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Why the media don't mention about Nanjing massacre or enforced comfort woman or Japanese war crimes during WW2?
Why only talks about Holocaust and Nazis?
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Why the media don't mention about Nanjing massacre or enforced comfort woman or Japanese war crimes during WW2?
Why only talks about Holocaust and Nazis?
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>Why only talks about Holocaust and Nazis?
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there...
Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
lol who cares the media is such a tiny influence on our lives. if it wasn't we'd all be gay muslims by now.
Because unit 731 is too radical
Because it takes the spotlight off the jew lies.
oops! wrong image
Media talks WAY TOO MUCH about Japanese "war crimes" in ww2. And it is solely because they were on the side of the Nazis and fought against America.
Japan did nothing that hasn't been done 10000x times before including by the Allies in WW2
Seriously name a war crime of theirs and I'll tell you when America, Britain, or the USSR has done something basically morally equivalent
the jews have successfully retconned WWII about muh hollacaust
Because the Chinese victims at Nanjing don't run the media. Maybe when China's film industry takes off properly.
It's about emotional control. The Jews want to break you.
Also the Koreans are constantly stirring up shit because it gets them money and attention. That's literally the only reason anybody cares about 'comfort women', who by the way are literally well known to have been sold into slavery BY FELLOW KOREANS
prob this
were jews the victim in them?..........well?
blah blah ohh rape of nanking ohh so horrible ohh noo
invading armies never rape and sack cities that's so horrible and unprecendented
russia definitely didn't do the same shit multiple multiple times
we need to keep hearing about literally this one specific incident among probably hundreds if not thousands of similar incidents over the last 100 years because of reasons
The Nanjing massacre is just a rehashing of the 'Rape of Belgium' propaganda about babies on bayonets that proved so effective during WWI.
The one witness to the alleged Nanjing massacre, John Rabe, lacks any kind of credibility since his income depended on his relationship to the Chinese government.
Not only Korea, also Chinese and South East Asian
there is photos of it fuck wad.
Because they only killed other dinks, if they had killed niggers or kikes you can believe Nanking massacre would have it's own day of world mourning.
Well it actually took the generation that fought WW2 a long time to forgive the Japanese, There was quarter given in some battles between Aussies and Japs.
>lol who cares
gas yourself, JIDF
No quarter given FFS.
What is the relation between Jap and Aussie?
Bad or Good?
>why does the media only ever cry about the Jews' plight?
Who owns the media?
Such helpful labels! I really needed them to figure out that the entities are supposed to represent Earth, the moon and a giant muh 6 gorrilion sign.
Excellent now but they were absolutely hated for a long time after the war, considered vermin by the diggers that fought them, pretty confronting even for me.
90% of the time in the modern West the question,
Why is _______ fucked up, has the same answer.
It's really simple. breaking a lifetime of indoctrination.
That's the hard part.
>this flag
>this post
nice try, chang
because when they tried a few years ago china played the entirety of the radio broadcast recording . it was just british guys bragging about how many women they raped after like 15 minutes. this led to the revelation that some in hongkong were rape babies. and the brits admitted it AND the brits admitted to still doing it. china exiled the rape babies for starting fights after that because of the destruction of their self image
any ways this all was set into motion because the media tried to claim japan had conquered korea in WW2 but they had that before WW1. its why they never apologize for it. russian and french records proved it and then the media tried to bitch about raping women in china. turns out japan fought with the northern chinese against the birtish in china and they even have this old fucking newspaper
what happened was the west lied to itself. like tiananmen square. was any one run over? no. go watch the animatrix making of video. the jew brothers even spread the lie. the american government made fake history books and gave them to s korea and the philipines.
korea was taken before the 1800s. and the philipines was spoils of war from WW1. they defeated a german colony which had military. its why japan was given a big boy seat in the league of nations
because poor jews, white ppl are evil and deserve to be genocided in revenge
>the american government made fake history books and gave them to s korea and the philipines
>korea was taken before the 1800s
1910* Annexation treaty
Fuck off chink, Nanking 2.0 this century
>the american government made fake history books and gave them to s korea and the philipines.
They do that in the Good old USA as well.
Honestly don't care about Chinese, only care about why media only talks about Holocaust in WW2 topics
>comfort woman
Img from during/after Korean war. But still interesting
jap women laughing at wh*toids and their tiny cocks, can't wait to be filled by dat negro marine BBC
Nanking is just as fake as the holocaust stop believing chink fake news
Unit 731 provided large advances is modern medicine and understanding of how to protect from diseases and chemicals. It is just like animal testing, there is a purpose to the tests
Because Jews own the media. If Koreans or the Chinese owned it then we would hear about Nan King more often. Same thing with Armenians.
They are Korean comfort women for American soldiers in the Korean War.
Because Jews turned claiming to be a victim into a trillion dollar industry. To keep the cash flowing, Jews marginalize everyone else's claims and keep their own going for endless compensations for the same claimed victim status.
Publisher of the link is Japanese Pastor, but will look into it
Show us your flag cunt.
So Jews only care about themselves, and not care about others?
you need a papoose cross
At least my state has not been Fucked in any wars yet. (Emu war was not in my state)
well how about that, virgin emu territory
Meanwhile the North whistled Dixie up your Democrat state ass.
Nanjing was a lie. It was mostly Chinese infighting that caused the deaths. It was blamed on japan.
Japan did plenty of cruel things to Chinese. But it was always with a purpose to colonize them. Nanking is a Jew lie.
Japan blackmailed the US with its chemical research it threatened to release to the USSR to stop any notion of Nuremberg tier trials in Japan. Most of the shit japs did wasn't made public in the West until the late 1970s
we threw nukes on your deserts
Japan did nothing wrong
One could try to be an intellectual/sophist and give some long-winded response, but the clear answer is that Jews control the media, which makes them have a large influence on any western Democracy as well.
There's an Ethiopia / Rawanda / Dafur / etc. day of mourning?
BJ Nanking was fake greatly exaggerated
And? A barren wasteland.
They should have used the Southern states, killed off the Democrats
Because, unlike with whites, the Japanese don't give a shit. The powers that be can't use past events to shame them into doing what they want.