OK is the best, most based state in America. Fuck Yeah
Best US State
OK, now this is epic
Kansas here.
Don't worry, we're always on top of Oklahoma. They get uppity but we beat them down every time.
Now that we have weed stores we are complete.
In OK right now. Was in Wichita yesterday. Wish I was living there instead. Also, Oklahoma is a shithole
t. Texan
can't this faggot only eat kosher food?
Oklahoma was a good state to be born in. Texas is better to live in but Oklahoma has its charm.
oklahoma is america’s nigger asshole and everyone who lives there is 100% a piece of shit meth head, guaranteed, no exceptions
Texas is the only state with it's own power grid independent of the gubbmint. It's also got the oil, the cattle, crops, and hard working people. Not to mention HEB and Whataburger nigger.
Nothing compares to Texas.
What's crazy is that Ben Shapiro got his start at Breitbart producing material showing Obama was born in Kenya. Something I could never see him doing today.
Lel, what charm? The one where everyone claims how great this state is through rose colored glasses while ignoring how shit the infrastructure is? The only saving grace is that every one has guns here. Also, Tulsa burger joints. But that's it.
We have whataburger in Oklahoma.
It's a fucking spic colony.
Never heard of it
yes its true
and everyone should look to move there
californians you hear that? oaklahoma is the best state you heard it here move there
Oklahoma and Missouri have probably the most boring geography of any states. Endless "piney woods" and flat land. The people used to all be religious nutjobs ala Jesus Camp back in the 2000s. Maybe that's died down.
I feel like Idaho is the best state now. Anyone got anything negative to say about it?
I live in OKC and hate it
Yeah buddy! Finally someone who knows what is up!
Only state that didn't carry Onigger in a single county, both times. Fuck niggers.
Greetings fellow Kansas user, Oklahoma is full of injuns and low IQ meth heads
Well we have our issues. Beaners infected Dodge.
Methheads in Chanute.
Niggers in KCK, yuppies in Overland Park.
And goddamn commies in Lawrence.
When driving west, I always hated leaving the pristine Ozarks and entering the barren Oklahoma wasteland. I suppose it's the endpoint of the Trail of Tears for a reason.
He prefers to be remembered as the Coonmander-in-Chimp.
Ayy that McDonalds over the turnpike tho
The answer is Kansas
>commies in lawrence
I can confirm fellow user. the lot of’em
I live in Lawrence. Not all bad, has a history of conservatism. Went left wing in the 90s. Not beyond saving yet.
Any fellow 405 anons?
Its only ok
This is a KANSAS thread now cuck
Cant you only eat cocks
Your state is about to be taken back by Native Americans.
the cheeseburgers are a violation
I graduated ESFHS in 2009. Now im in Korea :^)
Your state flag is weak. A fucking seal, really?
Yeah, currently NW OKC. Close to memorial
Western ok not bad. Moved from central Tex. Too many ppl of the wrong culture.
fuck jokelahoma
methhead faggot indian loving niggers
i hope 10 tornados hit your trailer park this year cleetus
t. Texan
913 cuck county representing
785 motherfucker
Fuck you. You guys are professional assholes.
Mexicans took over your state
Was born in Oklahoma. Too many niggers. Hispanics are second best neighbors to whites.
>can’t buy real beer at Walmart
>liquor store closed on fucking 4th of July
Arkansas is better in every way
you niggers can't even mow the grass on the side of the highway
literal third world shithole
Lots if leftard faggits from PNW have moved there.
Saw the token young white couplew baby stroller and refugees welcome shirts when i was there last spring.
Agrarianism is just another word for federal subsidies, i.e. welfare. You're all niggers.
How the fuck are so many anons kansan? Guy in another threat was. Sounds like we need a meet up.
the tl;dr for everyone
>Tulsa Race Riot of 1921
>black man rapes white teenage girl
>black man gets put into jail for it
>a black mob storms the police station and kill 10 white men (2 black men die)
>the entire town and national guard destroy the black district, driving almost the entire black community out of Tulsa
>36 dead blacks, 800 injuried blacks
Who was in the wrong here Jow Forums?
So you're okay with whites being bred out of existence in Texas as long as you have your HEB grocery store and Whataburger?
Both sides were in the wrong. Niggers nigged, then nigged harder. Persecuting an entire district for the acts of a dozen or so is also morally wrong. Niggers more wrong, however, as at least there was a logical basis for the reaction.
Norman here. It's a liberal fuckfest, and it's spreading like queers and AIDs,
About to find another town to seek refuge in, suggestions would be nice
OKC, Del City, and Midwest City are nigger+spic haven. I feel for you user
This is now a Kansas thread.
