You gotta admit, Brady's a clever boi

You gotta admit, Brady's a clever boi.

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its also a psy op to get people to watch the NFl again. fuck that shit


Reagan was an antiwhite cuckold commie that only dumb boomers worship


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NFL just proved itself rigged as hell again have a jew team with a menorah in the house boy kissing fag boy screech some fake patriotard ZOG Reagan horseshit

Not only that but the machine gun ban too

fuck Ronald reagan

He was pro-white and was so powerful even the kikes feared him. He believed all people were equal though and Israel had less aide from us then, then they do now. Reagan was God like and was a communist hating beauty. Old mother fucking bastard is long gone now. But he'll live on.

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Stop shilling your honey pot discord server

He was awful and his amnesty law is one of the reasons this nation is in such a poor place now.

America struggles for real hero's

Thanks to Reagan California is full of wetbacks and gun control. Thanks gipper, you fucking faggot.

>Jew team
They’re all Jew teams.

>Not only that but the machine gun ban too
>fuck Ronald reagan
you have no idea how fucking LEFT the country was when reagan came into office. EVEN obama was further right on most things then Carter. Heck, Richard Nixon would have been a democrat by today's way of measuring things.

Reagan successfully shifted the pendulum back to the right on the culture war, and won the fucking cold war. had he not come along carter probably would have surrendered to the soviets in 82, and we'd all be speaking russian in some soviet dystopian nightmare.

No... Stop attaching your (((discord))) links to good memes! Fucking spammer!

Reagan fucking ruined California and the US permanently by giving amnesty to spics. If it's a psyop it's a shitty one for boomers.

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are you retarded the gay jew nigger was the most open border pro big pharma marxiod cunt imaginable and a zog war criminal do you live under a rock?

Indeed the gipper was a jewish leftoid ZOG cunt with zero credibility the real right wing was killed off with Forrestal, Mccarthy, and JFK

peak boomerposting

>We'd probably be speaking Russian

get SKULLFUCKED baby boomer, that's the exact same thing you said about fighting the Germans and you were WRONG

XFL is gonna crush this pozzed league.

Correct we are speaking yiddish talmud the boomers are trash and the gayest generation

Vince Macmahon of masonic jewish kikedom

Reagan has an "r" in it. Football uses
obvious code names so the retards understand the play's direction.


Sometimes they get tricky, like Brown for right and gold for left.

Boomer's hated reagan, (but love the money they made under him) Reagan was elected by the WWII and Silent Generations.

spoken like a child too young to remember the fucking mess carter made of this country or the cold war. I'm old enough to remember both. Reagan saved the country.

Besides, back then the Dems were the party of closed boarders because the unions hated illegals, and Republicans loved open boarders because it meant cheap union busting labor, and at the time the unions were the core of the democrat party base. We weren't worried about terrorists or drugs crossing the boarders because the drug problem was mostly black inner city and frankly republicans couldn't be paid to care about it.

>Republicans loved open boarders
>Reagan saved the country.

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>we'd all be speaking russian in some soviet dystopian nightmare

Attached: Language at home 2018-12-28.png (1136x852, 372K)

you weren't alive in the 80's, you don't know. heck latinos used to vote somewhat republican, the cubans in florida went hard republican (like 70-30), and most of the others (especially in california and texas) would go slightly blue (usually 55-45, nothing too bad).

The last republican who did even close to those numbers was GWB, and his numbers were -5 points from those.

based and brain-damage pilled.

fyi, GWB was also the last republican who ran on an open boarder, easy imigration platform traditional to the republican party from the 50's up until '08.

Checked. And best response to that. Instead of speaking Russian we get to be told how racist it is we aren’t speaking Spanish or two languages and how we need to adapt to the new America. Thanks Reagan you fuck.

>Just think of all the cheap labor for muh business!
>Oh fuck my kids just have a cat and now Texas is 50% Hispanic


>heck latinos used to vote somewhat republican
>muh natural conservatives
You're so fucking stupid if you think anyone cares about Red Team vs Blue Team politics on this board. The demographic shift was catastrophic and our country will most likely never recover, yet here you are sucking Reagan off like he's the messiah. Just fucking die already you niggerbrained civcuck. Christ, you can't even spell border right.

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it's a reference to a right leaning position that he can use to communicate to his team mates that they need to run to the right without letting the opposing team know what he was planning, you paranoid fucking idiot