You guys don't seriously take that jew stuff seriouly r-right?

you guys don't seriously take that jew stuff seriouly r-right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Death to Rothschild Zionism.

of course not. Everything I post here is satire. I love our (((bankers, porn directors and journalists)))!

Unironically gas all jews

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Trump is genetically a Jew

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Not at first

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Mengele was a toothless tranny now? You incels get weirder and weirder by the second.

shroedinger's joke

Anti-Jew = Incel nowadays? Jesus fuck you libs appropriate buzz words into nonsensical autism.


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>post some anti-Semitic content so we have internet records to label you as a right wing extremist when we frame you for some terrorist incident

Its just a prank. All my posts have been satire.

Why even bother asking are you autistic? That's the biggest meme we have to bait spergs with do you think people have time for all that when life is so short faggot? If you want real facts read a book or sctually get informed if the shitposts you see are real source and don't fall for circle jerking cherrypicked youtube sperg conpiracies neither faggot, ancient fag here understand you're surrounded by dirt and losers and they want your company, you think those brainlet fags that can't even get laid got the answers and actual Intellectuals are brainwashed? Don't be a fucking retarded sperg.

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No. There is no consensus on what the Jews are doing or why. Outside of this place everyone thinks people here are potentially dangerous lunatics. Most likely the Nazi stuff comes from a few groups in the middle of the country and everyone else is an NPC who just wants to fit in.

>t. From country with low literacy
Point discarded.

Nah man we think it's really cool what the jews have done to everyone else. We love it in fact.

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35 bill in aid to isreal. Yeh we take it seriously.

FBI, CIA, missed, ISIS, 9/11, uss liberty, bankers, msm owners, Facebook/social media enslavers, self fulfilled prophecies about the second coming, yeah it's not serious


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No, the reptilians are the real threat.

It's just a joke, don't worry.

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depends on what you mean by
>that jew stuff

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Holocaust, World Bank, IMF, Al Qaeda, Black Cube, Jewish politicians, banker politicians, a trillion dollar a year deficit after 2000 for socialist spending, nuclear theft, wars in the middle east and the EU. The list never ends.

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Also don't listen to those faggots when they claim they're based and what not they're a bunch of snowflakes larping they're degenerate faggots of all races and all sorts of out of shape creatures if you really wanna become based take real redpills like working out taking real good care of yourself, become a real man get a hot wife have lots of children etc do what's good for you faggot and your family faggot

Oy what is this from, I've seen it posted once or twice

Theres no legit proof of anything this glow in the dark nigger is talking about hes just chewing up other peoples thrown up shit but his type is the first to call you NPC

I do but pol really goes full retard with it, I can only browse the board for 5 minutes before I start losing iq points
vid 46-48

>if I say faggot enough they will accept me as one of their own
>ignore the jews faggot
>real faggots love the jews
>don't pay attention to what's happening faggot
>enjoy your faggot life
>now go to bed faggot

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>there's never proof that jews did anything bad
>all proof is lies!
>we must protect the 6 gorrillion

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the fuck is wrong with
I don't have one in brail

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What do you think?

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you are glow in a dark kike, shlomo

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who is on right

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You see this sometimes they even larp as (((them))) to get you confused or larp as other races to make people hate each other I'm actually a based respected man with kids in real life while those faggots thumb their buttholes to trap pornos all day and try to bait naive faggots like you, you can lean to the right and be pro white without following retarded sperg ideologies those same spergs claim to be against degeneracy but they salivate at the sight of a throbbing tranny cock, be smart bro you have a head its yours not theirs.

damn jews

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kys anti-semites

google lavon affair jew

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mexican children aren't trying to suicide bomb america. low iq faggot

you need to open yourself on those palestinians jew and learn to live in multicultural country

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Pretty seriously.
Just not on an ethnicity or religiosity basis.
It's ideological.

I am also married with a kid, that has absolutely nothing to do with anything but I love that you insist everyone who is not happy about jewry is a degenerate.
Kollel shouldn't be a career.

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Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

Have you read siege yet?

What the fuck do you think? Use that noggin of yours.
You post this shite every single day. Got anything better to do besides shitposting?

Go tell those spergs like this polishjuden faggot that are so deep down the rabbit hole the truth and see how they will call you a jew its hilarious lol those kids are pathetic terrified snowflakes they are mostly leftists at heart but they just now found about the oldest bait ever and they actually believe they're onto something none of those house cats would ever be down to actually get dirty for our race if it was needed they are just bisexual losers that think they are based and believe me a Romanian 6foot5 25 year old Chad with a smoking wife and 3 beautiful green eyed children I'm not lying to you bro, those guys are losers of every race and mutt breed possible, not Based.

75% of the infographs about Jews you see on this site are conspiratard faggotry. inb4 jidfshlomogtfo

Who comes up with this shit. Absolute incels

>Romanian 6foot5 25 year old Chad with a smoking wife and 3 beautiful green eyed children I'm not lying to you bro, those guys are losers of every race and mutt breed possible, not Based.
I have no words or sides

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So tonight is spam pepes and retarded questions, what're you sliding cock sucker

yea, about polishjuden
>jewish ghetto police
>group 13

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Are you Vee?

jews are awfull criminals

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Wide eyed pepes are a bannable offense.

truly terrible people

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>1 post by this ID

i mean, just look at this roma jude post

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where did all the good jews go??

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No, they're serious. Just like those flat Earth idiots.

I used to not, but now every time I see an article written by a (((-berg))), I know before reading that it's anti-white propaganda. It's fucking ridiculous.

surely it must be just a (((coincidence)))

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What the fuck do you mean no legit proof? There's proof from their own words. The fact that the wars in the middle east are the doing of Israel and American Jews is no secret. Look at the Clean Break policy papers. David Wurmser, Douglas Feith etc.

(((Chuck Schumer)))

ofc not

It's so serious like the ashes in my mouth

1. Stupid goys.
2. Kikes who think they are rulers.
3. Real people (master race).

This is it.

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everybody knows jews don't actually exist

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'i talked with Jews who argued like a typical person'
'thus it's a jewish trait'

autism at its finest


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even a basic post can read your posts and know you're damage control

shut the fuck up and try again in a new thread

its not typical user


Everything you read here is satire. Jow Forums is a board of peace and tolerance. Now lurk more.

The fact you think that method is normal speaks volumes moshe

Greatest Jewish trick is that they made us believe that they are behind absolutely everything.


If Jews admit that staging Jesus through the streets spitting on him beating him and hanging him up with an audience like the super bowl halftime show was a joke, I’ll say I’m joking too. That way we can all feel better about what we’ve said or done

Jow Forums is a board of peace

The enlightened position

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nah, white people are the architects of their own destruction

oy vey

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You mean the gas chambera at Aushwitz that somehow, some way, by some miracle, turned out to be showers and not gas dispensers?

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try to argue with anyone on anything political or similarly opinionanted and look how 'convinced' they'll be on the next day

it's even worse on the internet.

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