Is America even worth fighting for Jow Forums?

It seems like I am stuck in between two radical retards one side wants to cut their own and other boys dicks off give hormonal treatment to rid of toxic masculinity.
The other side literally wants to suck Israels dick off, send uninterrupted supply of money and young sons to die for their wars because the bible said so.
Not to forget to mention the aesthetics is also fucked up, everything is based on Big shopping malls Walmart and Target and cultural music is based on nigger jungle boogie shit Is this the America the Founders intended to make?
this is total madness
America had a great beginning Founders were highly educated men they came from generation of enlightenment ffs. The plan was to create a new better and greater Rome with higher values and aesthetics.looks like their plan didn't work. here are some videos that make me feel really sad at how retarded we got.

>inb4 youre a kike shill or whatever other names

Please Jow Forums tell me what is the right thing to do is there a way out from this?

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>"I'll kick my own ass."

The other word for unsustainable is temporary. Give it time. You're going to see unprecedented change over time.

No fuck America

>It seems like I am stuck in between two radical retards one side wants to cut their own and other boys dicks off give hormonal treatment to rid of toxic masculinity.
>The other side literally wants to suck Israels dick off, send uninterrupted supply of money and young sons to die for their wars because the bible said so.

This is how Israel gets you to side with them and do their bidding, by making the other choice so extremely disgusting that you really have no choice at all. Also, they're the ones behind the leftists.

The only America worth saving is an America for European-Americans with European-Americans in control. Visitors are welcome, but we need to revisit citizenship and the mechanisms of power very soon.


Real USA is worth fighting for. Globohomo weimerica no

but where is that "real USA" where can i find it so i can fight for it?

Non sanctuary cities and states

I am with that but do you really think we can have . stable non kike subversive monarch that will take care of his people? Watch the movie Jude Suss by NatsSoc Germany at how they subvert the king to do their bidding

Anti abortion states

Constitutional,carry states

ok I am with that but how I are we going to get there? voting? Both sides are controlled by the same (((force)))

so niggers can reproduce like wildfire? I dont think thats a good idea

Kikes were introduced by monarchs to collect taxes and issue usurous loans

Niggers get deported

America is fucked. The founders of the U.S. were all Freemason Jew lackeys so nothing good was ever going to come from the Jewnited Snakes. The best we can hope for now is to survive the collapse and build something better, which will probably be in the midwest and pacific north west imho.

Time to start seriously considering building orania type pro-White settlement based on National Socialist principles.

Attached: orania.jpg (284x177, 10K)

The old fashioned way, by force

>What went wrong
Vapid materialism and entrepreneurship where the ideal is to make whatever shitty product or entertainment piece that gets you rich no matter what and fuck everything else.

Every now I still consider myself a libertarian, but maybe the national socialist had something right. Maybe we wouldn't feel like being in a rat race if we actually did something for society that made us valuable like our caveman ancestors did when they had a successful hunt.

All I know is this system ain't gonna last forever.

We create a mud and nigger invasion army to liberate Venezuela, they get to colonize we share oil, profit !

What a fucking waste man. You guys got the best start of any country I've ever heard of. Incredible amounts of land, natural resources and varied terrain - capable of endless growth, expansion and the development of a roaring economy. Few natural predators, bountiful arable land and sources of food. Insulated from European wars and politics and with just some Indians to fight against. Relatively mild enemies to your north and south and in a prime position to trade with both East Asia and Europe. God damn it. Compare that to Hungarians who were constantly raided by Muslims and Mongols. Look at fucking Poland, nestled between two huge imperialist countries both of which want to claim your land.

With that being said, Americans have a great spirit and are the least cucked white people on Earth. I think it will end up in balkanization which isn't a bad thing.

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No. We should move back to Europe or Russia. Concentrate our power. America is an entire country built on Native American graveyards. No one can expect it to be good.

>No one can expect it to be good.
dude I kind of have feeling this

North America is much more geographically defensible than mainland europe. Middle eas, asia

We got the guns and the spirit

Austrlia is the other option but too close to china

idk, i think the 20s-50s were legitimate
but i wasn't there so i really don't know

>suck Israels dick off because the bible said so
important point, the bible did not say this. jews used the holocaust to bludgeon the already weak and materialistic churches into re-interpreting the bible in a (pro-jewish) way it had never been interpreted for the prior 1,945 years of christian history

Stupid. The 'Native Americans' weren't indigenous, they were invaders who had murdered the peaceful Aryan Solutreans in cold blood. We simply took back what was ours to begin with and had every right to do so.

Besides, they were a weak and degenerate race and because of that they couldn't defend the lands they possessed and thus had no right to them.

Whites have a right to expand to every continent and take whatever we want whenever we want. We are the strongest and most intelligent so why should it be otherwise?

US uses our 30 million niggers to colonize venezuela and our 30 million beaners to reconquista mexico. Problem solved.

We kill the rest of the native americans that disagree

Its time to admit that all forms of liberalism were a mistake, and that the founding fathers began this nation with an ideology that is easily subverted and exploited. We must forge a new identity that is relatively anti-US and recognize that any calls for patriotism, or appeals to 'Murica are bullshit slogans created to keep you complicit in the game.

Kindness= weakness

Winner writes hostory

great article saying that American culture was suppose to be something else but since (((they))) pushed us into wars all was lost
>In several of his lectures (specifically the ones on H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, and Robinson Jeffers), Jonathan Bowden refers to another America that could have been, but was lost. This was the America of the old WASP elites – the America of Southern belles, of Jack London’s harsh wilderness, Hemingway’s fishing trips, of ruthless capitalism, and of the frontiersman and the cowboy, where Protestant fervor gave rise to new cults all the time. It was an America of entrepreneurs and inventors who tried, failed, and tried again; an isolationist America that looked inwards, defined by its Anglo-Dutch identity.

