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It was her turn!
>Let commiefornia and jew york decide your fate
What happened to you Colorado?
rip the republic
i thought colorado decided to go with the popular vote of ENTIRE U. S.? Essentially, making their own votes worthless as they are merely 1/50 states.
So, what's that mean... they won't cast their electoral votes? Gimme the qrd
A bunch of califags ruined everything
There would literally be absolutely 0 reason for any politician to visit any other state or care about any other state except CA, TX, and NY
It would be literally the anti-thesis of our republic
The electoral college votes must go with the national popular vote. The state just voted to be a slave of the coasts.
California and New York definitely need to do this
Fucking retarded.
They literally voted to disenfranchise themselves.
The way they structured the law even if 90% of the state votes for one party, but the other party wins the national popular vote then the states electoral votes go to the other party despute it being against the will of the majority of the state.
Obvious ploy by the democrats to take advantage of the illegal migration situation and to cement Colorado as a firm blue state.
Might backfire though if we can make headway with deportations but I doubt it
I hate them so much
Remind them that if Hillary lost the popular vote but won the Electoral vote, they'd be championing the EC as the great defenders from populism
exactly correct
>Eagerly awaiting comment from the Colorado Senate when Trump wins the popular vote in 2020
Those two already did.
That's what Colorado is looking at passing - it doesn't kick in until enough states have signed on.
>all democrat states do this
>millions of spics kicked out of the country
>millions of liberals moving to canada
>republicans win 100% of states in the future
They need to reread Federalist 51.
Or we need to each pump out 10 white babies just so we can see the looks on their faces when they remove the checks on tyranny of the majority only to watch as they slowly lose the majority to an ideological antithesis.
does anyone have that infographic that shows how a sliver in the coastal regions have the same population as a giant portion of middle america
>Let commiefornia and jew york decide your fate
>Let Donald Kike give away all of your money and personal freedoms to Mexico and Israel
But yeah, we can't let those darn liberals get a step on us!
But the electoral college is a national thing. Each state sends delegates to the electoral college to represent the voters of that state. Does this mean that colorado will no longer participate in this, thus eliminating them from national elections completely? I don't get it.
They’re trying to get states to sign up for a plan that would give their electors to whoever wins the popular vote. So far only deep blue states have signed up for it.
meant for
I used to think it was stupid and weird as well but when it was explained to me that if you did it by simple majority, then most states wouldn't get a look in at all they would then naturally wonder why be a part of a system like the USA at all.
Also, Democrats just want to prevent pic related. It's a map of who voted Trump in 2016, stratified by county.
Then what would be the point of a United States?
Wait how does this even work
Lets say they pass the law and they have popular vote while everyone else still has their electoral votes and we still have the electoral system
Dont they just give up their electoral votes? I dont see how they can integrate their votes to the system everyone else uses
it means shillary would be president of Colorado right now
it's actually more retarded than just abstaining
South park made a bunch of stoner californians move there
How about we get rid of all these kikes and declare an empire already?
Got you
It needs states representing at least 270 electoral votes to sign up before it goes into effect.
>Liberal states decide that conservative states with a smaller population shouldn't have a voice in government
>Liberal states also bending over backwards to give illegals the right to vote
>Liberal states intentionally protecting murderous illegals while legitimately advocating the death of new born infants
Jesus Christ. I don't even want a civil war at this point. I just want Russia and China to collectively nuke every major city at the same time and reduce the west coast to vapor.
Fake and gay. In order for this to be changed it would take a constitutional convention with a 2/3rds majority.
Sorry folks...not going to happen. I will however make a suggestion to the democrats for coming elections, and that's to run on a platform. Hating on Trump, and trying to drastically change the balance in this nation by fucking up the constitution is not going to win many fans in those so called "fly over states" with the average person. Its going to fun watching these clowns crash and burn.
the us is a federal state. that's all, why do you even bother asking ?
>mfw dems are so salty they become constitutionaly retarded
The only time the pact would come into effect is when a candidate WON the State, but lost the popular vote. The other candidate would get the votes.
>Essentially undermining electors in the state by promising to nullify their votes
What sane State would want that?
