I'm lonely Jow Forums. I understand this post will probably get made fun of but I have nowhere else to turn to. My parents think I'm a closet racist, my Church put the Gillette commercial on the big screen today and the pastor praised it, and I'm surrounded by third wave feminists at university. I believe in God. I consider myself a traditionalist Christian and I've left my old church after the pastor started talking about ''toxic masculinity". I long for a wife. I long to be a father. I long to fulfill my role as a man, but society keeps telling me that role is unneeded today. Media, women, politicians. "No future for cis white men"
I've done NoFap, lost 70 pounds (down to 163), lift, have a decent paying job for a college student (700/week) , and I'm not ugly. Yet society still rejects me... white, male, right wing.
I'm lonely Jow Forums... and I genuinely do not know what to do anymore. I'm losing my will.