Are leftists employable?

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Are rightists considered human?

Not if they're poos.

Pray tell, nigger.

Are christfags sentient?

"I'd never hire a leftist in a million years"

Future Bitcoin millionaire

Leftists will demand constant and then blame all of their failures on poor communication.

They will demand collaboration on every task and then blame their failures on collaborators.

They will also put you at a liability if they are a protected class.

Believe it or not, they are actally considered a problem hire in many industries.

you triggered 4 feminists

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they suck at everything

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they are good at killing their babies

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I'd never hire one.

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>they are actally considered a problem hire in many industries
In every industry. Try working with a flamboyantly gay guy who constantly makes double-entendres and innuendos. You have to ignore and pretend you didn't catch it.

A serious potential problem is a dirty leftie commie starting a union in order to steal the business from you.

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Currently leftists are THE ruling caste. WHen we win, they will only be employable in forced labor camps.

All that is required for a rational victory is to be uncensored on social media platforms.

Jesus christ lathes are horrifying

yes because they don't think for themselves

are rightists?

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3DPD is so ewww gross

You spelled "women" wrong

Yes, bad stuff happens. Don't let it happen to you or the people you work with and then lathes are wonderful.

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Has fed written all over it

That all depends, are they degenerates? Loudmouths? Troublemakers?

Maybe if they learn to program

I've been paranoid about them since I had to pull a kid out of one in my highschool metal shop.
Luckily the teacher intentionally leaves the belts loose for exactly this reason, his arm was only fucked up for a few days. Scared the shit out of me, he was shoulder deep in a split second and I was right next to him.

Unemployable because voting leftists are black and Mexican, yes. Also love tattoos. Unless you need a coder. Dunno why so many coders are lefty cucks.

I mostly use CNC stuff these days, and they have enclosures which are awesome.

Not standing in front of the machine cranking handles while eating chips and smoke is fucking great too. Endmill getting a bit dull here.

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There is no video more comfy than someone working a lathe, metal or wood.
Prove me wrong.

>in highschool
>cnc plasma cutter has been broken for 4 years
>fix it behind teacher's back as he doens't want anybody fucking with it
>parallel port cable was about 10 feet long, unshielded and coiled on top of plasma cutter box
>end up being the only one who knows how to use it, in charge of running it for 4 years
I really miss working with it, I got away with making so much cool shit. Eventually got some closed kerf tips and after a ton of calibration got it pretty damn accurate. At my current work we only have a large cnc router we use for wood and carbon fiber/glass. Supposedly when the current dude retires in a year I'll be taking over.

someone post the alien edit

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plasmacam system is cheaper than those lincoln electric ones, I think there is some proprietary shit in the plasmacam, not sure about the torchmate.

Haven't looked into it too seriously yet, but would probably go with the plasmacam.

Don't know shit about routers.

cnc is the future. stick with it you can make a shitload of dough

Are pagancucks?

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That's actually what I was using in highschool, the 4x4 table with a miller hand held torch that clamps in a vise. The software is proprietary, what I had was the equivalent of MS-paint but cad. It was so useless I just used autocad 2k and imported the .dxf, I did like that they used optically encoded servo motors instead of steppers though, it could easily and quickly recover from movement errors.
There's something that is incredibly satisfying working with this stuff.


that's a big lathe

So disgusting

i use CAM software constantly so that's probably what I would do too.

You kidding, with how many leftists are business owners and hire leftist HR staff the question is are you? A statement that sounds racist that gets reported to the leftists in HR and you're gone.

also checked

Any idea why solidworks tends to be the industry standard instead of autocad inventor?

These limp-wristed weirdos arent any good for labor. Gas them and be done with them. All kikes, niggers, queers, beaners, trannies, mentally I'll or retards get the gas.

Oh god, running CNC doing the same remedial part for a month is Shit

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ehyeah probably not as shitty when the business is yours

>yfw the Christian girl is the biggest whore of the four

Where I live the question is, are White Straight males employable. You can have 5000 tattoos and be a 400 pend transgender and you'll be hired..

Look like Brad Pitt.... nada

They look like cattle

That would tip the scales quick as shit.
The truth isn't on their side. Control of media surely is at this point in time.

The right one is better, but still a parasite. I'd rather have her working in a decent engineering or teaching job

Being a good mother is priceless, though.

I don't think working and being a good parent is irreconcilable as long as you are at least interacting with the child 2 hours a day. Also, it's always good to have a child interact with other people than their parents.

btw user that CNC is very homely. Would set in the corner of my shop awaiting small cheap parts.

>Are leftists employable?
As kindling.

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Are women viable humans?

>you will never have the one on the right

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