>No thanks, I don't need seasoning

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The whole no spices meme was just poor whites not wanting to eat spoiled meat that had been masked with a shit load of spices.
White people created an entire trading empire and you would not have access to them without white people.

Stick with the Penis comparison this food thing isn't going to make a lot of traction outside of lefty white guilt crowds

Ayee why come dis ain't some finger lickin, artery cloggin, thic butt givin, highest obesity rate per capita havin friend chicken n shiiieeeeet?

>He thinks meat has flavor on it's own

You are saying meat doesn't have a flavor? do you honestly believe this or are you just making a slide thread?

stop eating chicken retard

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niggers probably can't taste anything

"I can't cook so I put a shitton of spices on my food and call it soul food" --OP

maybe if you didn't douse your tastebuds in sprite and fried chicken all day you could actually taste more subtle flavors, dumbass negroidal

wew lad

Holy shit you can't make this shit up
>Not spicing your meat because it has a "subtle flavor"

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>caring what shitskins think
They would all still be living in their own shit and howling out the moon without us, giving them the time of day was your first mistake.

What exactly are you saying here? that we NEVER spice meat or that we think meat has a flavor? You really think salt and pepper on a steak is worse than drowning it in sauce?


The no spices meme is just bullshit spouted by leftists trying to make whites seem uncultured. Maybe if they didn't assault out food which is well flavored with meat drippings (gravy) with their suicidal vegetarian religion, then they would like out people's food. Fucking worthless basedcucks.
btw I can't watch a fucking cooking show on Netflix without them pushing the whites can't cook meme. Fuck their asses all the way, as far I I can go up into their stinking colon

I said "more subtle" which is a qualifier, i.e. larger or smaller, nigger-brain. Yes, meat has a subtler flavor than kool-aid and grape drank.

I unironically don't season my food, with the exception of salt.

the idea of seasoning things before cooking them is lost on the shitskin

better to just drown it in sauce and shit afterwards like a fucking two year old does

>not eating your spices with small addition of meat because you can afford fresh meat

Weak attempt to save face
>He never had a $30 filet mignon
How does it feel being a nigger, be it currynigger, sandnigger, gooknigger, or the basic doublenigger, and finding pride solely in the forced meme that Europeans don’t spice their food? As if even when this does occur, it isn’t done willingly and instead somehow speaks to some inferiority?
I can’t even get into the mind of the obese writer at The Root who came up with this forced meme. Fried chicken good! White people bad!
Who invented the means to raise and cook that fried chicken you eat every night? A nigger, not.

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I use taco seasoning on my ground beef. Am I still white?

Spice hides the true flavor of meat. A little salt and pepper is all ti really needs. All meat should be served rare.

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I'll allow it. We're buddies after all.

I just remember whites invented everything niggers claim as their own cuisine, from jerk recipes to fried chicken

then I realize why they so fragile about the subject

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>Fried chicken good! White people bad!
>b-but colonel was black..

She's going to get herself killed.


I recently found out that is Gay Canadian slang for dudes you meet in the mens room or casual sex partners.
Is this true?

>this unironically looks like most of my meals
Fuck you Op, Fuck you.

>It’s Louis XIV of France who was said to have brought the two together (only the rich could afford pepper), preferring as he did his food to be lightly seasoned with just salt and pepper, forming the basis for modern cooking.

Salt and Pepper are the only spices allowed for the white man.

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>I recently found out
And how did you break the cipher?

Meat that rare can be fine if it's done right. Most people just don't know about it because they don't like it.

So it is true then? It seems to be solely used by straight acting gay dudes in Canada. Are you all homosexual in Canada? even the 'straight' people?

that is a pic thats not allowed

He never had a $50 pork chop from a pig raised by monks (was delicious btw) either, but why take anything a nigger says seriously to begin with.

No way did that happen. no way!

Stop making fun of my buddy and go back to your quarantine thread

>non-whites reveal themselves to lack taste buds such that they can only taste food if a ton of spice is on it

Niggers always getting uppity and talking shit until you hit em with 11 herbs and spice

You like him so much why don't you gay marry him?

They must have kicked you out of the quarantine thread for having weak bantz.


I bet you wouldn't say that word in a million years in front of your burger 'Buddies' you Canada loving sloppy party bottom

Thanks bro. Together lets make North Amerika Great Again!

Looks like a pretty comfy meal desu.

And the Scottish were breading and frying chicken before most American niggers' ancestors had even laid their eyes on flour.

Why wouldn’t I use that word?

>meat has flavor on it's own

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No need to complicate things or ever use barbecue sauce if you know the secret to pepper steak:
>Sirloin tip steak.
>Searing-hot cast iron pan, sparsely salted.
>3 minutes on high heat before flipping.
>4 minutes (medium rare) on med heat to finish.
>Melt a teaspoon of unsalted butter over surface of steak.
>Squeeze of fresh lemon and coarse black pepper.

never change Malawi

>pepper is not a spice
C'mon user, try harder

This and a solid marinade before hand, oh yes.

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It's great that this troll triggers autists so hard because they prefer bland food.

What's paprika, user?

Gee I wonder why literally every nigger and spic is overweight

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