Steal children from war-torn countries under the guise of "adoption"

>steal children from war-torn countries under the guise of "adoption"
>give them new identities, new name and passport
>"you're not one of us"
Why do whitoids do this?

Attached: Denmark.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

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This commercial always makes me laugh lol

I want shitskins to stay far away from me. They have no concept of germ theory.

Children need to know the cold hard truth at some point.

Look at this heartbreaking video of a little girl who was definitely not told to act a certain way for an emotional effect. Don't you feel bad now racists?

Nice try, Rabbi. Stop trying to empty out the middle east for the Kalergi Plan

Attached: meme_flag_mslm.png (906x900, 271K)

Like poetry

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I've got several adopted family members with foreign roots (from Suriname and Colombia).
They are better assimilated into our culture than I am.
I'm not pro-immigration, but if you grow up here as an adopted child into an established family you're one of us as far as I'm concerned.
I bet if I heard her speak I wouldn't be able to distinguish her as "foreign"
I can spot a German a mile away and recognize him as a foreigner tho.

>he thinks real Americans laugh at Vietnam

>he missed the point

>mfw i laughed at all 4 panels
no sir you missed the mcfucking point, and all the mcfucking friends we lost

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You know who killed our fucking guys, and their control will be brought down by force.

ignoring the webm this is actually true but isnt the will of whites, our governments have been subverted and no longer work in our best interests

Attached: 1543745297374.jpg (249x263, 16K)

Danes are an ethnicity, Denmark is their homeland. Having a Danish passport doesn't change your DNA and family background.

marxist detected stupidity the Vietnamese photo was taken of an ARVN airstriek after total US ground troops pullout in easter offensive.... about half a dozen ARVN troops because of a friendly fire accident were killed with napalm, the whole film shows T-72 Soviet made communist battle tanks attacking the village which the NVA killed far more civilians outside An Khe that day thatnks to their indiscriminate wild fire....learn some history bolshevik

none of those children are adopted or came here as refugees.
They are all children of the immigrants who flooded Denmark from Turkey and its neighbouring countries back in the late 80s and early 90s. They were born in Denmark and the clip is about how even 3rd and 4th generation immigrants are still not considered Danish even though they have no other identity.
my stance; they can fuck off I dont give a shit. They will never be Danish its downright impossible.

>none of those children are adopted
Lie harder
>the government stopped something that didn't exist

does those in the video looks like niggers to you? they are clearly browns. OP said that Danes "stole" those shits from wartorn country through adoption and that is clearly lies.

Delete this right now

based and redpilled she will never be danish fuck that kid send her back to syria

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I did not know this.