T. Belle plain here.
Where you faggots wanna meet at? Kkkracker barrel? Yoder?
Kansas a shit
Arkansas a shit
Texas a shit
Oklahoma is what Texas used to be before it sold out and got invaded by beaners and yankees. Arkansas is Oklahoma minus 5 IQ points and more hills. Kansas is just flat and only known for capeshit jesus.
The skank was a coalburner and cried rape when she thought she'd be found out, but that doesn't justify a chimpout by the nigs. As well, there were more than 36 niggers killed. People hid the bodies. My granpda helped dig some of the graves.
What point is there to mowing grass on the highway? You planning on waking down - oh wait that’s right you okie fucktards can’t get a job so you don’t got a car
It is by my Wisconstitutional rights that I'm better than anyone from the other shitty 49 "states"
>can't buy real beer at Walmart
We just fixed that law, and passed medicinal pot.
Can you buy it on 4th July? Gonna shut down iron monk again because some boomer whines about it being “too strong”?
You left out the firebombs dropped from civilian aircraft.
trips of falsehood
I can tell exactly when I enter and exit your state based solely on the unkempt grass next to the highway.
It is unseemly and uncivilized to leave it as is.
>Can you buy it on the 4th
Walmarts are open and have entire aisles of refrigerated beer
Also most of us just go to the liquor stores the day before
I approve of this image
Kansas is God's country yup. Always will be. Cry more about your godless land with aids and no gun rights. We feed the fuckin world you live to hate.
Your mowed highways are just an excuse for your anti constitutional carry governess to import more Mexicans to bone her
Also why Florida
If you can call the beer you people sell at Walmart beer. What if you run out or forget? That’s the big gay your state is. I even went to OSU so I know damn well how shit tier your state is
>no gun rights
do you have open carry like we do?
They have constitutional carry like your governess cucked you on
No one likes the governess here either. Don't put that evil on me.
And idk why Florida. user who made it was probably on a Floridaman kick or something.
there's your problem, Stillwater is terrible
>wah what i forget or run out
That's not my fucking problem. Plan better
>he believes the last part entirely
Is it no coincidence that the 'supposed richest' black district in the United States was the only one in history leveled?
That housing for 10,000, and property valued to more than $1.5 million in real estate and $750,000 in personal property ($32 million in 2019) was destroyed?
That none of these statistics or stats existed until 1996.. 75 years after the supposed incident, by an organisation called the Oklahoma Commission to Study the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921.
An organisation that already makes a decision on what happened in it's name.
>In addition to conducting interviews and hearing testimony, the Commission arranged for archeological, non-invasive ground surveys ofNewblock Park, Oaklawn Cemetery, and Booker T. Washington Cemetery, which were identified as possible locations for mass graves of black victims of the violence. According to oral histories and other sources, such mass graves existed.
It was going to be another 6 million story but they stayed with 36 dead instead
>mass graves existed
in their statement
>The world has finally heard about the survivors of the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 thanks to print and electronic media coverage generated by the commission's study. Representative Don Ross (D), District 73, Tulsa, was the driving force behind the commission's creation. As a fifteen-year-old student at Tulsa's Booker T. Washington High School in 1956, Ross first heard about the riot in a history class taught by the revered W.
pic related is the guy who created the commission
With supressors and any length knife faggot. Full auto with any ffl.
wrong dumbass, I can go outside and walk to the gas station with my gun and no one would give a fuck
You’re the niggers who keep voting her in. I approve of the picture because osu though.
Stillwater is the only worthwhile part of your shitty state. Even if it did snow in May my freshman year. Your commie laws are gay get over it bootlicker
>full auto
You got a loicence for that opinion faggot
Only in kansas can I have my M1919. And grenade shells up to 37mm.
I live in an affluent part of OKC and to be honest living here has made me less racist.
How can you possibly hate black people when you're surrounded by such white trash?
Great suburbs though.
>Stillwater is the only worthwhile part of your shitty state
Stay out of my state we're full.
>not having a concealed carry license
pick your poison gentlemen
and fuck kansas
Any other Stillwater fags in here tonight?
>needing a concealed carry license to carry
where at in OKC?
I graduated last year
>not getting training for your weapon
>being so poor that you can’t afford to buy a class regardless as to needless regulation
>thinking a CCW class “trains” you for shit
I keep forgetting just how dumb you okies are
I’m a sophomore here right now. Cops are absolute cunts in this town man.
You join or are you a GDI?
I agree with this guy. I might not even buy a handgun until I graduate from OSU cause of the shitty gun laws here. It’s hilarious too because I constantly get called a “northerner” yet my home state has more relaxed gun laws than this commie shithole known as Oklahoma.