Absolutely degenerate

what is wrong with this piece of shit?

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he's too fat

why are you watching a fat person? why am i answering your question?

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Leftist victimhood give them the mental gymnastics to rationalize that they are not responsible for their indulging in the deadly sins

Guys i dont think the day of the rope will work on fatties

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You saved a thumbnail. That's subhuman behavior.

Fuck off jew.


We are all equal.

He has a market (namely you) and until he doesn't he'll continue to be a lazy fat piece of shit because there's no logical benefit to not being one

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This crap doesnt belong here - take it to

Obviously never saw the biggest loser then


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Didn’t he have the surgery?

this guy needs testosterone shots into his balls and then someone to come into his house and burn all his stupid fucking toys and games and force him into manual labor. after he gets into the groove his body will crave not sitting on his fat fucking ass all day.

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wasn't that the fatsow that got some girly to pretend marriage him and then she real divorced him and now hes divorced and she took his youtube money?

Poor fatso.
I'm glad everyday thats not me.

Use thicker rope.

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If they fucked his wife how are they gay

the weightloss gimmick had a negative affect on his youtube shekels

t. Armlet larper

Because Boogie is like Sargon. He fucks traps.

He did. Then his wife left him

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i play guitar religiously, i have pretty cut arms

How the fuck don you fail waightloss surgry

>be boogie
>get neetbux for being fat
>acquire okay looking blonde fem orbiter who validates your existence for said neetbux
>views go up
>decide to lose weight
>views tank
>blonde orbiter decides fucking gay nigger dick is better than living with a poor fat cunt
>give her all your money because youre a neckbeard loser
>try to stay on diet though seriously depressed
>eat a fucking fat juicy double whopper mcmac with cheese
>feels good man
>eat another hundred
>put on all your weight again
>hope to get bad fat sad fem beta orbiter who justified your existence


>next step commit livestream seppuku for wifes divorce payments and nigger dick extensions
>forever be laughing stock and /b/ tier bate

she chose a black guy.

You continue to eat and eat until your stomach expands to its pre-surgery size. I imagine some of them bypass the smaller stomach limit by drinking liquid sugars to 'satiate' themselves.

what a shock.



>get neetbux for being fat
Wtf I wish I were American

His clothes probably weigh 20 lbs, though.

>okay looking blonde

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monster mash.

Why are you desperate for views, Boogie?

Fuck that deflating blimp

Kek I still love this place

Why am I elliot posting?

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Top jej

Remeber je fattened her up too. She was "okay" when they met which gave al his fat lonely loser followers hope that they could too get a "hot bitch" fat enabler. As soon as the money stream died so did their (her) love. So the stupid fuck gave her everything. Apart from maybe the ass washer on a stick. He needs that.

why do we care about what this morbidly obese,manipulative,self-pitying,no wife having waste of a far from insignificant amount of space has to say again?

His wife literally cucked him and then divorced him and took his house after flat out admitting she intended to do this when they got married, and he still talks about how great she is on his twitter account. He needs to just kill himself.

Nobody cares boogie. Stop shilling your shit channel on Jow Forums fishing for views.

yeah shit, you right man.
she wasnt,

I stand corrected.

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he lost weight in jan hes down to like 345 from almost 600 in a couple years, he meant that he failed that he broke his diet plan when he went out of town, and hes started again for feb.

im not gonna advocate his degeneracy and mental weakness because he has both, but ive been keeping tabs on him and he has made large strides in his health efforts over the past couple years.

i look forward to the day that he makes his weight goals. hes a good soul he just needs to man up.

>he just needs to kill himself
He is, slowly.

RIP Boogie1488

he lost weight in jan hes down to like 345 from almost 600 in a couple years, he meant that he failed that he broke his diet plan when he went out of town, and hes started again for feb.

im not gonna advocate his degeneracy and mental weakness because he has both, but ive been keeping tabs on him and he has made large strides in his health efforts over the past couple years.

i look forward to the day that he makes his weight goals. hes a good soul he just needs to man up.