Not the one I was specifically looking for, but thanks user
There isn't. Which means you should stop paying taxes and following federal law. The fact that you're paying taxes for niggers and brownskins to pump out more children and accelerate your country's demise while your """"leaders"""" refuse to call the problem out for what it is to protect their jobs while this fucking country collapses on their watch is ludicrous and cuckoldry. Read Siege
>every state must do this
pic related
Wrong. States can decide how to apportion their electors. Read Supreme Court cases related to this issue.
It basically relies on some states that went Trump in 2016 agreeing for it to actually work. Right now it's just deep blue states that are agreeing to it. It'll actually be a real threat once a red/purple state agrees to this
Lol all Trump has to do is either legalize weed or forgive student debt and he wins. Liberals don't think long term as usual.
Depends on how the SC interprets the compact clause in the constitution.
you dumb nigger. it is being voted on at the state level and electoral votes are cast based on state law. You dumb ignorant mother fucker.
If this were to become the norm then their will be no reason to continue this farce.
Anyone want to break it to this user who thinks he’s “out smarted the system” that elections aren’t real
You mean like Clinton losing a rigged election and Trump winning? Please...tell us more.
No shit. I'm gonna enjoy shitposting about it anyway. But you sure showed me!
>2020 election
>Trump v. Kamala v. Schultz
>Kamala wins electoral college narrowly
>Trump, because leftie popular vote is split between Kamala and Schultz, wins popular vote plurality
>landslide EC victory for Trump as all the blue states are forced to vote red, giving him an EC score in the 400s
I wish this could happen
Do all of you guys spaz out uncontrollably all the time? Did this site make you guys like this or does this site just attract people with a tendency to do that
>disenfranchise everyone outside of urban centers from politics
It's like they want war. The bean counters and pencil pushers have forgotten they aren't necessary for a country to survive. Farmers and manufacturers are.
I doubt this will happen, but I do hope it will so we can finally dispense with the charade of "democracy"
You can’t actually be this disconnected from reality to think this is a possible solution.
Exactly. EC keeps the votes of the individual states being counted.
>Let Donald Kike give away all of your money and personal freedoms to Mexico and Israel
Lay off huffing Redi-Whip before you post user.
The people will have a voice.
It's a violation of the 12th Amendment, but it can't be challenged until it hits the threshold where it actually kicks in.
> "However, even if such promises of candidates for the electoral college are legally unenforceable because violative of an assumed constitutional freedom of the elector under the Constitution, Art. II, § 1, to vote as he may choose in the electoral college, it would not follow that the requirement of a pledge in the primary is unconstitutional.
Ray v. Blair (1952) upheld the constitutionality of elector "pledges" to vote for their party's candidate - that an elector could be removed if they refused to pledge to vote for a candidate - but conceded such pledges were unenforceable, because to force an elector to actually vote for a given candidate was unconstitutional. Others have written that any attempt to punish faithless electors is a clear violation of the 12th Amendment: "a state law that would thwart a federal elector’s discretion at an extraordinary time when it reasonably must be exercised would clearly violate Article II and the Twelfth Amendment."
Therefore, a high reading of this would mean that any such law that would force electors to vote with the national popular vote would be unconstitutional.
In practice, the statewide election itself is nothing more than an election to select a party-selected list of electors, in most case, Republican or Democrat. If a state law abrogated that election simply because other states voted a different way, that would nullify the election, and would be a clear violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution: "The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government."
The Constitution is clear. Democrats also don't care, and the fact they support a pact to nullify state elections is just another example of how Democrats want to overthrow our constitutional republic and replace it with something far more capricious and authoritarian.
>Do away with Electoral College
>All the country is ruled by inner cities
>Everywhere else is still taxed and shat on
George, tell me 'bout the rabbits George!
>the amount of mental gymnastics amerimutts go through to justify a vote as democratic
Popular vote is the only democratic method of election. If your election system doesn't function like that, you're not a democratic state.
We're not a democratic state, dipshit. We're a republic with democratic institutions.
I think weed damaged that state beyond help if true.
God I fucking hate when retarded eurotards don't know the difference between a republic and a democracy
Fuck off you stupid gypsy
That's why the USA is a Republic. A democratic republic.
It's clearly an undemocratic move within the state itself, clearly Colorado needs to start shooting their politicians like the good old days.
Sadly, libtarded Denver and even MOAR libtarded Boulder run the state erections. I mean elections, but amounts to the same thing in faggot country Colorado.
You mean the whole thing's a sham!???
That's illegal thoughts user, don't say that.
