Honestly, are any of you in the closet, planning to never tell anyone, and choosing to remain celibate...

Honestly, are any of you in the closet, planning to never tell anyone, and choosing to remain celibate? I find it hard to believe I’m the only one here.

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Nope, just you lad.

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Yes you are faggot now go hang yourself.

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How old are you?

I'm with you on the celibate part, but honestly if I were going to have sex I'd rather it be with a lady.

Pedo here, kill yourself fagget.

This is the politics board friend, I think you meant to post here instead:

ur a fag AND a pussy

yeah, but liking cute boys isnt gay though...

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You aren’t even human you fucking goof. I hope you get stabbed in prison one day and the guards just laugh as you bleed to death

Attention whore.

If you're gay, just come out. it's 2019, no one is gonna care. Fiddling around like it's something special and taboo is just a cry for attention.

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>feeling attracted to blokes
>not gay

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This. Literally who gives a fuck? Most people today will treat you like a war hero. Unless your parents are massive homophobes, stop fucking around.

Nah man but I don’t hate gays only gays who push gay shit on me

Lots here are gay. Why do you think they love trump so much? They would gladly have sex with him.

Your repressed desires will eventually unleash themselves full force on a young unsuspecting child like the rest of your AIDS blooded dumpster fags do. Better to just kill yourself after lighting a bris up

I don't know how his wives have sex with him. Then I remember they're pretty much in that industry.


I see. I look at gay porn to keep me sane but that’s it. I don’t ever plan to actually go and have sex with a man.

Lmao, riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Being openly gay is gross. I don’t even like the LGBT community.

Begone, vehement faggot.

based muslims, we should import more of them

Well there's no need to be insecure, you just need a better attitude

Most IRL gay guys I know are gross anyway. They can keep it to themselves. If you're only 19 you probably shouldn't make the mistake of thinking it's any fun to be a guy and a virgin for the rest of your life.

Whatever that might mean to you.

Stop fantasizing about it and you might get over it.
Repent and ask Jesus for forgiveness.

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Yeah, that sounds like something a 19 y/o would say.
Just come out, nobody really cares anymore.
You'll be alright kid.

Just do your own thing. Being associated with that cancerous, neurotic "community" is retarded anyway, you might as well be a fucking furry at that point

I know right?

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At least make sure hate monk is the path you want to take.

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19 isn't too late to figure out were wrong. Even for straight guys it's not at all unusual to wonder if there's something wrong with you.

most men have a experiemental age lad, unless you started leaning towards the boys more in a sexual manner the moment your balls started working around the age of 12, i'd say don't put too much stock into it

a lot of weak fucks are getting hypnotised into believing they HAVE to be life long degenerate faggots and change their entire physiological self to fit that model

have an experiment, figure it out for yourself, or don't and just go get a girlfriend, you'll probably enjoy it a lot

shoot i'v talked to hard hitting old fucks who have even said ''straight fellas are more bi than bi guys, because the straight guy likely sucked a cock or fucked an ass between 20-30, the bi guy is just an attention seeking faggot''

fuck off my board newfag

You just have to say (no homo) first. Easy peasy.

(but you're correct I know more than one happily married straight guy who might have gone askew here or there. Never been my jive to take it that far; I was only mirin)

You live in USA mein brother. The land of the free. Be a faggot and proud. Just dont suck ur boyfriends dick in public.

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you could start a youtube channel and get invited on ellen and make a million dollars