1-how was your 1st reaction when you realized you were JEWED?
2- why the fuck is still legal?
3- do thots really say no or find gross ur dick if you are uncut?
Other urls found in this thread:
1. at first didn't care until I realized what it meant. Then I was angry/sad/hurt, but I got over it. They got jewed too, and being upset over it now won't make it grow back. You can restore enough to make it not suck for your partner, which was my main concern since the brain is the largest sex organ (no joke, the best orgasm you can have is hands free under hypnosis).
2. It's still legal because there's a ton of money in selling the flesh of infants, and the purveyors of that flesh use that money to lobby our government to keep it legal.
3. Yup, they call it an anteater and a cheez whiz.
i will never understand why the united states and a few other non-muslim/kike countries do it, like wtf if it's not for religious reasons why would you want to cut your children's dick i don't get it
I have never encountered an example of a female making any kind of correct observation about a cock, no. I guess a few who say they like to play with it, but the rest don't even know what it is.
I was angry at first but I got over it, I don't know why it's so prevalent in this country but I have never received any shit from women about it.
La France à le plus de juifs de l'Europe. Pourquoi nous n'avons pas cette culture de la circoncision ?
> Honeypot.png
>how was your 1st reaction when you realized you were JEWED?
Anger. White hot anger. Realized why I had painful erections, started tugging once I learned about restoring.
2 - because weimerica is an Israeli colony and muh religious freedom
3 - anecdote time.
>Talking to a gf about muh dik
>Tell her I'm pissed my parents cut part of it off
>She tells me she had a bf that was uncut
>First time she saw it she said it smelled and walked out
>Had her son cut because she's a dumb bitch.
i cant fucking cum half the time im inside and bjs and handies are like having a less satisfactory finger rub. i feel like i was cheated of so much carnal pleasure dammit
and thots like my dick despite it being ugly and dry
When my wife sucks my peepee it feels good man. OP is a fag.
>her son
Fucking top kek.
That sucks. It sounds like they took most of your inner foreskin and also your frenulum. I lost my frenulum but retained a good portion of my inner skin (two tone) and I think that's why I am still have some feeling. Probably is correlated with how jewish your butcher was....
1. Didn't care. Still don't care. My quality of life isn't really governed by how sensitive my dick is.
2. There was a major push in the early 1900's made by doctor's because bring circumcised reduced infection risk. It is a sanitation thing, not religious. Even today there is still some benefit, but not to the extent that it would be worth it to get circumcised as an adult.
3. Yes. If they're not used to an uncut dick.
good luck getting hypnotised by a perv and coming in your pants you sad cunt.
Yeah user, when you grow up some day you might end up fucking a woman with kids from a previous relationship.
I know it's hard to believe but it happens.
most jew'd amerifats cope in various pathetic ways, but I don't blame them knowing their genitals were mutilated by those that brought them into this hellish world and claim to love them. they say they don't care despite never knowing what the difference truly is. girls that have never had a complete penis seem to always be thrown off at first but eventually come to realize it's the way it should be. also since most pro porn is jewish there is very little exposure to uncut dicks for a lot of girls here. most think being uncut is a bit odd. if a girl doesn't like it fuck her, that's like a man only liking vaginas with with all the skin cut off that's fucked. the fact that it's legal sickens me and goes to show how jew'd we really are as a nation.
No pants, you get naked for it. And there are nonverbal audio files that can do the trick if you're experienced with meditation/self-hypnosis. And for the record, my wife, with whom I am in a monogamous marriage with white children and more on the way, introduced me to it.
>reduced infection risk
>Reducing risk of infection by creating a wound right where a baby is going to piss in a diaper
This is painful.
feels bad mang
>Going for old used up bitches when girls just keep getting younger
>Going for women period.
Ah, a truly enlightened individual
I'm 30. How old and desperate of a cuck do you have to be to want to fuck non-virgin women?
You seriously believe women when they tell you they're virgins?
>Protip: they start fucking when they're 14.
I've never met a girl in my life that didn't start having sex at 14. But I live in california so girls here are barely better than niggers when it comes to retardation and degeneracy
>boomers don't know what a hymen is
It'll be a good day when all of you are dead. You started the trend of fucking before marriage.
I didn't have shit to do with it buck'o, you think I like it here in this nightmare hellscape?
You're already in the pig sty, may as well have some fun.
>may as well keep being a degenerate
This is why it'll be a good day when you're all dead.
Satanist mindset, bad philosophy to be reinforcing
Oh god no.... Someone on an anonymous Taiwanese loom appreciation forum called me a name.
So what then? Kill the pigs and much out the pen?
>why the fuck is still legal?
Each foreskin sells for around $100,000
I didn't, that shit is illegal in my shithole.
Shoo shoo nihilist boomer. If anyone is swine it’s your materialist generation and we won’t tolerate it anymore
>2. There was a major push in the early 1900's made by doctor's because bring circumcised reduced infection risk. It is a sanitation thing, not religious. Even today there is still some benefit, but not to the extent that it would be worth it to get circumcised as an adult.
>not religious
>not an ancient jewish satanic blood ritual
You're so ignorant it hurts to see someone as stupid as you in Jow Forums.
Why would you date women with children from previous relationships? There are plenty of girls without.
When a girl from Europe pulled down my pants to blow and said "Oh thank god, I'm sick of yams"
>tfw didnt know i was circumsized until i was 23
Because I don't care; it doesn't bother me the way seems to bother the Puritans in this thread.
>Cutting baby dicks =good
>Being a step parent and a positive role model for bastard children = bad
thats hilarious my dude