Why haven't we nuked Australia?

Why haven't we nuked Australia?

Attached: Aussie Nuke.jpg (1169x987, 187K)

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lol me and my boss were having a laugh at this shit this morning

you fear our power



Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

Next in line for gov of Virginia is accused of sexual assault.

Britain did, half a dozen times, nobody noticed.

We are your Greatest ally
top fucking kek cunt

How often do you encounter, deadly creatures like Funnel Webs and Inland taipans?

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Bad fucking idea.
Irradiating bloody Emus must be how Deathclaws were created, I don't buy that chameleon shit.

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That would only make your problems much, much worse.

Now the Snakes and crocs are radioactive and now you've lost all the superior men protecting you from the dangers of Australian wildlife.

At this point if they ever broke containment, humanity would fall within weeks.

why does Australia get a reputation as being a deadly country when the US has shit like bears wolves and big cats, I can't imagine living somewhere with big land predators

Fuckin retard. Australia doesn't even exist.

>flooding and strong weather in FNQ
>this is newsworthy

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Exactly abos survived 40k+ years with no clothes or houses, proving it doesn’t take a very high IQ to survive here, so their those who fear the place are dumber than abos, it’s a sad state of affairs

Free pest control, what's the problem?

I've seen a wolf once but it just ran by. Not that scary. Australia sounds like an irradiated wasteland full of convicts, abbos and deadly creatures

Attached: AusHellnia.gif (477x270, 1.29M)

All dicking around aside, I've seen 4 Funnel webs in my life, in the wild.
You don't have to be worried about them as unless you are sticking your hands into their obvious webs, you'll see them long before they can pose a threat to you as if they are out and about, they make themselves known by rearing up at danger.

Redbacks on the other hand pose a much greater threat, as their preferred habitat is similar to humans and will be often found in garages/sheds or hiding in shoes.

>Why haven't we nuked Australia?
Because you fat-asses couldnt find it on the map


Attached: Roadkill Australia.jpg (1600x1200, 441K)

We've got some pretty sweet venomous snakes like rattlers, cottonmouths and copperheads. What kind of snakes do you guys have?

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>I can't imagine living somewhere with big land predators.
They usually only attack people when they feel threatened.

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The crocs that we have here are twice the length of those poofta alligators in louisiana. They're up to 24 feet long when fully grown or something

the spiders that wander, like funnel webs and white tails, are the dangerous ones. I must have killed a thousand white tails. No funnel webs in Vic, though have had a near call with one of the most evil fucking things I have ever seen which turned out to be a mouse spider.

Used to get snakes every summer around our house, which was near a creek. Tiger snakes are always around water. Kid in the first aid class at TAFE had been bitten, was all scarred where it bit him, think the venom must dissolve meat.

When I was on Fraser Island, I ran into a spider web so strong that I literally bounced off it backwards. It was like strong sticky fishing lines. Whatever made it must have been big, I looked into it and the only thing I could find that might have made it is the Queensland funnelweb, like a bigger and more evil funnel web, but thank fuck it doesn't wander around, but sits there like a NEET and builds webs. Kicked a dingo in the face too on Fraser island, cunt of a thing

The Emu war went nuclear.

Attached: montebello-islands-emu-field-maralinga-nuclear-test-aemu-field-map-15261735.png (500x647, 151K)

the virgin gator vs the Chadodile

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the virgin crocodile vs the Chadowary

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cassowaries are big blue faggots

the bush chook is the peak of big bird aesthetics

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Because you're a bunch of soft cunts...

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I guess technically it is all those things but you don't really notice if you're drunk enough. But seriously tho, most of it is totally fucking uninhabited. The nice parts are really nice. Where I live it's pretty much green year round, you very rarely come across any nasty critters and the ones that are around won't hunt you down and eat you. The abbos mostly stick to themselves and are far less dangerous than niggers. There are some places whites don't go without an abbo escort or a word put in ahead of time and you never stop when they jump out in front of your car in the night as you drive through the outback or you might be raped and murdered. Most of the time they don't pose any real danger unless you are totally fucking retarded. Plenty of places up north still have segregated pubs and whatnot and there are "dryzones" where no alcohol is allowed because of abbos.
Honestly the fucking climate is the worst part of the whole deal. We lose people of heat stroke every summer but that happens anywhere it gets this fucking hot including I imagine some places in the u.s.

Because the nuke would get stung by a spider and while dying it'd get eaten by a shark which in turn gets eaten by a crocodile.

so youre not fucking full then?
Chur bro I believed the lies. Coming next week with my whanau bro. Tu meke

The UK did nuke us you fucking retard.

>The United Kingdom conducted 12 major nuclear weapons tests in Australia between 1952 and 1957. These explosions occurred at the Montebello Islands, Emu Field and Maralinga. Several books have been written about nuclear weapons testing in Australia.

Emu field was in retaliation for us losing the emu war and we haven’t heard from those fuckers since.

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