A world that once was pt.2

Post rare pictures of happier times; rare hitlers also pls

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Too bad he wasn't the real one tho...

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>Thread theme

We over here now ? Hi guys !

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>thread theme

this one?

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That's the one !

I miss you, uncle

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Similar one

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Thank you user

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Oh look the Swedecuck is back

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this is now a feels thread

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Report, filter, ignore him

Growing up my neighbor had those prints all over his house. He was a former Hitler Youth and his father was a pretty famous leader in the DAF or something during WWII. Gave me a Hitler youth Dagger before he died.

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ewww why does it keep following us?

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>wherever there is a shit thread
il be there
>wherever the revisionism runs
il be there

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Look how happy they are

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amon göth is afraid of the truth
>maybe if i look away, it will go away

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Jews are like herpes. They show up at the worst time and once you think they are gone for good...


>nostalgia for a different timeline

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not sure if you do not want to see the truth, or you know about it but like it
both are equally terrifying

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Most kiked word

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A silent protector, a watchful guardian, A Dark Knight.

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muh hitler didnt want war, declares war on every singel european country except sweden and switzerland
and also wouldnt it be peachy for hitler if usa didnt enter the war?? i might wonder

Explain cause if you were brown maybe but you shouldn't be there in the first place now go watch your women be taken.

Look at how happy they were; one of my favorites

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>historical facts

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But that didn't happen

And so do we so.... also words are simply not facts

moh savior of the whyte race, shitler murdered more people then the jews ever could have hoped to
shiteler and shtalin was the worst thing to happen to europe since the bubonic plague

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>words are simply not facts
precisely and that is where your revisionism falls flat


So happy
We must never let the world forget that

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austria, czechoslovakia, poland, denmark, norway, belgium, luxembourg, netherlands, france, yugoslavia, greece, soviet union were some countries that germany invaded, or did that not happen?
shitler has their blood on his hands

I lived in Germany for a few years. I had many older Germans tell me that they needed a "Small" Hitler back. I had wonderful friendships and everyone was very nice to me over about 5 years in Germany.

Meanwhile back in the states in LA I knew 100s of Jews. A Bastard each and everyone of them petty to thier core.

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Thank you user


>mutt didnt get into art school
>takes it out on muh joos

look how happy

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Schizophrenia for sure you can leave now

murdered, raped, annexed, liquidated or whatever the term doesnt matter, but what they did to them does

Spotted the sandnigger swede

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JIDF for sure; this is a rare pic thread and you are just spamming; be gone ((((cuck)))))

I had a Giurlfriend from Poland. her parents lived through the germans coming through and afterwards the Russians. They said the germans were gentlemen and they nevr had a problem in 4 years with them. They always knocked and paid for anything they need off the farm.

The Russians came through and raped and shot everyone and burnt down their farm, for giggles. They did actually say that it wasn't the white Russians but the asian ones. never was clear on what they meant by that. Her father saw his sister raped and killed in the rain.

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Lmao invaded? OK so if I declare war on you and my allies back me up don't call it a invasion when the other person walks on through

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why do you like shitler? he sold out karelen to the soviets you sub 100 iq sapmi fuck

>The game is over
>We're still playing anyways
>Just wondering around in a map with no more meaningful quests and a bunch of NPCs

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Imagine thinking this is why he hated jews

Have i stated that?just said that i spotted the sandnigger swede.

and your implication that the allies started the war

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And he dares calls anyone else but himself sub 100iq

thank god we fought on the good side and not with the évil baby-killing nazis

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What we have lost. Crying shame.

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No elites did especially in 1937 when they were definitely campaigning for one


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Fuck him


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FDR wanted war way before anyone realizes but you’re sub 100 iq and can’t understand anything besides your shill

>No elites did especially in 1937 when they were definitely campaigning for one
you mean the german rearmament breaching the versailles treaty during the entire 1930s?

The Versailles treaty, who started ww1? Sub 100 iq

You’re alt cuck history is showing boy

>FDR wanted war way

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even with english subs

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get cucked

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You have no clue what you speak of

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>tfw no more blonde babies and nationalist bfs in Boss attire casually saving the white race

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and you clearly do because education is a thing in the states right?

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Most historians agree the whole thing (treaty) was disgusting also that's not even why other countries were getting upset cuck

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Can you filter out users here? I didn't think it was possible. How?

>be Swedish
>let women get raped by the thousands
>come on Jow Forums to shill
How’s Akhmed treating your mother after he rapes her?

Beautiful user. Such order and beauty. Truly the spirit of man in shown in the works of the German people.

the occupation of the rheinland was uncalled for il give them that but it clearly shows that germany had the intention of rearmament for an future aggressive war by breaching the treaty

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