Brit/pol/ - British Politics

>Brexit: Theresa May 'determined' to leave EU in March

>Brexit: Arlene Foster hopeful of backstop changes

>Girl, 15, shot 'walking down street' in Droylsden

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Whaat theres gun crime in a country where most gun are extremely illegal lol its omost like all gun grabbing fags are fake newsing the npcs

Souf FC

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Norf FC

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this might be the cutest girl i've ever seen in my life

>Theresa May 'determined'
Her determination levels must be like 5% these days.

does this girl possess all the poise and dignity left to bongs?

This girl is attractive and validates my political opinions
Maybe she’ll has sex with me

Question: Is that a boy or a girl?

Got no snow here at all, and now it's springy rain. Where did winter go?

The same bollocks here, +2 celsius.

t. discord tranny

It's like night and day with Anglos. You can tell what class they are descended from by how ugly they are. It's pretty much like India.

Looks like spring's back on the menu boys, pissing down here.

Is there any parliament kino this week?

same, im trying to out off going to spoons for breakfast. gonna get fookin' soaked

She's like a less degenerate taylor swift

Article says a "pellet that came from an air rifle" hit her in the leg.

I know right
Like she obviously hates pakis and niggers like me and she is probably buf and hates the Churchill kike
Fuck I bet she also watches the same anime’s as me, it’s like we were made for each other. I just want to sit up playing vidya with her and shit posting on pol. We can redpill normies about the Jews together then go home and make sweet love and make pure Aryan babies

Fuck she’s made life worth living again




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Wow, she looks so innocent

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Go fuck yourself, New York Jew
You push that tranny agenda everywhere and that's why you will lose your precious ethnostate in the future

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Because she is innocent
She’s obviously a virgin and waiting for someone who shares her political views, is interested in national socialism and watches the same anime as her then she will give herself to them and have 4 white babies with me and then she will save the white race with me

so i'm not the only one..

Fuck off colony, she’s for Brit/pol/ only

Do we know her name lads?

That could easily have a penis.


Fuck off shill she is pure

Urgh. Short skirt.

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>that qt

I renounce my view of Bong women all being jabba slags.

Tfw no qt 3.14 gf who

She looks like a tranny, it's all the makeup and prominent cheekbones.

Hopefully just a pretty girl.

We saw her first, fuck off


And anyway, if that's a boy... then he's very pretty. But he should stop it then anyway.

No worries, I don't have the means to buy her off her paki gang bang gang.

>that cute

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lik dis if u cry ery teim ;(

Most women get orgasms from being raped. Now imagine a bunch of brown dicks, right?
Sincerely, nature

What's the deal with the 50% female bag, then?

There's a line for a 5$ haircut Abdul get workin.

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Ofc I have to be a muzzy, sure mutt, whatever you say

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Visited some Welsh separatist shit on a roadtrip yesterday, lads. I'll be posting more tomorrow, I made a little video about it.

Thoughts on the Free Wales Army? To me they look like a bunch of Jow Forumstards

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Roastie detected.

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Its "British Youcis"

Are therr reaoly christmas carolers in the usa like they show in movies?

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Someone needs to find out her name.
She is pure bae

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I'm confused. Is she FOR or AGAINST Brexit? Her sign made me think she's for in dependency for Britain but the EU flags seem to say otherwise.

Holy fucking shit. Source?

I'd vote stay if that guaranteed getting in her panties

>hates Jews
>insults white women
>excuses gang rapes by brownies
if it looks like a duck...

There are competing crowds or protestors there. Note the twat with the 'stop brexit' sign trying to pollute the photo:


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The funny thing about pictures like this... is she doesn't even get that she is what that sign is about.

I just don't give a fuck anymore, poor Soviet rape scum

>Maybe she’ll have sex with me

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She's from an interview Sargon did of leavers outside Parliament. It's on his channel.

If you have to ask that you Need To ask what the fuck boys are in your country faggot

Jew detected

>tfw no brexit gf

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Do you think if I PM Sargon he’d tell me her name?

How about you link it to me?

I bite my thumb at you sir.

He spent about 5 minutes with her and her friends. Doubt he knows it.

do you remember the name of the video please?

>tfw no qt anglo-saxon brexit gf

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shit taste in metal

You are a god


imagine being this beta

He would be able to point me in the right direction though

God, she's so fucking beautiful. I need to find out where she lives and works.

Rate my company lads

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oh god, she IS retarded.

am i the only one who belives that's a dude?

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Fuck off, she has more in common with me

Absolutely dreaming of a Greggs chicken bake right now

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>big mac in hand as he approaches
>you doing brexit yet?
>are the tories like our republicans?
>don’t walk off please
>oh yeah, your teeth are shit anyways
>*shits pants*

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Which one? The Blonde? Even so, if you value a woman's intelligence you are a fag.

"The people's of Europe"
She is a Griffin girl.

gotta admit
i laughed

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Has anyone been keeping track of the statistics that tally up how many numbers Pube has done on this general?

She's MINE! I'll fight you, you fuckin' subhuman newfag!

that nigga is fucking based
he, Kai Murros and the guys from the nordic resistance should make an alliance

Fighting with fists is for niggers
I fight with my mind


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Two can play at that game.

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Yeah, but I fear they may be controlled op. But they really need to get back into politics.

>mfw Google has accidentally taken me to a rough side of Manchester
I don't think I'm in England anymore lads

She's so cute she doesn't even look real.

aight baz

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>if you value a woman's intelligence you are a fag
I value Thatcher's intelligence.

Mornin Tel

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Stop questioning my girlfriends sexuality you fucking mutt

Even Sargon can't ruin this