Quiet as kept, their is a strong demonic presence attached to this board and a considerable amount of its members
Guys is the alt-right a cult?
The modern Jow Forums is a muslim shithole, there're tons of shills who post their anti-Semitic propaganda leaflets and other bollocks, Jow Forums is not genuine opinion.
yep. you got it.
Dude, you can do whatever the fuck you want
we love jews and only low IQ muslims give us a bad reputation
Motherfucker, start applying logic instead of your fee-fees. If it makes sense, it's not a cult.
Dunno about you, but this smear campaign made me more tolerant of other right-wingers. I always considered NatSocs to be commie-tier scum, now I'm sympathetic to them and I simply think they're misguided.
Thank you, CNN. Thank you for fighting the hate.
The only way out is Jesus.
You can waste time arguing or coming up with some other bullshit, but you will fail.