand?

why don't liberals understand that talent and individuality is a form of productivity. this is why you can't treat doctors and janitors the same. they tried that in Cuba and it failed miserably.

Yes. Why are you entitled to anything they have earned? Why does their death mean anything regarding whether or not she gets their stuff. It's THEIRs. Are you incapable of thinking of anyone but yourself?

Yes. My parents gave me the support to be what I wanted. I intend to return the favor to my children someday.

You curse his children because they will know plenty, simply because you'd rather if all people feel the curse of your want.

Have a little faith in Trad Dad Chad Brady.

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>hes rich for throwing a ball
>shes rich for walking around on stage
and you're poor and unable to do either, kys