I just saw a bunch of israeli tourists talking hebrew and there's nothing i could've done because this shithole is...

i just saw a bunch of israeli tourists talking hebrew and there's nothing i could've done because this shithole is under zog control, i wanted to chop them to pieces...

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I'm sorry. I fucked up by voting for tr*mp. I promise I'm voting for anyone but him next time

Attached: 180514095714-jared-kushner-jerusalem-super-169.jpg (1100x619, 74K)

All in good time.

No you fucking megakike, vote Trump. You literally have no other choice.
Hopefully if Trump wins, the dem party will finally split in 2020, and you can elect a libertarian or the tea party to power in 2024.
Or better yet, california chimps out and cedes from the unions. Which puts it in a state of rebellion, hence allowing you to burn it to the fucking ground.

>vote Trump

die kike

Read it again you mouth-breathing israeli shill.

Attached: King of Jordan.jpg (640x400, 50K)

wtf I hate drumpf now

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lel, beat me to it.

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Laughing my fucking ass off. Keep up the good work, retard shitskin! May allah bless you with tight goat puss

>i wanted to chop them to pieces
that is highly problematic user

If you think we fuck our goats then you're wrong my friend.
They give great blowjobs though.

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>nothing i could've done
Redpill your friends and family.

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

fuck off, rat shills

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LOL. Jordanians are so barbaric and thank god they live in a civil society.

It was Maduro who told Hitler to exterminate the Jews.

Goats are scary looking fuckers.

Oh no I have appeared to have dropped my penny

Attached: 220px-Canadian_Penny_-_Reverse.png (220x221, 96K)

Nice rare. Though, what's really stopping you? I'd imagine there's very little effective weapon control in your shithole. You can probably buy a dozen machetes for a single goat down at the corner store. I think you're just conjuring excuses for being such a beta cuck.

I always thought that was considered the front.
Mind blown.