The Founders bless there souls made one fatal error, they presumed a noble good hearted nature within mankind, absent religion there is no such common nature. Man is a greedy slippery creature, fear of petty things compels him to invoke disaster, his wife a harlot and a liar invites all comely strangers to her bed whilst professing love for another. Man without a force of morality will feel its void and fill it with a lavish love of evil, framed in pity charity and compassion will he invoke civilization wide corruption, leading ultimately to collapse. Without belief that we can be and are something more than animals we descend into a demonic hell where all live as strangers, all are complicit in robbery usury and murder, even should we object our very need to provide and survive forces us into this vile game. Hell on Earth we invoked in a scant few decades, permanently damaging the demographics of our nation's so a few people could preen in self righteousness while the architect's of this decay enjoy ever plumper purses. This won't last, moral crisis is at hand, Christianity has failed, full is its subversion and total its collapse of conscious. Its total not just the US but the world at large heaves bloated, sick, near death, unable to serve its citizens, citizens that sooner or later will do a headcount and realize that there are more of us than them, or perhaps simply...enough.

Fight for the country not the parties or the bullshit

Manifest Destiny !

come home white man

ok but if i fight I want good results. Unfortunately I cant control the results parties do

Let’s stop neing pussies and own our superiority or die in the process

How are those mainland takeovers of the Middle East and China going?

>"I'll kick my own ass."

Parties rule you because they dont fear you

Or be good little cattle and kvetch

You've created a childish dichotomy in your head

That America is gone. The demographics war is all but won. Whites, who vote 70% conservative, will be the minority before 2040. Minorities vote 90% liberal. The influx of brownskins was designed and paid for. Its why there are no real voter ID laws. Its why there is no real border wall. Its why we're the only country that grants citizenship by birth. None of this is an accident.
The only thing that can save the America of old is the deportation of millions of illegals, and that will never happen.
We're toast...time to pick a new enclave. The demographics war hasn't been won yet in Australia or NZ, but those are only two anglo countries left, and they are in the crosshairs.

All options are on the table, at all times

They'll be going perfectly once we remove you blood sucking demons from our countries.

You are already defeated, im not




>childish dichotomy in your head
Can you please explain why i am wrong before throwing insults

it glows.

Colonize or be colonized

are you suggesting violence CIA? no thanks

Whites could take back the United States without much resistance if they organized.

Enjoy 2 d waifu

Venezuela could be Wakanda

I'd let Russia/China bomb the west coast for a few days before fighting back

I would rather let the muds rebel and destroy the tribe, then come in to mop up. Then muds are off to reconqusta of mexico

op peace was never an option for all sides. Just fight for your sovereignty with those are on the same boat as you. When i say sovereignty, i mean tell the other shitty political parties to fuck off and escalate the violence.

>escalate the violence.
CIA please stop your glowing

Let’s drop the pretense, flex our Imperial might and go for the most wfficient profit centers. Mexico and Venezuela are low hanging fruit that are yearning for the D

Fuckem !

Mexico cant handlemtheir own shit, we should handle it for them

>implying im cia
Just wait for the gun grabbers or SHTF to come and happen. And then you'll understand.

>between two extremes
DNC shill spotted

If all the urban yoof is creating Wakanda they are out of sight and out of mind.

Lets feed the Military Industrial Complex, while alleviating the demographic crisis. Everybody wins

Learn your history. America will be the saving grace for humanity.

Mexico or Venezuela invasion, who is going to stop us ? It would be so easy

I hope

Every country was created through violence. Not everybody who wants to fight against the government is a CIAnigger.

They want to come in caravans to come here, lets bring it to them instead, amen

They are racist if they dont let us in



You describe it so well except that the Bible doesn't say to fight for Israel at all. Just the Jews convincing the idiots that is what the Bible says.

Come home Aryan man.
Come back to Europe, reclaim it, and side with Russia, China, and Iran to end the mutt menace.

yeah thats issue they believe in nonsense but devoutly

Memeflags are pussy ass unworthy scum

Attached: qf2C8PaUmKuDP.png (540x540, 656K)

i think he is talking about free speech and gun ownership which in some judaized europe doesn't have

Even civilizations have their ends user, it's the natural course of things. America has already reached its zenith and is now decaying.

End of republic, beginning of empire, +500 yrs

Is that going to occur after Trump? From the outset of his candidacy I had the feeling he would be the Last President.

Not with Jews in charge of it, no

Maybe Trump is Julius Caesar and Barron is Caesar Augustus

Titus is my favorite, as a General he destroys Judea and then ascends to the throne

That's what I've been thinking too.

From our lips to God.’s ears


But don't forget about Brutus. He's chilling literally with Satan at the bottom of Hell

Gotta crack some eggs if you want omlette, nothing is free

>It seems like I am stuck in between two radical retards one side wants to cut their own and other boys dicks off give hormonal treatment to rid of toxic masculinity.
>The other side literally wants to suck Israels dick off, send uninterrupted supply of money and young sons to die for their wars because the bible said so.
Totally agree, it's maddening.

They should be forced to exercise their right of return

5th column

Would America be more free if Washington accepted the offer to be King?

I doubt it, look at england

Does that mean we deserve what's happening now?