Unemployed members of Jow Forums

What the FUCK is your problem ??

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>Feeding the (((system)))

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The job I had with a startup collapsed because the management realized the ceo never held them accountable for anything so they’d fuck off and never show up for work. The only people whose feet were held to the flame were the ones left working. The investors eventually pulled out. Yay California.

I retired on government welfare.

fite me

i'm a 30 year old male virgin that can't get a girlfriend because of jews, user

I’m disabled because a foreign national ran me over with his car when he was drunk.

Life sucks someone help me

Not enough gibs, pay more taxes wagie.

I am hopelessly addicted to masturbation and Uber Eats.

I'm an entrepreneur...or freelance...I forget which one

This shill set the alarm off

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I’ve been neet for almost two years after quitting my job due to depression and anxiety. I haven’t been in contact with any of my friends that I worked with since then even though they and my old boss have reached out to me numerous times wanting me to come back. I could go back any day if I wanted but I’m kind of embarrassed, how do I explain to everyone I know that I’ve been basically doing literally nothing but sitting in my room smoking weed and watch YouTube/twitch for two years? I dream about them all the time at night and I know that the longer I put it off the worse it’s going to get. I know this sounds really pathetic I just needed to get it off my chest. I’m also turning 24 soon so I think there’s still time to turn things around.

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I got fired and been in endless depression since

employment is servitude, I make my own way

Shut the fuck up pussy.
Depression isn't real, anxiety isn't real, you're just a bitch who never got the belt enough times when you acted up.

There is time, I think the key is to look at things in a 20 year window and break it down from there. You don't want to be 40 and thinking the same thing.

Not selling my self under price.

Pay nigger or fuck you.

>wearing a blazor as fashion piece not school

I left my job to live in the woods and learn programming full time. I will join the work force again in summer.

Story ?

>the belt cures brain damage

it's probably years of poor diet. you can't fix that with a belt it just forms a criminal mentality in both parties.

Take a cold shower and do some push ups.

You ever notice how being unemployed only bothers white people?

Fuck spending your life making some jew even richer.

i live with mommy. she pays the bills. i get to use my pc all day and eat lunchables.

My parents are wealthy and expect very little of me.

>the absolute state of wagies

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>guerilla advertising on Jow Forums

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you're a disgrace

keeps thinking you have plenty of times fag

find another job

find me a male who wears such a gay jacket in real life outside anglo elitist unis

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I won’t work for anything less then 6 figures. Plenty of unqualified people get hired in America, I’m over qualified but the fact of the matter is I’m not going to play the Slave game unless I’m getting enough per year I can cash out and start a new if it doesn’t work out.

I live in the bay area and every workplace i go to im stuck working with insufferable chinks/gooks, retarded spics or cucked libs... i've given up and spend my days fantasizing about moving to alaska or something and shitposting from innawoods

So this is unironically you ?

Anyone who is curious, this is 8 minutes of gold, nip hosts visit a neck beard otaku and just make fun of him for 8 minutes.

It bother every race user. It's yourself that make you unemployed

>brain damage
It's not schizophrenia, it's a person with a shit life that blames a magical disease from the sky for their life being shit.

>eats sugar 24/7
>masturbates all day
>No exposure to sunlight
>sits still all day, no exercise
>browses outrage and bullshit online
>rest of time spent on fake achievements playing video games
>doesn't talk to girls
"Wahhh I'm depressed I need pills!!!"

Your life isn't shit because your depressed, you're depressed because your life is shit.

Accessible jobs offer wages that are too low to swallow the demeaning nature of the work. Jobs that aren't demeaning place unrealistically high requirements because they can due to post-college market flooded by rich Chinese conglomerate children and Indians and outsourcing to people who can work for pennies by exploiting disproportionate local economies in a globalized world. The brown-faced anti-world and (((business-owners))) working hand in hand to snatch opportunities from American citizens and rape the abundance of the Western world.

I quit a job that I made 40k a year (not a lot to you) but was to me for a commissioned sales job and got fired from it. Now idk what to do. I’ve legit been at home for like 2 months idk why it just crushed me.

>newfags cant recognized spammed bait
The absolute state of newfags

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meme flags shill around the clock... dont you kikes have anything better to do?

I recently had open heart surgery and I still have a job. it might be shitty but it's work. it's the best I can do right now, and I can say that in confidence because I've been on the lookout for something manageable for a while now. If I can do it, so can you. Work is never meant to be easy. If you lost your leg get a prosthetic and get to work. If you're blind, whip out that walking cane and start working. If you're retarded, get to work doing something that doesn't require smarts.