>libtarded Denver and even MOAR libtarded Boulder run the state erections.
No they don't, the deep state run the elections and pretend you voted for it.
Didn't some user a while ago get digits that Trump would win 2020 with over 400 electoral votes?
No,the mass murder of those who want to be tyrants over us is. Coasties want to dominate far flung reaches of the country they have no input on? They can come get ventilated.
>the result of american education
>Be a retarded shitskin
>Say something factually incorrect
get raped
>Democrats: Open borders!!! Everyone is allowed in!!! Anyone who disagrees is a racist!!!
>Democrats: Elections should be decided by popular vote. Get rid of the electoral college. Whoever can import more 3rd world voters win.
The time is approaching for mass a$$ssinations.
This is a republic. Our states are the size of your entire country. Give you an idea, the UK is Michigan and you are New Jersey. We're a gaggle of smaller region "states" and the only thing keeping us from balkanization or another civil war was this power balancing structure to prevent 3 distant cities from raping the rest of the country. Without it, this "country" is a warzone waiting to happen.
Also, Brussels called, said for you to stop using the word Democracy since it's Islamophobic.
Not an argument, MIGApede.
The liberals seek to kill you and your family & replace you
You know what to do.
In any good American school, you read the Federalist Papers, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and other documents of the Founding Fathers. They specifically set up a compromise system to balance power between large and small states. They feared mob rule, as they knew it would lead to fracturing and civil war. The small states, while less populous, have their own interests and resources that run counter to the interests of the big coastal regions.
Without the EC and Senate systems, New York and California could run rampant passing whatever they wanted without caring what Joe Smith in the middle of Bumblefuck, Wisconsin thinks. Despite what it has become now in law and popular imagination, the US is supposed to be a Union of independent states that work together for common defense and economic stability. That's why they are called states, not provinces. But since the Civil War and WWII that concept has been eroded in favor of ceding all responsibility to the federal government, leading to a government that can never represent the interests of its people.
This is how a Republic dies. Democracy is retarded and has been proven to be retarded for over one thousand years. When a majority group holds power over a minority group that is the opposite of equality that is tyranny.
Sure thing, Dracula. Only Blowmania has quality edumakashun! Stop LARPing and face reality user.
Obama already had a program that was planning to transplant millions of Muslims into rural areas... this would have been implemented under Clinton. Literal replacement. They were only able to relocate a few thousand into Idaho, Maine, upstate New York and other conservative/white parts of the country before Trump ended the practice.
Never forget that if you are white, Democrats hate you and want you powerless to prevent your children's deaths, one way or the other.
If Democrats had won in 2016, the United States would be firmly on the path to destruction. Trump is not "the chosen one" and may not even be completely aware of the threat to our society, but he is a doorstop that is buying us time. USE THAT TIME WISELY.
Naked election rigging.
This is what happens when you count women's opinions and pretend they matter to anyone or are important for anything. Pure desolation and end.
>Also, Brussels called, said for you to stop using the word Democracy since it's Islamophobic.
Made me spit Coca-Cola thru my nose!
Did your mother ever have any kids that lived?
What was the name of this secret plan?
states can assign electoral votes however they want. that's part of the beauty of the electoral college. the problem is Colorado just made itself worthless by doing this. by becoming a proportional assignment of votes based on electoral percentage they made their state worth less then a duck's fart, utterly irrelevant. This is also why none (I repeat NONE) of the small state will ever do this.
>California ruined muh state!
I've been to Colorado and it's a bunch of people from the MidWest who moved their to be trendy. Nobody on the coast would move to that hell hole
midwest Scandinavian cucks do a lot of damage but no one talks about this menace
It'll never happen, you need two-thirds of Congress to support it and three-fourths of the states to ratify it.
Any small-to-mid sized state will oppose this.
The party that uses superdelegates is bitching about the electoral college
waiting on you to fire the first shot, meme flag
I would cum in my pants if our faggot kike governor got de-elected
It's a disenfranchisement, this is vigilante lynching territory
What is a super delegate?
Read federalist 28
>lets just get rid of the measure that ensures everybody outside of the cities have a voice
>let's continuously disenfranchise and piss off all whites and middle America from Jew york, Chicongo and Los Angeles
>if we keep attacking instead of convincing those that are different from us everything will be okay
These assholes dont understand what they're doing. If they really understood they wouldn't be doing this
Federal republic