Is TDS down for anybody else?

Is TDS down for anybody else?

Attached: Daily Stormer.png (318x159, 9K)

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I don't know kike. Go back to where you came from.

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glow nigger kys.

Fuck outta here stormfag, go shill your kike controlled opposition somewhere else. Saged.

reminder all stormweenies and skinheads are the true untermensch

kys stormfag.

wignats are cancer

Found the libshits. I'll bet you faggots don't even know the 14.

I think the stormer is in bad standing, my dude.

You may be right, but Anglin is a tool and doesn't actually run the site.

>daily stormer

Cringe. Fuck off

He doesn't? Redpill me on TDS, then.

Its down on my mobile phone using Google as a search engine.

Run by the CIA

well well throw a bit of bait into the water and the jews come out

I'm not white so I don't give a shit about your 14 words, go throw yourself into an oven and don't get out.

Works fine for me

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been down for me for few hours

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>Is this retarded white nationalist website down for anybody else?

Maybe it's time to upgrade from that 56k dial up you have there, Cletus.

Or you can just blame it on Jews or blacks you fucking homo.

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works fine, my dude.

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Kys abbo

unfortunately this, CIA or FBI or whoever, I really don't know.
Anglin's writing style is nowhere near as polished as TDS has been since 2016 or so.
I used to buy into Anglin, maybe he isn't a total tool, but there is no way he runs that site without help.

TRS and Mike Enoch are pretty bad too. I used to listen to them, used to read the stormer. I can't stand either of them anymore.

Oddly enough I occasionally listen to some WigNat/Siege-posty podcasts to see what shit is going on with TRS/Stormer because you won't hear it from them.
They were asking some of the bowl patrol guys to testify.. maybe Anglin isn't an FBI agent but it sure as hell seems like

Also there are stories of Daily Stormer in 2015-2016 (that I trust as verified) that some of Anglin's biggest donors were total NYC Jew-supremacist types. Sometimes they'd prey on the shiksas with the white identity shit and tried to pass themselves off as Greek not Jewish.
Fucking pathetic slime, even if that doesn't represent Anglin. I'm sorry but I think both Anglin and Weev are mamzers. We know they're manlets.

listen to this

Very interesting to know. I'll check out that podcast. Have a (you).

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>stormer down
They must forgotten to pay tgeir hosting provider during the shutdown.

cringe and fed pilled

i'll give you and everyone else a TL;DR version to be more helpful
>bowl patrol guys who used to like cantwell and used to like stormer get marginalized/moderated on TDS forums (The Goyim Know)
>The bowlcast/bowl patrol guys (probably feds/cia too who knows) decide it would be funny to prank the uptight moderators on The Goyim Know, basically since Charlottesville The Stormer has kept going down hill now they call it the Daily Informer
>So they're like roleplaying/pranking the moderators, over the course of weeks/months. one of the people in their group plays up the atomwaffen/satanism thing (they make up a story they weren't actually AWD afaik) and then that guy gets "killed" by the other wignats
>Daily Stormer Forum moderator is like "handling" all these people over DMs sending them a list of questions to answer and asking them one on one if they are willing to testify.

basically ADL and/or SPLC probably runs the site in some capacity. I don't want to believe it but yea we all got had.
listen to episode 4 to get the episode more about the stormer, episode 5 is more about the synagogue shooter heh

it's no biggie weev just spilled some coffee in their server room in tel Aviv, they'll be back up in no time

Vic is that you?

Nah who is Vic?
I like Finland. never been but recently I realized Finland is based.

Oh Vic from the Bowl Patrol? haha no I'm not affiliated in fact I used to think they were cancer before charlottesville it seemed like the most fed-posting thing ever.
now that the time has gone by they seem way more honest than TRS or TDS.

Holy shit I just realized one of the Bowl Patrol guys is called Vic Mackey
Vic Mackey is the name of a fictional cop
dammit okay they're probably cops too but whatever, at least they're funny.

Whoever really runs it, it has good articles, it's a lot better than sorting through the filth on the Jow Forums catalog trying to figure out the latest news.

Go to sleep, Vic. And lay off the meth for a week.

reminder: these people are helping to destroy the white race

Yes everybody's a kike/fed and nobody actually makes any effort for actual white interests. You shouldn't do shit either because then you're CIA/kike

Oh I wonder who this would be?

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