Oh nooo! Poor soros. Why do you hate him so much? Stop the hate. Soros did nothing wrong. Secretly funding groups to destabilize the west? It's not his fault! Stop it, conspiratards!!
He also funded Femen, White Helmets organ harvesting psyoping war criminals and terrorists, all for BIBI
>press G (to gas)
source? just curious
Literally Satan! This fuck like Mugabe just don't seem to want to fucking die! Die already cunt!
His purpose is to document the events
fuck off camel raider this article is one year old
A reminder that he is Jewish.
Soros is heavily involved in politics around the world but because the establishments suck his dick for financial support any attempt to call him out gets labeled as "conspiracy theories and antisemtic hatred". It is not a goddamn conspiracy theory or hatred to call out his actual involvement.
Jews aren't permitted to exercise control. They are court economists and nothing more.
>directly funded and pushed the RU486 Abortion Pill into the US
>didn't do nuffin
He made us lose billions and made us leave the SME back in 1992
He deserves all the hate
Didn't he literally admit he was a Nazi and it was the greatest time in his life
Yes, YES, he did state that in context and not fake news.
You haven't been around have you the official "creator" the jew from NY that created the White Helmers worked exclusively for Soros tied, run, and funded orgs...thats all admitted.
soros is actually based. when will this meme die?
which further proves the holohoax and the jews ran that cointelpro stunt for another fake war.
audibly kekd
im also a silver surfer fan
Cries out in pain as he strikes you.
>Be Soros
>Be at Davos with all your Jewish bros
>Be mingling with heads of state
>Main topic of this years Davos trip: automation and AI algorithms
>”the fuck can we maximize our profits beyond dreams my fellow juden?” He asks
>”that’s what techies, primarily the chinese and indians are for. They will make for us!” some bagillionaire yells out with a fist pump
>Soros agrees and they all put their heads together for a week in scheming how to absolutely destroy the middle class
This faggot and his faggots were even slippery enough to tell the media there that some automation is essentially needed and that the best interests of the people who will be replaced will be taken care of. Behind closed doors of people working the event paint a different picture. The Soros of the world can give absolutely zero fucks who is replaced and how those people go on. Their automation push will be more profitable than the global warming hoax.
But hey don’t be mean to Soros, he has feelings too.
It's not even a secret
It's an objective fact that he funds some radical leftist activist groups. It's true that there are tards that think he pays protesters but he does have ties to leftist activist groups.
more gay hasbara mossad propaganda, Soros is a loyal Rothschild connected out the ass, mega zionist money mobster who funds the most degenerate marxoid shit always with a pro Israle bent if the dumb evil plebs who serve his cock sucking ass ever cross Israel he has cut funding. His the prime mover behind the white helmets and the genocide of Christians and muslims in Syria which the Israeli IDF Head admitted to carrying out thosuands of covert terrorist attacks through. Also Clinton was run by Soros, Gates, Bronfman, Bibi Clinton owned by AIPAC which partners official with the satanic jewish little ugly demonic lying turd "Open Society" of George Soros through the "Atlantic Council" a militantly jewish supremacist fake news ZOG front that engages in black propaganda on goyim dissidents calling everyone a "russian"
diversity is strength.
Remember, if the money and paper trails lead back to Soros it's just a conspiracy theory goy
When you fuck up and your kid becomes a gay so you turn the whole fucking world gay so he doesn't feel bad.
Actually sort of impressive.
Independent is owned by Jews. Just so you know.
that explains it
Lmao your country's contribution to destabilizing the West is FAR greater than that of Soros.
>funding literal Muslim fundamentalists in Europe
>funding terrorists in the Middle East
>trading oil with terrorists
>9/11 btw
The list goes on.
Will we live to see the world saved from (((them))) by the based Chinaman? I for one welcome our new emperor of all the heavens and the great harmony!
White helmets is British op.
>9/11 btw
(((sort of)))
Mi-6 indeed
He has also became a target of the French Legal System, our beloved Schwartz György and is now a convicted Felon :
>George Soros Found Guilty Of Criminal Insider Trading Fraud In France
Maybe the French Courts are just fucking antisemitic?
I think its time the Corporate media be taken out with maximum violence.