Sorry about that man. I was also high on weed

Daddy funds my university so I just need to do part-time job till graduated. Beside, I'd rather to be spoon-feeds

What, truth hurt? If you don't work at least 30 hours a week you're a detriment to society.

Stop feeding the system.

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> don’t want to be 40
So I’m 40 and having to rethink everything. Ever since the company went out of business I just haven’t wanted to work. Too much anxiety from the last job and too many know it all kids and too many “run you into the ground” jobs in the field I’m in.

And that’s a good thing.

You made this thread so many times that I quit my job and decided to live on gibs.

Whatever faggot I'm disabled and I still work. Get over your pity party. Want some cheese with your whine? Stop crying pussy, get to work.

I do all this shit & I’m happy. Neet life, slave for that $ pay for those bombs to blow up innocent children ya Jew cuck

hmm. you're 100% correct.

>live a shit life sustained by magic pills
>don't consider yourself a drug addict
>don't try to pick yourself up
>doc things you should switch meds
>rinse repeat
>basically a pharma/psych's wet dream come true, endless $$$$
>your life is a subscription now

Well “people of color” can get work just for being non-white. Then it’s impossible to get rid of em.

>he lives in new zealand

Nigger, there's a reason the Jews are buying up all your shit.

take your time off, find a hobby,have some faith, set another goal for yourself,.ect. At the end of the day, it's you who have total control of your life.

Get assertiveness training and learn to tell your boss to fuck off

Well I'm thinking (for men) at 24 you still have time to find funding for a STEM degree if you have the aptitude and also have a family. Nothing wrong with a 36 year old slamming some 22 year old ass. Idk what to do in your position though.

hey waggie waggie, get back in your caggie so your jew boss can pay for more blacked. com videos and kebabs to invade your nation and culture and for you to become a minority in your lifetime


Maybe it's because non whites are lazy niggers and spics.

i had a great job

i thought. my dad helped me get it too, so i was eternally grateful

it was easy. but lonely. and life became hard.

kept doing it until my health was shit, and simple tasks were excruciatingly painful and difficult. didnt wanna let my family down

didnt want to give up, didnt plan to quit, thought i could figure everything out and turn things around. but it only got worse and worse. then they laid my whole department off for unrelated reasons

two or 3 years spent focusing on diet, exercise, nutrition, sleep, and generally learning about human physiology, with my parents wanting to kick me out on the street the entire time, because they think forcing me to just get another job or "get out there and meet somebody" will spontaneously fix things. or they just dont care and want me to fuck off

getting in better shape i think finally, and about to get another job and fuck off from their lives for good

probably will regardless of how i feel, because fuck this shit, id rather be in more physical pain than deal with the mental anguish these dumbass boomers have inflicted on me my entire life, starting with the stimulant drugs they practically forced down my throat as a child for 5 years for a nonexistent problem

all achievements are fake lmao
literally nobody will remember you by this time in 2119
the only thing that matters is what you feel and experience

for real though fuck being jobless

having nothing to do all day fucking sucks

It bothers Asians too

Get a job you lazy nigger

And everyone tells you it's not your own goddamn fault so you keep the cash rolling in

Good goyim

I have established myself as alpha of my family unit, and so they allow me to work on my art and live with them, rent free. I am planning on pitching a cartoon to Adult Swim this spring

The only thing that matters is building up wealth for your children and their children to build on

>le neets can't get roasties meme
literally just don't be ugly and download tinder
there's a gorillion roasties in their 20s waiting to hop onto your dick before they settle down with some beta once they hit 30


You shouldn't blame your parents for failing to leave home at 18. You're the lazy one, not them.

What is your job user?

>win in a video game
>start a company and make millions of dollars
Lmao but nothing matters! Just keep living a shit life because Nietzsche!

what's the difference between a doctor and a drug dealer?

That isn't an excuse.

I don't want to pay taxes, because tax dollars pay for kids to get raped in foster care and I don't want to contribute to that. And since I have PTSD from being one of those raped foster kids, I get sweet gibs.

Enjoy being poor and being forced to prostituting your sister when chinese gangsters sink your father’s fishing boat.

No. Good clip though.

