Can't make this shit up

>Leslie McDonagh, 53, was visiting the fast food chain in Manchester, England, around 10:30 p.m. on a Friday when he claims he received the “wrong meal” that he could not eat because of a “severe allergy” to onions, Metro reported.

>The incident began to escalate when police arrived and asked McDonagh to leave the restaurant. McDonagh reportedly fell to the floor and grabbed a police officer’s leg as they attempted to stand him up, police shared. McDonagh also spit in an officer’s face while they were taking him off the premises.

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The Berders must flow.

Faggot has a girl's name.

>white people


>a taig acts like a nigger
Colour me surprised.

>boomer racial words
Leave my board NOW

Lez is a sick cunt name


Thanks for sharing this incredibly important article with us you fucking idiot. I'd say this is for /b/ but it's only dicks now so I guess I can't really complain.

>in Manchester, England
top kek

i keep getting confused, because the guys name is McDonagh, but it's in a McDonalds and but names are used throughout the article.

Lez Bianco

>allergy to onions
onions or onions
because I'm losing it imagining a onions burger going into the guys throat and him having a basedattack

>mfw the filter changed everything to onions instead of onions and basedburger

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>Wendy's 444 exists
>people stil go to WacDonald's

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>when he claims he received the “wrong meal” that he could not eat because of a “severe allergy” to onions
Fuck onions. He should have set the place on fire instead of calling police.

>mcdonagh is angry about onions
>mcdonalds says fuck your sandwich bitch
>mcdonagh assaults officers
>officers like donuts

why do i find irony in this

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Severe allergies to foods are dangerous. Can even be fatal to some people.

How could you be Russian and hate Onions? It's a staple of Slavic cooking. They keep well for a long time.

McDonagh is an Irish traveller name . Not surprised.

>eating at McDonalds

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Wendys doesnt eixst in the UK reatrd maybe trying reading the story first

Oi where's you license for that bobby call mate?

>onions on your Big Mac
Isn't that breaking the NAP? Stand your ground my burger friend.

>spit in an officer’s face while they were taking him
at least tell me they beat him up or something

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Fuck off clarence

it happened in England ya fucken leaf. Bongs are after our burger title. At least we still got our MCNUGGETS BITCH!

sry ivan bong cops are no where near as based as yours or mine.

he should have ate the burger than sued

Onions or ONIONS?

Dont be harsh on the leaf, anger over fast food is your national sport. Dont make me post proof.

Article refers to "calling 911" and a 200 and something dollar fine, in England! Writer is surely too stupid to work in journalism

soʏʙoʏs or BASEDBOYS??

You could still send OP to Jow Forums.
It's basically /b/.


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> What is the charge? Eating a meal?

Californian here. I'm curious what these stupid hicks do, please post proofs.

Those little dehydrated squares aren't even real onions though.

Is McDonagh pronounced like McDonalds?

People with any kind of disability are such prima donnas who think they are better than everyone else.

>I want no onions!
>onions are in the sauce sir
>well take them out!
>we can give you a burger without sauce
>did I say I didnt want sauce?!?! I said I didnt want onions!!!!!

Big macs dont even have onions on them do they?

Diced onions are the only thing that makes mcdonalds burgers edible.

>at least tell me they beat him up or something
It was in England, of course they didn't.

>burger critic

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