What did he do to upset the globalists Jow Forums?

What did he do to upset the globalists Jow Forums?

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isn’t a (((capitalist)))

Hurt the petrodollar too.
Bolt on not happy.

Used paramilitary groups to silence dissenters.
Jailed opposition candidates.
Him and his military buddies starve the country then make money from selling food on th black market.
Tried to remove the legislature, and stacked the court to rewrite the constitution.
Turns a blind eye to crime and narcotrafficking.
Responsible for the worst refugee crisis on the American continent.

Nothing. Trump is the first president to call this regime out. The globalists can't openly go against Trump on that because it would be too obvious to the public that they are defending a dictator (especially when 99% of venezuelans on social media want him out). Other nations like in Europe are still America's bitches so they obviously don't go against Trump on that sensible matter.

>Used paramilitary groups to silence dissenters.
>Jailed opposition candidates.
>Him and his military buddies starve the country then make money from selling food on th black market.
>Tried to remove the legislature, and stacked the court to rewrite the constitution.
>Turns a blind eye to crime and narcotrafficking.
>Responsible for the worst refugee crisis on the American continent.

Geez, Trump's buttbuddy is doing exactly the same thing in Middle East but nobody gives a fuck

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This is a paid shill folks.

He hasn't sold the entire country to globalist corporations fast enough. It's weird seeing the western neoliberal elite sperg out since he is probably going to lose power eventually and someone will sell the country out to speculators.

So all the exact same shit every Latin AMerican country does? Why does that mean we get to invade? Mexico does all this same shit and we aren't even allowed to close the border by the neolib elite.


checks out. Obama was passing bullshit sanctions against Venezuela too.

what about the memeflagger that keeps reposting threads? he does it for free?

killing high grade venezuelan bundas

Isn't a part of the Zionist capitalist cabal that wants to turn the entire world into one big mega corporation with (((American culture))) and ((( western values)))

he is a globalist you stupid nigger

Yes. That's why it's so depressing when you see retards supporting yet another US (and therefore rootless cosmopolitan) backed regime change that will only benefit international corporations.

Who the fuck is saying anything about invading.
Worst refugee crisis on that continent is in Syria. The fault of your dictator Putin's butt buddy Assad.

Venezuela is on top of a metric assload of oil. if there's a US-friendly in charge we secure that supply. Its the same reason we've gotten involved in anything for the last 30 goddamn years

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He became a rouge when Chavez died. He was just a NPC drone politician doing what he was programmed to do tho, problem is that Chavez was the one channeling this maniac's delusions in order to align Venezuela to (((their))) wishes.

Well afaik venezuela has a Rothschild bank already so for once its not that. Killing commies is never a bad thing however and venezuela is rife with them.

MBS isnt a commie, and is halfway across the world.

which one is the Rothschild bank?

The central bank that prints their currency. Almost all central banks on the planet are owned by the Rothschilds, minus a handful of countries that convieniently are always on the USA 'shit list' for some reason. This is Jow Forums 101 you should know this.

The US lost the Syrian war after they lost the war in the Ukraine and now they need to start another war against someone who is not enslaved to them.
If you do not willingly become a slave of ZOG then they are gonna destroy your country even if they loose the war in the end, just to send a message to others who think of ending their own enslavement.
That's the only truth of the matter.

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And it doesn't matter if a country is Socialist, Capitalist, Authoritarian dictatorship, Monarchy.
The US destroys any kind of country that isn't their slave regardless of ideology.
They basically just murder nations to terrorise the world as a whole.
It's really just terrorism if you think about it on a larger scale. Murder a people to make others who otherwise would want to be free submit to the US.

>hurr no one is talking about invasion we just want to sanction the shit out of them and put US troops on the border in hopes of a military coup

who do you think you are kidding?

The state owns all the oil companies in Saudi Arabia

That (incredibly weak) justification for calling a country "communist" was always enough to get idiots to support overthrowing countries in Latin America.

Of course China, Saudi Arabia, etc have all sorts of state owned corporations but you never sperg out about them and demand regime change. Venezuela is hardly a bastion of communism it's just terribly run like almost every other Latin American country.

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>Broken speech2text

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