He failed because he scammed his viewers to pay for a surgery he didn't have. Every person I know that's had that surgery lost weight in 3 months down to aids victims with sunken in faces because they couldn't physically eat what they used to, boogie hasn't lost anything you can see it in his face.

he lost weight in jan hes down to like 345 from almost 600 in a couple years, he meant that he failed that he broke his diet plan when he went out of town, and hes started again for feb.

im not gonna advocate his degeneracy and mental weakness because he has both, but ive been keeping tabs on him and he has made large strides in his health efforts over the past couple years.

i look forward to the day that he makes his weight goals. hes a good soul he just needs to man up.

he literally gets money making a joke of himself and recklessly engaging in hedonism and self destruction, and then whines about how he's a victim with no self control and how he needs everyone else to pay directly for his healthcare (on top of giving him free money just to kill himself)

i dont think there has ever been a bigger hypocritical retard in the history of mankind

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>eat another hundred
Thanks for the laugh friend.


Lost 5kg in the last 2 weeks.
Almost at healthy BMI.
Wish me luck bros!

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Ik, you should screen cap a thumbnail. This nivger speaks truth.

He's a totally sick fuck.

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5kg in 2 weeks? What are you doing dude? What kind of black magic are you performing? I can only lose 5kg in a month.

Day of the forklift when?

I’m proud of you, buddy.

5 in 2 weeks, wtf? What diet/exercises are you on user

His head is fucked.

-Eating disorder
-Therapy junkie
-Larpler for clicks

He didn't "fail", really. He just eat some food. He didn't gain weight. But he's making a big fucking drama out of it because he's a narcissist and an attention junkie and has to be all dramatic about every fucking thing, to get sympathy.


Nobody fucking cares, Boogie. And it's interesting you're shitposting here again, which means you're backsliding into the kind of shit that got you to 600 pounds plus.

Eating clean 6 days a week is doable, and possible, and works for a lot of people. Keeps you sane. Just eat plant based shit all week, stuff your face, instead of the "small meals and shakes" bullshit, that's fad bullshit, and the shakes 100% will trigger your addiction.

But you won't, because you're a fatty fat manchild who can't move past "mommy was mean to me!", because without your endless fucking drama, you're just another face in the crowd, and you won't stand for that.

Eat a salad and shut the fuck up, you fat cunt.

When your stomach passes your knees sitting down, you done fucked up in life. Jesus fuck.

>start resolution to lose weight and get into shape
>not making it too well in exercising, but dropped from 240 to 228 in janruary
>can laugh at boogie without feeling like a hipocrite
feels good man

It’s easy.
When you get to the gym, JUST BEEEES YOURSELF! :D

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No one go on this its harvesting pol ips

He took a huge shit

seen it many times, never have, always knew it was some shady shit

(((discord))) was clearly designed by and for nu-male faggot bugmen who should be gassed

5 in DAY is normal, just from taking a shit and water weight.

A lot of people who switch to a diet like keto or low carb or vegan can do 10-15 pounds in a week, from dropping excess water.
5 pounds a week is a healthy rate. You can do more, but your body will freak out.

Boogies like
>Is that a kidney shaped table or a table shaped kidney?

I'm on a 1200cal diet and I can't take a shit worth a damn if I try lmao. There's literally almost nothing in me to do it. At best I shoot a few pebbles after 5 days.

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A bean bag chair shaped human.

I lost 65 lbs thanks to Jow Forums constantly calling me a fatass, now I loads of money and I'm getting thinner, feeling more mentally sane.


I'm on a 1100-1400 cal diet, but I take massive shits because I eat high protein and take MetaMucil, makes my poop fluffy.

>I'm on a 1100-1400 cal diet, but I take massive shits because I eat high protein

enjoy your no testosterone

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You just know he smells like shit because he can't wipe

Why the fuck am I laughing? I'm 120kg (260 lb) virgin fat faggot myself.. Help me bros.

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I'm a girl, and it's been great, my periods are starting to become normal and regular.