How old are you user?

I made a poll with a 3 year age gap from 14-40. I’m going to post this several times to gather the average age here.

Pls don’t lie anons.

Attached: 850CAD28-C28D-4494-A234-C2B5B6EAEF58.jpg (640x998, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ok user

Ok user


Jail gang

Ok user

Why is gen x considered boomer?


Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

sonny boy i aint no boomer

It isn’t I just didn’t want to go all the way up to 60. Am lazy. Sorry user.

>all fields
>hide thread

Attached: info_collection.png (915x272, 61K)

tfw you've hated boomers your entire life because they fucked you and the rest of the Xers over, and then some newfags come along and tell you you're a boomer now

fuck off you goddamn kike data miner shills

I am over 9000 years old

>data mining
Why are these goddamn threads allowed to continue?

Sorry user. You are young and hip

Attached: AT7arsP7Q2-8.png (300x250, 35K)

>Data mining
Ok user

Don't give information to the Jews.

It ok. There is a big ideology difference by my dad's generation he is 71 and mine I am 51

>implying the gibserment wouldn't already have this data
dude calm your autism tits

Ah 22-24. So that's where the incels are


Hey I know that Jow Forums isn't the place for a 13 year old(me) (the Porn is Shit) but there's no 13 option


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just so you know I fudged my vote

oh we know we're not young and hip.
but we were getting pissed on by boomers since the 80s. we had to endure the boomers in their fucking prime, not just now that they are ancient. I've had the Beatles and Woodstock shoved down my throat for 40 years for fucks sake. Xers are the enemy of Boomers, and don't really like being lumped in with them in any way
but hey whatever, Xers got shit on by the generations that came before us, might as well get shit on by the younger ones too.


Information collection works both ways.

everyone is fucked at all times anyway

fucking schizos

So far 66% are 14-24

die zoomers

i quit this site

What a surprise, Jow Forums is made up of dumbass kids.

Fuck off burger

the older a person is the less likely they will bother to vote.

OMG, put your oatmeal cookies on the freezer! They turn out like ice cream treats! If you have peanut butter, add a layer, and be amazed!

shut up, boomer

>i'm a newfag

Attached: howbouti.gif (480x270, 1.51M)


Dont worry about it

I am 89 years old.

I cant use a computer myself, so I have my black puerto rican home nurse read this board out loud to me, and then she types my responses.

Im scared, /d/

fuck you zoomer
this vote is a red pill

Does she jerk you off user

why would you include a meme answer like boomer

Boomer detected

Boomer detected


thats why Jow Forumstards are retarded

Because your all american millenials?

When people say racism will die out with boomers they don't know how wrong they are lel

Boomer detected

he might be a boomer but he is correct
we might have a zoomer epidemic
they are close to 70% of the goddamn site

I feel millennials are way more racist but Zoomers are less racist

Jow Forums is literally somewhere where all this shit doesn't fucking matter. You're such a kike. You're trying to do demographics to better understand how to D&C the board.

No Im not. I don’t post here much at all. I’m just interested in the ages here vs reddit which are usually early 20s

age always matter schizo
i dont want to be in a fucking kindergarten chamber

Data mining kike.

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Make sure to fill it with false info

most of pol is under 21 no wonder they love trump

Attached: 1544765412157.gif (360x346, 218K)


Attached: qf2C8PaUmKuDP.png (540x540, 656K)

I put down 22-24 but I will be 25 in just a few months.

I thought data mining was easy, why do you need these polls? Just come van me already


I'm 25, and 57.65% of poll takers are younger than me?? The fuck.

I like the profession threads despite the risk but there is no chance this fucking shit is organic / not data mining.


What does data mining even do

No can do, user. You left GenX out. You're probably a glownigger anyway.

>glowing this hard

Attached: 1530764684205.jpg (400x662, 24K)

Boomer is 30+

You go from 40 -> boomer? You're going to get skewed results.

Attached: eMm76Xzzh8t34Uyu.jpg (755x943, 172K)

Lots of underage fags. I bet there are some even younger than 14.