I sell your crack whore mother on the street for $20 a blowjob

Sounds like you have quite the chip on your shoulder

That our your 14 and just discovered pol

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You spelled “Chinese” wrong.

yeah I'd rather spend 90% of my life outside of sleep and eating on shuffling papers for some reason nobody gives a shit about or serving burgers

I have an IQ of less than 85 and have been fired from all but one job I've worked. NEET life is the only life for me

There is a lot of truth to this post.

>Enjoy being poor and being forced to prostituting your sister when chinese gangsters sink your father’s fishing boat.

hahahaha my sides

is that what you did lmao, you started a company and made a million dollars toppest kek?

but even for those that did, what did they even achieve? Zuckerberg is married to a 0/10 gook and can't show his face in a bar without it being plastered in all the newspapers the next day, Elon Musk constantly cucks for divorced 30+ roasties

i moved out with the guy i knew who seemed to have his shit together more than any of my friends by far

and he outright stabbed me in the back, lied about everything, was cooking butane hash oil in a pressure cooker in my kitchen, buying and selling pounds of weed and other drugs, eating my food, cleaning nothing, let his ugly trash retard girlfriend move in who followed me around all day while he was at work. threatens to fight me when i call him out on his shit. i move out, he proceeds to get literally physically beaten by his girlfriend, comes to me 2 years later saying sorry and he was too embarrased to say sorry earlier, begging to be my friend, blaming his behavior on drug addiction

i could have easily and gladly moved out at 15-17 with my gf if it were possible

>Drop out at year 7 and start working to help support my little sister
>Left knee's been weird since I was 15
>All public healthcare says it's just muscles
>Go to best private sports physio in country, pay fuckloads
>"Lol just muscles bro"
>Exercise helps, but only temporarily
>Have built my own business by age 18, earning more than both my parents combined
>Continually investing in company to build it further
>20 now, get health insurance, get knee looked at by "If you have to ask you can't afford it" surgeon
>Xray, MRI
>"Yeah fuck m8, your kneecap has literally fallen apart, 6 more months and you'd need a full replacement"
>Save up $10k, have surgery
>Expected 3 month full recovery time
>Surgery goes worse than expected
>"Yeah, you're not even gonna be able to WALK for 3 months m8"
>Know I'm not gonna be able to afford shit, go to centerlink next day in wheelchair (Aussie welfare)
>Applications processing, all good
>Two weeks later, get called, told to come in
>"Can't help ya m8, if you're under 23 we can't give you time off work for medical reasons, because we don't factor for people under 23 having work"
>"We need to put you on unemployment"
>"Even though I have a job that I can go right back to the second I get fixed?"
>"Yup. Come back in two weeks when the paperworks done on our end"
>Two weeks pass, 10k rapidly dwindling on medication+Rent
>"Yeah, nah, can't help ya, your parents should just pay for everything and let you live with them"
>"I have an FVO protecting me from each of my parents, they can't come within 100 meters of me"
>"Yeah but can't you live with them?"
>Goes on for weeks

>how do I explain to everyone I know that I’ve been basically doing literally nothing but sitting in my room smoking weed and watch YouTube/twitch for two years?
You explained it to me just fine, faggot. Nobody gives a fuck what you do. They're gonna tell you that it was a huge waste of time for the first week or so that you're back and then go back to not caring, and they're right, you did waste 2 years on nothing. Own it.

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Not sure if it was my 2 head injuries, excessive marijuana use, being born 6 weeks early, or just genetics, but I feel absolutely retarded and don't know what to do

Get hit by a truck and break all your bones, hope you can afford the hospital bill since nothing matters.

Stupid people usually aren't aware of how stupid they are. It sounds like you lack confidence more than anything.

>be 27 married for 3 years to white goddess wife
>live with parents and never have moved out
>get paid $24/hr and wife $15/hr both fulltime, good money with hardly any bills
>two 2019 cars

I think I'm winning, fuck the jew gov. That isn't allowing half the people my age around be to have anything more than a shithole apartemnt or four roommates for a decent house. We need to rebuild the family aspect, fuck how todays society has been! I'm glad I'm not normal, I get to be a FAG, an oldfag at that.

Good day /b/

>muh crippling social anxiety is the same as being disabled
kek i can't even fathom being such a limp-dicked faggot

i can indeed, 100% free healthcare paid for by wagie taxpayers

>working sucks ass
>no purpose in work except to feed my body of flesh
>women are all deceiving cunts

Individualism is the worst thing that has ever happend to the west.

Because I have a trust fund to handle my needs?

>we don't factor for people under 23 having work
